Monday, March 21, 2005

A series of fortune and unfortune event

I was obviously not in the mood to work last Friday since I've already feel the weekend vibe. I thought it's going to be like the usual Friday.. Mind-numbing and mundane.. Well, that was my anticipation until someone pm me on my YM and it nearly gave me a heart attack.

someone: u there sharina?
chicsinred: yerp
someone: busy ke
chicsinred: not so
chicsinred: who is that?
someone: u won't believe it if i told u
chicsinred: who?
someone: someone who used to know ur ex too..
chicsinred: hummm?
chicsinred: kirk?
someone: dia dah jadi your ex kan.. ?
someone: ke still on?
chicsinred: my ex
chicsinred: issit u?
chicsinred: my god
someone: eh.. aku bukan kirk la
chicsinred: then?
someone: hehe
chicsinred: who r u?
someone: someone who used to know him
chicsinred: ehehe..well, he got lots of friends..and ur name?
someone: ala takleh agak2 ke..
chicsinred: sapela..ptd ke smap labu ke um ke
someone: i'm not actually frens with him la nowadays
chicsinred: hehehe..i'm quite bad at guessing u know
someone: status lebih kurang cam u jugak la hehe
chicsinred: *****?
someone: haha u know my name?
chicsinred: hahahahahahahahaha..heard so much about u
chicsinred: hahahahaha
someone: ish ish ish
someone: rasa cam artis sekejap hahaha
someone: kidding
chicsinred: ur ex is a wankker big timle
chicsinred: wanker
someone: chehhh ex aku ex kau jugakkk
chicsinred: tula pasal..apsalla aku bangang sgt
someone: so i was not the crazy one.. mmg dia ada masalah tu lah
someone: i've been reading your blog..
someone: sama la masalahnye
chicsinred: my gawd..u must know how traumatizing it is
someone: u jumpa ke mak dia?
chicsinred: hell, yes
someone: shite..
someone: i didn't get the 'opportunity'
someone: tapi kena maki dlm phone tu ade la..
someone: hahaha
chicsinred: well, dun..u can't image the humility that i'm bearing
chicsinred: kene maki??
someone: bukan la maki actually.. tapi kena sound la
chicsinred: like how
someone: kena sound sbb i was trying to give him a wake up call pastu tatau la mak ke kakak dia ckp cam.. "kenapa awak ingat samsul ni takde family ke nak tolong kejutkan dia bla bla bla... "
chicsinred: my gawd
someone: pastu apa lagi la ntah dia cakap dah tak ingat dah sbb terkejut sgt..
someone: hehe mmg tak sengaja la that i came across your blog..
someone: amazing sungguh
chicsinred: since when u've been reading my blog
someone: baru la jugak..
someone: a few weeks back
someone: mula2 i dok baca blog member u.. khai?
someone: pastu saje la gatal2 tgk link lain..
chicsinred: yup..kai@chi
chicsinred: anyway, good for u to left him and get married for someone else
chicsinred: with
someone: hehe tu la..
someone: so anyway i didn't dump him because he was sleeping around
someone: pasal famili tu la.. mmg tak nampak future ngan dia
chicsinred: REALLY?REALLY?
chicsinred: u didn't do that?
chicsinred: sorry for that..that's what he said
chicsinred: that's what he told me
someone: mana ada lah..
someone: i pun dah fed up dah masa tu..
chicsinred: wanker sial mamat ni
someone: asyik bergaduh je
someone: pastu dok pressure pakai tudung..
chicsinred: u know..he never ask me to..and heh, if he did, we are history long time ago
chicsinred: and i'm like..the rebel type
chicsinred: demmitla kirk ni
someone: hahaha
someone: ala dia pun satu..
someone: dah tau mak dia nak wanita solehah..
someone: carik jela awek yg pakai tudung labuh ke
someone: sure takde prob nye
chicsinred: alamak..sorry tercaps
someone: HAHAHA
chicsinred: seresly..u dunno what he had done to my family
someone: tu la.. i ada baca yg pasal your mom takleh get over him
someone: ishhh.. apa yg dia ayat power sgt sampai camtu?
chicsinred: i dunnola..mak i mmg syg dier
someone : tu gambar u ngan current bf ke
chicsinred: yup2
someone : good2.. u moved on too
someone : + u look happy hehe
chicsinred: well, obviously my current choice is much much better
chicsinred: anyway, i did know that what actually happened between u 2 after i broke up from lin
someone : haaa.. u still contact lin?
someone : anyway.. cik lin cerita apsal i break ngan kirk?
chicsinred: pasal parents kirkla..before that she did give me a hint but i didn't pick it up
chicsinred: but heh, kirk really missed u last time
someone : yeke?
someone : ada la rasa guilty gak mula2 tu..
someone : tapi lepas dia dah start jadi cam stalker tu.. i got pissed off la pulak
chicsinred: i called him just now u know
chicsinred: coz i left my fav shoes in his car and i want to pay him the credit card bill
someone : sape? kirk?
chicsinred: yup
someone : hehe kirim salam la kat dia eh..
someone : kira u still bercakap2 lagi la ngan dia.. ?
chicsinred: but being a wanker, he put down the phone as soon as he heard my voice and tak angkat2 dah
chicsinred: tak
chicsinred: he's a cowardlah
chicsinred: die marah kot i dah ade org lain
someone : he put down the phone??
someone : ala tak gentle nyeee
someone : dia single ke skang?
chicsinred: tak tau tapi hari tu sape tah mcm bagi i hint yg die tak single dah
someone : takpe la.. hopefully he'll find the right gal for his mom
someone : i pun nak blah dah ni..
someone : lapar ah
chicsinred: okie dokie
chicsinred: nice talking to you[terkejut sebenanye..haha]
someone : jgn sakit jantung
someone : ok i'll see u around..
chicsinred: allright
chicsinred: tata
someone : cau

Yup,she is yamyam ex, the one before me.. and the one that he used to talk about, not to mention..the one I used to write about..[sorry ye babe].

You see, before that I tried to call him, just trying my luck since he never picked up my calls before. Hey, I was fortunate coz this time he did picked up the phone but as soon I said "hello" he slammed the phone down and..I tried calling him again but nobody seemed to bother to pick it up. I mean what was that? Cakap jela dengan aku. Macamla aku ade dekat depan muka kau. I mean, I called him because I want to shell out the credit card bills and to get my favorite shoes back since I left it inside his car. The thing is, when we were together [owch!] he sort of forbid me to apply for my own card instead he asked me to use his but I paid all the bills [my part]. So now, when I walked away just like that, I felt accountable for not paying the balance. I did smsed him but no reply. So kire halallah ye?

And few minutes later, the last person who I imagine to hearsay with ..say hi to me on my YM. I mean, is God trying to show something or what? Well, my ex used to talk unpleasant things about her but then what surprised me that it turn out to be a fib.. for the fact that I used to trust that it's real. Yerp, she did not slept around and so on..Why did I believe her? Coz she's blissfully married now. If she is a swinger..she wouldn't get married so fast wouldn't she?Demmitla..Tipah tertipu sial..Cilako!!

It didn't stop there. On Saturday night, I accompanied ag to a futsal match somewhere in PJ. Belum habis terkejut semalam, aku nak kene sakit jantung lagik. My ex was there..with his friends playing futsal. Aku siries rase nak mati. He didn't came to say hello and neither do I..Tapi aku nampak dia menjeling-jeling ke arah aku [obviously he can't resist to look at my cute face...hohohoh]. I wanted to talk to him at least say hi..but not until I snog my boyfriend infront of him.Haha.Tapi aku tak buatlakan. I mean, really..I was dying to come to him and talk about the bill thingy but I just can't. My knees were weak and so was my heart. Plus his friends were there.Takkan aku nak memalukan diri aku di khalayak ramai. After feeling like membunuh diri..I lost my mood for the whole night. Demm.

I can imagine how is my reputation now look like..He would say that I'm a biatch..that I sleep around..that I slept with ag when I'm with him..that I am a party animal [that was then]..that I disrespect his family..that I can't control my temper [ehe, sometimes it's true but most of the time..not true]..that I use his money [hello, kau yang slalu nak belanja aku] and all other terrible things. His friends probably hate me by now [sebab, dulu masa baru clash ok lagik,skang..macam agak tak ok] and you know maybe I'm being loathed by some person that I don't even know exist.

*/Biatch mode on/*

A friend ask me to give him a taste of his own medicine..To give him my revenge. Hey, that would be nice more than nice actually but God's reprisal is nicer. And I shall wait..If I'm in the right side it, will happen. It just the matter of time.

Like ag said "You couple dengan dia, was the biggest mistake ever. Make sure you learn your lesson well"

Dun worry baby, I did..And also you don't have to worry that if I'm still thinking of him coz I don't. Only forget..but not forgive..Not yet..

Anyway, in case you're reading this, my ex..I just want to say thank you for making me realized that I'm not a respectable match for you..[yelah youkan datang dari family baik-baik and you pandai pulak tu, I pulak blaja sampai from 3 je..mengaji pon tak tau, family pon tahaper-haper..ayah I penoreh getah je..mak I pulak nelayan].Next time I'll make sure I'll picked up some one who stand on the same par as I am.

Actually, I already did. Ha!

*/Biatch mode off/*

Ok.Happy monday people!

*Note that, some part of the conversation has been omitted.

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