Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Fizzy drink

Nowadays my official drink is air suam. Everywhere I go, I will always order air suam. Ok fine, sometime I did order something else especially when I need a certain dosage of sugar.Did I tell you that when I'm cranky my crave for sugar is high? Never mind.

Actually my point is my taste of food and beverages changed as I grow up. I used to like fizzy drinks so much to the extent that I would buy them everyday. My mom was vexed whenever she saw me carrying some can on my hand. Being a scrawny kid, I grew up consuming unhealthy foods even though my mom watched what I eat like a hawk. To avoid from getting my mom to scream at my face, I would usually drink my fizzy drink while schooling period, so my mom wouldn't know. Hehehe.

The best time was during hari raya. My grandparents are those kinds who love to indulge people with fizzy drink. Usually cartons and cartons mirinda orange or coke will be bought to be serve to guests. But..Usually, before hari raya me and my cousins would finished half of the drink.Hehehe. That was just not enough, on visiting other relatives houses, I would too filled my glass with fizzy drink.After hari raya, I'll surely get the usual cough or worst, would start looking for my inhaler.

It went on and on till my awareness of wrinkles and ageing pass the crucial line. I started to tell my self not to crave for fizzy drinks anymore and start training myself to drink only air suam. It was not easy ok. But after sometimes, I got the hang of it. Now when drinking fizzy drinks, I'll feel funny and feel like something is tickling my throat.Like..urghhh..

But.. you know what..Ag love fizzy drink.Tsk..tsk..Nevermind, at least I will always look younger than him.Hihihihi..

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