Thursday, November 29, 2007


Today is the day when I mencatat sejarah. I become the lion. Not the temper but the rambut kembang.

Yes, I finally get my hair perm after 2 years kecoh-ing about it. It was as scary as I thought. The process and the result.


First, I dislike the smell of the thing they put to my hair, they made me feel sick even dah berjam jam habis and second, they accidentally burned my capang ears sebab the hot rods were so hot and the cloth they put to cover the heat adalah sudah terlari

And my neck hurts coz I had to dongak sampai semaksima boleh so they can dry my hair using some big dryer that look like worms holes.

"Ini kalau first time perm akan tricky sikit tau bila u wash sendiri. Nanti dia kembang kalau tak betul-betul style"

From my experience, even when I have straight hair, the washing experience after the salon visit will give a celake result compared to the condition when it was done at the salon.

Inikan pula rambut kerinting. Tula gatal sangat, orang nak spa digital perm kau pon nak jugak. Haihhh.

Habislah rupa aku macam lion king lepas ni :(

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