Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Moon and Stars

I am going to enroll a class on how to make fondant cake.Yeah, you know those cakes for wedding and engagements.Why?Because I like cooking and baking and hey, I can make money with that. Plus, I need to do something with my life that I really like.Was thinking to pursue my master but OZ it's kinda not dekat and someone will be pouting his lips if I really go there but that thing is still under consideration.You know, I'm not suprised if I'll get soo fat one day coz I have a very bad temper and when it comes to my bad day, I will cook as many dishes as I can.Weird huh?But true.

I was thinking last night since I was alone.Why is that when it comes to courting, mengurat and wooing, one will be extremely sweet and nice that he or she will put his[let it be a 'he' ok?, but this doesn't mean it only happened to man] best effort to win the other party heart.He will definetely do everything namely sweet talking, sending flowers and chocolate and even stalking, not to mention to promise the moon and the stars i.e "I will make you happy" or "You'll never be alone anymore".Ha!But, what always happen is when things get comfortable, he will forget all the things he used to say.I mean,hey..She's in love with him like truly madly and deeply so what could go wrong?Nothing!I'm superman and surely my girlfriend will never leave me even I treated her like shit.Ha!Guess what?This sounded harsh and pathethic but wait till it happen to you.Anyway, why don't this people treated their partner the same as if it's the first day as a couple?Is that so hard to do?I mean, as days go by, the love should grow and the feeling also should grow.Oh,I forget, we are Malaysian and we are not supposed to show affection.Silly me!

I had a friend who treated her boyfriend like shit.I mean she yelled at her boyfriend in front of everybody and even slapped him in front of me once.I mean, what was that??As if the guy hasn't got any feeling and dignity.But she told me that she couldn't live without her boyfriend.Uh, she should get used to it coz I think sooner or later with that kind of tamparan maut, it is not impossible for the guy to mati kene tampar.And I have also see my guy friend treated their gf like shit.He's like "Yang, apsal baju I komot ni.U ni bongokla..Kan I cakap suruh iron betul-betul!Kalau macam ni baik tak payah iron"and went complaining on and on. I mean, come on, she's your girlfriend,not your maidla.The question of the day is why is this happening?Apa masalahnye?And kenapa bila the other party rasa bosan he/she will rasa nak marah?Salah ke rasa bosan when you're not happy?

Ok.Enuff craps.To my baby[even I tau you terlalu bz sangat sampai you takkan baca post ni], good luck for your first paper.I know you can do it.Kalau tak boleh buat, next sem tayah study kuat-kuat sangat, elok you kluar dengan I je.Hehe

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