Friday, April 15, 2005


Ohh..Finally it's friday.Finally I got to eat during lunch[minus mase kluar dgn amir, aku terpaksa bukak pose sebab amir kuat makan.takkan nak tengok je kan?].Finally I got to see ag sebab besok weekend *smile*

So today, am going to splurge on nasik ayam chee meng.Hah!Dari semalam ok aku teringin nak makan and today is going to be the day.Laydiefa, kau tak teringin ke?Hohohoh..Nway, I lost 3 kilos after err..3 weeks dieting. Yeah, I know it's not that much but still..And yesterday I feel that the slack that I wore was less ketat at the butt area.Tak taula saiko sendiri ke apa but I think, it's shrinking.Hah, watch out all pleated or short skirts..I am coming.Hohohoh [yes, i am that pathetic]

This morning, I saw woman in a monorail.She's so small and so skinny.She wore a kebaya which always never fail to amuse me but...she's too skinny.Actually if a girl is too skinny, she will a skeleton walking. Not pretty ok. I usually will drool over chikas who are gebu..gebu. Which make me wonder, kalaula aku terus berdiet secara habis-habisan mungkin aku akan juga, nampak seperti rangka berjalan..but, how am I going to do that when I need to diet to erm..slim up my butt?Like right now, I diet, I jog, I apply maybe I can start eating again..tapi secara sedikit-sedikit[which is ..sort of susah].But you see, supermodels are so damn thinla except for sophie dahl but then she's getting thinner also.Tsk..tsk.. It's difficult to live in this urban era.

Another thing, why issit that when we are in a relationship, then only there are other options seemed to be open in front of us?Why issit that the other people will still want to try when they know that we are in a relationship?Is it that trying to get someone else from his/her couple is such a challange?Why don't they look for single people instead or mengurat orang tu masa dia single?

I don't want to get a headache in this beautiful Friday so I shall stop being a saiko..for now.
And as for you guys..
Happy Friday and have a good weekend.
Hope it will be a bliss!

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