It's like..when you meet someone and begin to get closer with that person, suddenly in a snap you don't know who they are anymore or perhaps their intention towards you suddenly can be questioned. Because you know, words are just words.
Anybody can say "I love you" but not everyone mean it. You see, there are many types of lover out there.
True lover
- The one who will always be there for you sunshine or rain. The one who loves you unconditionally, no question asked. Kau buruk ke kau busuk ke..dia sayang jugak. Ohh chentaaaa
Happy Hour Lover
- Will only be available during happy hour. Mase pegi party ke mase pergi huha huha memangla die lover yang sangat best. Tetapi apa bila tiba masa nak merengek-rengek sebab period pain or kene marah dengan boss kat ofis lover jenis ini akan memberi tindakbalas reaksi yang kurang memberansangkan seperti "ala, you boleh tak jangan bising-bising.I pon penat jugak" or "iye? sian..". Seres rase nak lempang.
Part time Lover
- Well like the name it self, lover ini di ambil sambil lewa sahaja. Sekiranya bofren atau gefren anda sebenar bz little bunny, bolehla menekan telefon dan mendail nombor part time lover anda itu. Selalunya kepada lover jenis ini, no money back guarantee which means tiada harapan yang terlalu tinggi diberikan.
Trophy Lover
- Yeah, itulah tujuan hidup apabila mendapat gorgeous looking partner. Adalah sangat best kerana anda boleh mengheret lover ini kesana kemari kerana fizikal mereka. Mestilah bestkan, being seen with someone hot. But yeah, trophy lover adalah hanya untuk suka-suka sahaja. Jadi sila jangan berdoa hari-hari supaya anda menjadi georgeous ataupun kacak menawan. Nanti hanya akan menjadi for display only.
Biscuit Lover
- The type that sometimes when MIA secara rawak. This type of lover is very hard to understand. Nak kata ada lover macam takde tapi nak kata takde sebenanye ada. Well, what you have to do is..take a deep breath and bersabarlah banyak-banyak okess.
Ad-hoc Lover
- Quite similar to part time lover. It just that part lover will always be part time lover but ad hoc lover can be in between lover and friends. You know, sebenanye adalah kawan tetapi apabila pergi ke sesetengah ocassion dia menjadi lover. Usually ad-hoc lover adalah sangat best because they know how to play the part well. Possibly ah-hoc lovers adalah tergolong dalam golongan orang yang romantik dan berpenampilan menarik. And the best thing is, they know when to draw the line.No emotional element involved.
Sex Lover
- Hanya untuk tujuan memuaskan nafsu. Hanya akan bercakap perkataan cinta semasa di atas ranjang. Semasa waktu lain lover jenis ini selalunya adalah single. Usually they come with sugar coated tongue. Behati-hati jika anda menjadi mangsa, anda mungkin akan mendapat kencing manis.
Me Lover
- Selfish. The world only revolved around them but on occasion they are in the state of denial. They would put much effort for a relationship. Kalau aku suka aku buatla, kalau aku rasa tak best orang lain pegila mati.Why should I get myself into trouble.Anyway, love is just a feeling.Tapi if other party want to give, hey open arms baby!
Asal Ada Lover
- Ah tak kesahla sape-sape pon, asal aku ade bofren/gefren. Belasah ajelaaaaaaaaaaaaa...Tak suka nanti blahla, bukan susah, ye tak?
Gillete Lover
- Sharp razor blade lover. Will scrape you till your last blood. Their dictions revolved around Prada, Hermes, Hugo Boss or Milan. Dulu masa kecik-kecik suke makan siput sedut tapi bila dah besar tiba-tiba this type of lover lebih suka makan jenis jenis siput yang lebih exotic tetapi keji seperti escargot [tapi escargot mmg sedap ok] dan terus tak ngaku suka makan siput sedut. This type of lover, uhhh..if you fulfill their wish they will give you everything but when you have nothing to offer, "sorryla ok, I dun think we are suitable for each other"
Foolish lover
- The type who knows they are a fool but still playing along. Usually this type, they can't live without love. They know that the other person is Happy Hour Lover, Part Time Lover, Biscuit Lover, Trophy Lover, Gillette Lover or Sex Lover but still they want to hang on. Kesian kan?Tsk.
Demm, adalah sudah terpanjang. Anyway...happy lovers day bunnies [haha, sukatiiiiiiiii]
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