Wednesday, June 22, 2005


Do you believe in ghost and spirits? I thought I don't until I see one.

How do you react when your microwave make the beep beep sound when you already pulled out the plug. How would you react when you can feel someone brushing your hair when you were alone in your room? And some morning when you wake up there were strange marks on your body when you know you had your fingernails short.

They used to think that I'm crazy. I used to think that I'm crazy too or maybe having some strange imagination. Sleepless nights, white shadows, slow whispers. I thought that I was having a mental problem. It drive you nuts when you wake up in the middle of the night when you could see faces on the window or feel choked as if there were hands strangling you and u when you open your eyes, all you see was darkness. Been experiencing that since I reached my puberty.

1 week before my 17th birthday, I hailed a cab to meet a guy. It was dusk and the cab driven was a guy who wears a serban. He was wearing white serban. No. Everything white. He asked me whether I had found the cure to my asthma problem. I said no but with amazement. How did he found out about my health problem? What more he laid some facts that were 100% accurate about me. He stopped the car suddenly and asked me to get a list of things from the nearest shop if I wanted to be cured from my asthma. I said no, I just want to reach my destination. I told my mom about it later. She looked expressionless but later that night she dragged me to meet up with someone.

I used to wonder why I see things at night. I used to wonder why babies cry when I tried to hold them and I wonder why every time I fall in love even though both part had give the best I would have the irk feeling and will let go.

Later I found out, the cab driver, is not that sincere after all. At least that's what that someone said to me.

That someone say that after my 21st birthday I will be free. I'm 25 now and last weekend was my third attempt to seek for help. I am tired having to battle with so many voices, to stay conscious when I'm with my love ones.

But yes, there are some things they gave me in return which I prefer to keep it to myself.

Until I'm free, they will not let me go for their love for me had grow till no brick can break through. Until I'm not free I will not find my true love for to them their love for me is more than enough. Until I'm not free I will always try to find excuses to break free from every relationship I have for they don't like to share what they have for such a long time with somebody else.

But I pray that they will go away for I long to live happily like everyone else.

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