Monday, April 11, 2005


Honey Star is sick. My Honey Star is sick, he's having a high fever and it makes me worried.

I'm sick =(

He's Persian and he's yellow, just like a star so we named him honey star coz he's sweet and yellow. He used to be sweet and he used to be my fav..before MJ came. I think the affection between me and MJ had turned him to a green-eyed beast. He still purrs when I stroked him but on seeing MJ he will chase her like she's not going to see the sun anymore. And on my last birthday, he bitted me till I bled and left some ugly scars on my hand. I think he felt contented at that moment but regretted it later coz after that incident he's seemed timorous when he saw me walking nearby even I didn't chew him out for leaving some ugly marks on me.

This year he will turn 6 years old, quite an age for a cat but I'm not ready to let him go. In fact, I'm not ready to let go any of my cat. The thing is I favour cats than human. My love for cats is beyond words. Some of my friends just don't get me, I don't giggle or beam on seeing cute babies but on seeing cats [whether it's cute or not] I will go ga-ga and my heart will soften. I mean, I never get boring entertaining cats, they will never fail to amuse me but sometimes when talking to people, I can't help myself from we just not talk? Ok fine. Sue me, like I care but that's me all right. Not only me but the whole family actually [excluding my dad, he only love pedigree cats, stray cats can be leave to die] love cats. In my house, cats will get distinctive treatment, they even sleep on the same pillow and the same bed as we are. Yes it's true, no kidding.

Even though some of my friends claimed that I changed my boyfriend like I changed my earings, I have to object to that. I do choose who I go out with and I will never ever date a guy who hates cat. If he hates snake or iguana it's forgiven [although it's quite hard for me to accept] but if he hates cats, it's sort of a turn off for me. Guy who love cats is super duper cute to me.Like like cats..You sangat kiut...Now, how is he going to be comfy lepaking at my house where all my cats is sleeping, scattering everywhere [I have more than 20 cats] if he hates cats? Kan susah tu.

Anyway, mom already gave Honey the mixture of vitagen [original flavour] and 100 plus. I know it's bizarre and macam tipu but really, it's a cure for demam kucing. And I hope it works.. as usual..

I don't mind to get my hand bitten long as I see my Honey Star everyday..

He mean a lot to you can't imagine how much..

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