Tuesday, June 21, 2005


Vista is like my second domicile, actually it is where my best bud reside. I went there last week to get prepared for Fadzi's wedding reception. That time nicky and her housemates were watching indonesian's telenovela if I'm not mistaken, Dia. Their expression worth a thousand words. I'm not into that telenovela but their enthusiasm made we want to join them.

Well, I don't favour these types of show until someone taught me to watch mexican telenovela , la usurpadora. Hoh. Since that I'm hooked, ok. Yeah, watching this show nearly gave me a heart attack, plus I'm a woman who is full of expression. Sakit jiwa aku ok. Hari-hari nak balik cepat sebab nak tengok cite ni.Saiko tak saiko?

You might say that it's typical for woman to worship this type of show but hello, I do know guys who watch these types of show too. My friend and his housemates used to rush back home just to watch miss tres hermanas. They even discussed about it after the show ended. I mean how bad is that? But yelah, I guess they are human too :P.

They really make moneylah ok by producing this type of show. I mean, the storyline was kind of predictable but characters in the show really play a big part. You can really hate and fall in love with certain characters. But, one thing I can't bear is the duration. Bapak lama nak habis. Lepas tu, satu hari dalam cite tu adala makan tiga episod. Bongok tak bongok, tapi orang tungguuu jugak.

Now, I rather opt for af3 rather than telenovela.
Oleh itu afundilah amylea.Hihi

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