You know, I don't really mind having gay friends. They are a good company on going to clubs and parties and also, a good shopping advisor. I mean, I don't find any problem with people who are confused about their sex preference. Suka hati dorangla kan.
Also had few encounters with pondans but not a close one. Wednesday night, I was having a conversation with a friend and he was telling me that he used to have a pondan roommate. I was like..whoa..WTF? The first thing that appeared on my mind was..did he [or was it she] try to hit on him? I asked him that q and he said..thank God no![haha]. They will only show some spark and interest to those who "subscribed" to their list [whatever that means]
Apparently his roommate was the ketua pondan of Group A, which is an elite group where the members of the group are the famous ones. Ahh, possibly these are the cheerleader type of pondan, you know yang lawa dan berpakaian ala-ala hot chicas ittew. [ oh,mental image go awayyy]. The roommate ternyata memang pondan elite when he only entertained arab guys, yang local breed punye tengok dulu ok! Anyway, they would have some sort of meeting in my friend's rooms, mostly discussing how to compete with the other group which I named them as group B. Group B was not as famous as group A possibly because they were less attractive [ha!]. The bizarre thing is, the leader of Group B was my friend classmate in school. Ape kenela dengan kawan-kawan kau nehhh?
I have seen pondan fighted before. If you think bunch of girls fighting are ugly, wait for the pondan fight. The one that I used to witness are the fight in order to merebut jantan and my friend told me his friends were fighting over jantan and er..territory. Oh, lemme tell you, mulut mereka adalah sangat laser berbanding mulut perempuan and kalau diorang bertumbuk adalah sangat ngeri!
He was telling me that nearby his house there was this lane which are full of burger stalls, approximately around 6 to 8 burger stalls all together. Some of them did subscribe to ermm..the list? So the roommate was telling my friend how he wished he could screw each and every abang burger there.Ahh..must be his ultimate dreams.But that sort of killing my friend's appetite. He was saying that the moment he bought a burger, he couldn't help picturing his roommates and that abang in erm..doggy style perhaps?
I asked him, how come he didn't get tempted at all when his roommates obviously will at least one time in a month walked topless around the house.Hee, he told me instead of getting turn on, it was simply a turn off.
Yet he stays calm and be a sport.
Anyway, this topic remind me of a teka teki which was asked to me by him
"Dalam banyak² pondan, pondan apa yang jalan lambat?"
Gile takde keje aku ni.
Happy weekends bunnies.
Make sure you enjoy yours!
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