Thursday, February 24, 2005

Love Fool

Note:Since aku banyak sangat masa free, so aku takde keje lain melainkan menulis.Excuse me for my long entry.Pls bear with me.Sape nak baca baca, tanak baca sudah.

Why issit when people are in love they become sightless and can't seem to get a grip on reality? Have you ever been in a relationship where you know it's not going to work out well coz it's either you or the other parties having doubts or you both have some unsatisfied issues?? Tell me about it.

I have two friends who have been together for 7 year. Oh yeah, it's along time I know. Then the guy went to work oversea and leaved the girlfriend behind since she's till studying. Before he left I witnessed how this coupled quarreled almost everyday. She would shout over the phone and her shrieking voice will bring the house down every time they faced some arguments and the boyfriend would hit the girlfriend when he couldn't cope with his anger. Both of them are my friend and they both confide in me. I know that the guy is seeing someone else and so do the girl. So when that guy went to oversea, he told me that he'll be loyal for once and for all coz after he came back he's definitely going to propose his girlfriend. Fine. But the girl can't seem to let go of her entertainment [how can when she's pretty and guys are eating on the palm of her hand?]. Among them both, I'm closer to the girl but for somehow we grew apart. I seldom see her but we talked over the phone from time to time. And, she will only call me if she is having a conflict with the boyfriend, which I don't mind at all. At the same time I will correspond with the boyfriend on YM since he's far away. The funny thing is he told me to keep it as a secret coz if the girlfriend knew he'll be a dead meat. I mean, she forbid him to talk to any females alive, even her own close friend. Interesting? Well, now the boyfriend discovered that his girlfriend is falling for another guy but still, he can't seemed to let go coz he claimed he loved her. So I asked him.

Me: You love her. Are you sure you still love her?
The boyfriend: Why are you doubting my feeling towards her?
Me: Hmm..Coz I don't think the love is there anymore. You guys fought almost everyday and you guys called each other bad names and sometimes you both wish you could strangle each other to death.
The boyfriend: Hmm.
Me: Maybe you stay just for the sake of that sodding 7 years.
The boyfriend :Shit.I hate you chics. You're the first person who said that to me but the saddest thing is..It's true. I dun think the flame is there anymore but if I leave her I'll feel guilty.You know for the things that we did..

Then he came back here for a short holiday. He told me he's going to break off with the girlfriend since the girlfriend is less than happy to care that the boyfriend is coming back. But did they break off? Of course not. He gave him presents, she begged him and they have sex and things are back to normal. And now I'm waiting for them both to call me and cry saying how their partner mistreated them.Hoh!!Bodoh!!

I too was a fool once and yeah, it's not easy to withdraw. It's so difficult when he's the only one you see and he's the only one you have. But why put hope anymore? Why do you want to make believe that things will become better when what you feel inside you is shit, shit and super duper shit? Don't do it anymore for the sake of he's the only one you have even when he hit you, call you a whore, being too clingy or even you know that he's shagging someone else behind your back.

I know it's not easy. It's easier to leave the exam hall earlier even when you know you have to pass that paper compared to leaving someone you love [or used to love]. But it's no use hanging on empty hope. Before more time is wasted and more heartache why not learn to let it go. Open up your eyes, you heart and let it go.

Put your fear aside. You'll be lot happier and who knows, you'll even meet someone better in the future.

You'll never know.

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