Monday, October 22, 2007

Worth the wait

I met Yip the other day, he was in Shah Alam for his vacation.

We headed to Hartamas Square since it was already 12.30 am and no other shops were available. Dan aku kol 12 ke atas jela baru free kan.

"Kau bila nak carikan aku awek ni?" He ordered iced and I ordered air suam [kecoh sial aku, pegi hartamas pon nak order air suam].

"Hotak kau, kau ingat aku ni ibu ayam ke nak carikan kau awek. Apsalla orang suke Tanya aku soalan tu ha?"

Seriously don't ask me that question. Playing cupid is not what I favour.

If you remembered, I had written that he was not available. Well, Yip adalah seorang manusia yang complicated, senang cerita status dia it's complicatedlah. He's like macam available tapi tak available. But if he opted to be with someone new, that would not be a problem. It's like he's in the middle of a relationship and out of relationship.

"Ala kau sabarla, nanti adela tu"

"Bila? Aku dah penat tunggu ni. Bila masa nak tackle awek kalau selalu off shore"

I may don't know much about life but one thing I learn after a series of many heartbreak, love needs time and patience.

"Tunggu jela, sampai masanya nanti kau akan jumpa gak orang tu. And I am sure by that time, she will worth the wait"

"Ah butohla" Excuse him, hobinya adalah mencarut di setiap ayat. Anda pasti akan terpesona dengan kelancaran dia mencarut walaupun dia berdarah tionghua.

Haih. Nasibla aku dah biasa dengan orang mencarut ni lagipun dia tak kesah kalau aku balas dengan carutan semula.

"Takkan nak jadi macam kereta aku kot? Dua tahun aku tunggu nak beli kereta tu ok"

I saw his car and had the opportunity to ride it. Well, I have to say it's a nice ride. Yip mungkin adalah rakyat minor di negara ini yang rela tak berkereta sampailah dapat beli kereta yang dia desired. Sebelum ni, asyik aku jelakan yang ambik dia tak pon dia pinjam kereta abang die ke or tah kereta sesapelah.

"So, after two years waiting, you finally got him. Does he worth the wait?"

He looked at me, sipped his ice milo and nodded.

"So don't you think finding a soul mate is similar?"

Dan dia senyum.

Fine things in life is expensive but when you wait and work for it, it will worth the wait.

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