Tuesday, April 26, 2005


I'm having my pms. I am depress and angry. So if you don't like the idea of bitterness ruining your day, you can just go away. I mean now.

I am fat, I hate my job, my best friend is getting married[hah!!!!!!!], my hair sux and I am ugly.

I was sitting on the monorail and thinking. I'm 25 and I dunno what I want to do with my life. I mean what the fuck is that? Maybe you would say it's normal.No, to me it's not normal.I am a control freak.I have everything planned and now my future is blur. Before taking the commuter this morning I had a small fight with my mom.

Me:I am going away
Mom:Away, where?
Me:Away from everything.I want to do my master in UK.
Mom:You can always do it here like azwan
Me:I'm not azwan and I don't want to do MBA. I want to go away
Mom:No you don't
Me: I am.And this is my life.I have control of it.
Mom:*keep quiet, looking outside*Bodoh punye kereta, bawakla laju-laju sket
Me:*marah kat aku ke kat sape ni?*

I hate to be ordinary. If I don't do something with my life now, I will end up just the way I am now. A nobody. And I don't want to be like those person who tried their best to live their life without even knowing where they are heading and what they want and ended up mocking and blaming people who made it, who at their earlier days work their ass out.I just don't want to be like everybody else.Have degree, get married and live a simple life. I don't want a simple life!!That is so not me

I dunno what the hell am I doing right now. WTF??

And as usual, my boyfriend become the punchbag.
Me:Hello by.
Him:Hello yang *long pause*
Me:Ha?Apa you panggil I?You panggil i yang?You ingat sape yang cakap kat tepon ni?You ingat ni ex you ke?
Him:Ehh..eh..Takde..i cakap sayangla.
Me:You ingat i pekak ke?You cakap yang kan?
Him:by janganlah camni.Apasal pagi-pagi dah mengamuk ni?
Me:Dahla,tanak kawan you lagik.

Yes, I'm a bitch when I'm angry.Sue me!Like I fucking care pon!!Hoh!!

And I'm angry coz I'm losing my best friend.Enough said.

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