Thursday, March 17, 2005


"Do you remember this song chicky?" Nicky asked me on the way to 14 last night.Then she played total eclips of the heart.

Hah, surely I do remember. That was the song that we used for our form three interclass drama. In that play she was my daughter, the daughter that I never want.Well the drama is about a girl who err..sort of mengalami masalah keruntuhan akhlak which is being played by me. She slept around, have unsafe sex and eventually got pregnant.So she confide her boyfriend who is being acted by nikkit. Nikkit jahat gile woo, tanak ngaku tu anak die.Tapi nikkit kau prasan tak, mase kat skolah dulu, kau slalu berlakon jadi romeo dgn orang jahat.One dialog which i still remember was

Aileen [my mom]:Who is the father?
Me[daughter]:I dunno..It can be Ryan, it can be John and it can also be..Err I seriously dunno.

Hhahaha..Bapak bitch gile watak aku dalam tu.After nikkit refuse to take responsibility, I tried to kill myself, by trying to minum some racun but, I was saved by a good guy who used to be teased in class played by shaza[memang tak sesuaila watak ni, manade shaza baik dowh]. He[dlm watak tu dia he la]pujuk me not to kill myself and finally adopt my daughter, lisa. Nicky terrer gile berlakon ok, mase die dapat tau die tu anak tak sah taraf[hahaha, bahase sokabar tak aku] die menangis and aku rase audience pon agak menangisla.Background music was total eclips or my heart, she really was into the music tapi bile music habis je die terus buat muke stone.Tak best lansung.Potongla wey!!Lepas tu, mase tu aku ade suke sorang budak ni laa, but she sort of jual mahal. Disebabkan I have the power to create what ever I want in that drama, aku wujudkan satu watak di mana dia nak dekat aku.Wahahaha..Macam gampang.

The final dialogue was..
Nicky[Lisa]:What?I'm a bastard??

See, that's why we don't won the first place. Our drama was full of explicit words.Bastardla, shitla, fuckla, ape tah lagi.Dahla ade unsur2 liar.Tsk..tsk..Anyway, everybody enjoyed the play.Kalau tak mencarut-carut mesti boleh menang[hahaha]

Lepas tu untuk drama sejarah pon dapat nombor tiga jugak..Sebabnye, salah satu syarat for sejarah drama was to have a traditional dance. Masalahnye budak kelas aku seme kayu bab-bab menari traditional . Budak-budak kelas lain pergh, menari mautnye ok..[siap ade yang jadik bungala menari-nari, ape tah lagik].Kelas aku..cuma buat joget lambak mase orang kawin.Macam sial..sume pakat-pakat masuk and menari berjoget lambak, main tibai je menari, ikut sukati mak bapak kitorang.Hahahaha..budus..budus..

Tula dia, everytime I spent time with my STF sisters, these kind of story will come out..and will make me smile for the whole night :).

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