So. How was it? To me it's indah khabar dari rupa, nothing to shout about. Yes, they do have real frozen exhibits such as toyol, langsuir and such but sadly there's no description for each exhibits. I mean, if let say I'm a foreigner and I wanted to know more about Malaysian world of mystique, how would I know what the fuck are they exhibiting? They just write "toyol" without explaining what they hell it is. Even me, being a Malaysian also not too sure of what are the things that I saw there. There was this bamboo with dua kepala which left a question mark. A bamboo, dua kepala..Sooo, what's so special about it? Adakah tempat hantu bertenggek atauu..saje-saje je nak letak tapi tanak cakap..yelahh..kata misteriii. Unless if they tell what it is, it might be something interesting. And to my frustfuration, the exhibit were not that much. Prop je lebih, info kurang.
Exhibition from museums should be something informative and educational. Not like some tangkap muat display. I think more research to be done. Ghost, spirits does not only evolve around Malays, I saw one exhibit related to Chinese but what about Indian and other races in Malaysia? They also have their sort of kepercayaan, spirit and stuff. I mean hellooooooooooo, can you please educate us? Kalau setakat aku nak takut baik aku pegi rumah hantu dekat fun fair ok. Lepas tengok rumah hantu boleh naik ferris wheel. Ada gak faedahnya.
Forgive me for mocking my own race but Malay love these kind of stuffs which includes me. I like to know about paranormal things maybe because of what we believe and heard since our ancestors' years tapi takkanla orang sanggup beratur berejam just to see stuffs which is something that I would say mengecewakan? Cuba kalau buat pameran kayu kayan, serangga ke or even pameran buku, janganlah harap to receive this kind of crowd. Yang pegi pon berapa kerat je.
Maybe you would ask, whyla so kecoh? Whyla it's because the way we portray ourselves as an informative community. And how we portray ourself in educating people. Ini tak, dekat masuk pintu tu adala pulak ada sorang mak boleh cakap "Eee, baik-baik kang hantu dia keluar nanti, mama tak tau.Ikut awak balik nanti". Haih, I'm not a mother but tsk..I don't think that's the way one should educate their child. I mean she could have explain her child on what to expect inside and yeah maybe enlighten him on what he see when they are inside. That way, that boy will get the right message rather than malam kang tiba-tiba nak nyelit celah ayah and mak, kasik ayah panass aje. Haha.
Alamak, terkeluar topik pulak.
One of my friend said that maybe, I should display myself there. Apakahhh maksudnya ituuuuuuuuuuuuuuu?Hoh!
Enough craps.
Happy Tuesday bunnies!
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