Monday, March 13, 2006

Mundane Monday

Hello bunnies,
How was your weekend?Hope it was good.

Mine was a bit tiring but still great.
Two things that bothers me..

  1. I can't find the title for this song "get up,get up and lift your head...bla..bla..this is the time, this is the day that you've been waiting for the whole world..bla..bla.." I just can't recall the whole lyrics and it's stressing me out.Tertekan ok, tak puas hati,bleh? Siapa tau lagu apa tu?Tolongla bagitau aku.

  2. I have a jerawat di dalam hidung.Wahhh!!Sangatla sakitnye okkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. Dan terase nak tekan, tapi bile nak tekan terasa nak nangis + nak kencing.Aaaaaaaaaaaaaa

The rest is ok, besides my gastritis.

See my point to day is to cheer you up bunnies but somehow it seemed the other way around.Sorry hu

Anywaysssssssssssssssssssssssss, have a jolly Monday.
Muah muah

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