Thursday, November 01, 2007

Hotter la sangat

Ada orang claim dirinya hot didalam blog ini. Well she is not me. And she pointed that I have jendul head. Hell yeah I do and I don't see anything wrong with that. Oh and my scary brow. Haih, Yeah I know but unlike some people I am busy doing something bermakna in my life rather than pakai proxy server komen dekat blog orang. But honestly I need to see the kakak mentheading soon. Thank you for the reminder.

Dan yes, I wore halter to my friends open house and what concern you if aku mati besok? Mungkin the fact yang kau tak sempat mintak maaf dekat aku kot? Don't worry with God will I will live to show how happy I am, which might bring misery to some people life ;).

One comment from me, kalau ye pon kau nak rasa superior sebab

a) either you are really buruk but claim diri hot ,
b) either you are berkote tapi terlupa mana ko taruk kote kau,
c) either you are ok or even pretty cuma hati kau yang tungkik [part hati mcm betul so God, have mercy on this people],

come onlah miss hotter chick by far, only stinky pussies/dicks use such nicknamelah wey. Aku yang keji pon tak guna nama keji macam tu. Nampak sangat berusaha sangat gigih untuk nampak hot.

Bunnies, don't be like this ok, no need to struggle to prove anything, kalau dah something tu ko tayah kecohla, semua orang tau. Ini tak serupa macam artis artis keji dalam pancaindera [ala suratkahabr kecik utusan hari ahad], apa cerita? Hanya jauhari yang mengenal manikam [wtf tapi takpela].

And oh, I deleted your comments sebab you are such a disgrace and sore to my blog.
Only people with class are invited to comment.

Tetapi sebagai consolation prize, terimalah gambar dahi jendul dan kening scary dariku untuk mu.

Bagaimana? Cantikkan kening dan dahi ku? And oh, kali ini saya pakai tube pula. Awak ada?

Thank You.

Yang benar
-Gadis berbaju halter semasa eidul fitri yang berdahi jendul dan berkening scary-

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