Monday, June 06, 2005

Loud and pekak

I have a confession to make.I am loud and a bit pekak.

People say if you wear glasses with a high power it can contribute to your pekak-ness but i want to blame it on my condition back in school. I stayed in the same block with the band room.Well, obviously the band was loud so i had to adapt to the loud environment. I even had to take my evening nap while bandgirls were practising their tunes. And because of that too, i had to talk in a high picth to my friends. Actually, with or without the band playing, we all did talk in our highest pitch.Hehehe.

You should meet my STF sisters.They all talked loudly at the same time.If you are the type that talk with a small voice or not used to noisy environment, haha..I bet you'll be a bit pening.Tak caye, tanyalah boyfriend-friend mereka.Aku selalu nampak amin memandang ag dengan pandangan yang "kecoh sial derang ni..". My friends who did not go to the same school with me found that i'm a bit irritating when it comes to talking coz yeah, i talked loudly and i keep asking them to repeat whatever their saying to me.Some even said "Kau ni, janganlah marah-marah". Aku bukan marahla wey, aku memang cakap kuat.

Back in uni, me and my friend dila, who happen to be loud and pekak too had make a pact that we would try to be quiet for a day.Well, we did but at the end of the day, we both got a major headache coz we couldn't hear whatever people said to us and we couldn't say whatever we wish.Letih ok nak jadi perempuan melayu terakhir.

So..if you happen to talk to me, please excuse me for my loudness and my pekak-ness. I was brought up like that.Ha!

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