Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Meen called me lepas dah dekat setahun aku tak cakap dengan dia. Not that we didn't contact each other but asal call je mesti salah time. She called me on Friday but I was about to have my exam. Dahla cakap dengan minah ni kalau tak lebih 2 jam tak sah. Macamanala aku nak terus layan dia cakap?

But can you believe that I've known her for 4 years but I never really meet her? Honestly aku dah tak ingat kat mana aku jumpa dia ok. Tiba-tiba out of the blue she called and when I asked how did we met she said " At the club, kau tak ingat ke? Zaman-zaman gelap itu". Seriously aku tak ingat ok. But yeah, we became friends after that.

As usual we bitch about life and mostly about pengote and men. Then she suddenly asked me

Meen: Chics, kalau katalahkan kau ada boyfriend tau. Dia hemsem, baik caring tiba-tiba satu hari kau kantoi dia comolot dengan lelaki apa kau nak buat?
Chics: Hmm.. Kannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn..Sedihla kot, tapi aku rasa aku tatau nak marah ke tak?

Meen: Tula kannnn,tatau nak marah ke tak kan. Nak kata jeles, apa jadahnye nak jeles dengan lelaki?Kalau perempaun bolehla aku tamparkan muka dia..kalau lelaki?
Chics: Itula, tapi keji sial
Meen:Habis tu macamanala?

Honestly I don't know how would I react. Kalaulah kantoi comolot dengan pompuan comfirm I would go beserk tapi dengan lelaki..mungkinkah aku akan terkulat-kulat saja dan menyesali diri atas apa yang terjadi?

What will you do if that happen to you?

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