Monday, November 26, 2007


The reason why I deserted this blog, get stressed out, over panicked every now and then, always missing in action and other unexplainable gestures were because I had participate in a wedding preparation which I also attended last weekend.

Mine. My wedding.

All ears

Significant teteks

The mas kahwin

I married the swirly faced man

His side


You don't have to know who he is. Nothing else is important beside the fact that he made me feel again.

How can you not, when someone left behind his creed to embrace and revere the same Divinity as you are, just to be with you?

I found my Mark Darcy.
No. Actually I am glad he found me.

And no, I am not pregnant.
In case you are wondering.

Thanks for all the wishes and gifts.
You know who you are :) .

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