Saturday, June 11, 2005

The worst date

I love man. I can't live without them, I don't know why so don't ask me. Ok, let me answer that, at least I try. Maybe I'm a sucker for love

Because of that I went out with couple of guys for a date. Now, let me tell you about my worst date. Yes, call me evil but I'm bored to death while waiting for my boss to arrive. So sue me but I will tell.

Around last year, I broke off with my ex for the err..I lost count. So there was this guy who I knew from friendster. He was sweet and bla..bla..bla. We started to smsed and talked through YM until one day he asked me out. It was during ramadhan that time.I asked my friend for consultation since she knew this guy. Plus, my mom went to Jakarta and my bro went out for I dunno what, so I said yes. And like usual, I dunno how to drive the fucking auto car so I asked him to pick me up at home, I know the very mengada of me but I have no choice. When he came, we went for a was around 4 or something like that. On the way to the cinema, me being a chatterbox talked as if I had known him for ages. I talked about my ex[ok, my bad..but we are just friends!]..and asked about his job and everything that can be talked aboutlah.

The movie was awesome. I mean, I love comedy so as predicted, I laughed myself ass out. I think he laughed too.When the screen wrote the end, he said to me..
"I nak kene pegi reunionlah, I hanta you baliklah".

Fine.I was like..huhhhh??As if he went out with me just to fill out his time.As if aku tak nak makanlah kan.But I didn't say anything because I was quite taken back.Terbangak kejap ok. Instead I let him drove me home.

When reaching Shah Alam, it's time for breakfasting. Since it was maghrib and orang tengah azan, I invited him for a quick drink in my house. I was being sincere, I swear. Yelah, masa tu orang azan and mahgrib takkan aku nak biar dia minum berdiri kat luar. Sangatla tak senonohkan. Lagipun, entah, for me bukannya ada apa-apa pon.But to my horror, he reacted as if aku hendak menodai dia.Which make me serba salah and terasa jahat. Be itlah, I let him drink outside my house. But can't he see that I'm just being nice. After that he took off and I ate alone.Heh.

I did ask myself on what had happened. Perhaps I scared him.I mean, I was err..kind of loud and entah ape-ape? He on the other hand is the erm..goody-goody type? Perhapslah kot. Ye, aku memang telah menakutkan dia. Masalahnya aku memanglah begini. I don't know how to act malu-malu or whatsoever.That's so not me.Anyway,we did not have any contact after that.

Asked ikhwan about him since he is ikhwan's senior. What did I get? A big laugh.
"Ape kerja kau ni?Dia tu baikla.Memang betulla kau dah menakutkan dia. Hhahahahaha"
Sial la kau.

I totally forgot about him until 1 week ago someone smiled to me while I was having a superb mee rebus at aji don alley.I hardly recognize him but after some time I did. Instead being a bitch, I bid him goodbye when he leaved the premise.Hoh, nasib baikla aku cam kiut gak hari tu.Hohohohoh..Prasan tak aku?;P

I understand why he reacted that way, but at least be a gentleman.
Still.that was the worst date ever.

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