Thursday, April 14, 2005


I let Honey Star sleep with me since he's sick.And after 2 consecutive nights sleeping with me, he's getting better and has already starts purring. But he still refuse to take his meal.Dang, nak tunggu aku suapla tuh.

As the result of him scattering around my room, I ended with penuh dengan bulu on my outfit today.Demmla, dahla aku pakai suar hitam, outter vest hitam..Nampak cam baru kuar reban ayam ok, banyak bulu.

Speaking of bulu, my hair is getting longer.Ok, macam takde kaitan tapi rambut is also a bulu what?Jenis bulu yang panjang.Make sense ke tak?Whatever.Anyway, yup my hair is getting longer and I mean to keep it although he already asked me "I dah potong rambut, you bila lagi?".Nampak sangatla kan tak suka aku rambut panjang.Maybe it remind him of someone.hohoh..Too bad, I'm still going to keep it long.Yeah, I seldom wear my hair dengan panjang coz I can't stand the heat but u know, I have two crushes on two girls who I always see in the monorail.Both of them sangatla kiut and one smiled at me last two weeks.Memang macam tak relevant tapi because their hair are long and they attract me so I made up my mind, nak rambut panjang jugak.Yes, I know.I'm poyo.Plus, Entah, tetibe rase nak rambut panjang.Nanti boleh beli scrunchie kat Evita Peroni lagi.Tak pun buat ceramic perm..Best best.

To tell you the truthla kan, macam-macam stail rambut pernah aku buat, style ala-ala GI Jane pon penah ok.Demm.I hate to think of those experimenting years.

Ok enough.I will not torture you guys anymore.
Have a nice day people.

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