Sunday, August 13, 2006

Value of you

What's wrong unmarried malay women? Mengapa masyarakat memandang seronglah? Hello, kalau diorang [kami] tanak kawen pon, bukannnya menyusahkan kau ok. Paling paling pon, mengabiskan beras bapakkkkkkkk diorang.

No. Don't get me wrong, It's not that I don't want to get married. I do but I won't get married just for the sake of doing it. Main sebat je, janji ade. Dan kemudian berkata "mengapakah aku berkahwin ye?". I mean, you parents raised you up with penuh kasih sayang, bagi pakai cantik-cantik, makan sedap-sedap, blaja pandai-pandai tapi mengapakah tidak pandai memvalue diri?

The reason I am talking shits is because my babe called me up just now. Now, she's supposed to get engaged but to melahkan, that guys is sooooo not worth it. That guy, nak kata budak lagi dah besar. Dah nak masuk 40 tahun but his perangai haihh, Now, sape kata maturity goes up with the age. I soo not setuju. Maybe in zaman gila-gila remaja tapi kalau umur dah lebih suku abad tapi perangai macam bofren aku masa 18 tahun apa critela? I mean, she was telling me how she caught her boyfriend sending nasty emails, as in email gatal dan pengote to numerous women. Bini orang ada, budak bawah umur ada, macam-macamla. Tapi memang dia salahla sebab dia bukak emel bofren die kan tapiiiiiiii bofren dia tu pon bangang. Ko kalau ye pon nak main fantasy football pegila tuka player sindri, ni nak suruh awek tukakan. Kalau tak tau main, jangan mainn..baik main bola kertas je. So anyway, since this was not his first time, she confronted him. Of coursela he denied like the previous time but this time, he went ballistic. He wanted to leave her and she was shocked, she wanted to diskas tapi mamat ni emo. Yang paling keji, she begged as if there will be no tomorrow. Dan mamat itupon dengan bangganya berkata

"It's ok, jangan buat lagi"


Memangla my babe tu did something wrong, membaca emel itu but he should apologizes and macam apa yang dia buat tu tak salahla. Oooooooooo...kau ingat ko lelaki ko boleh suka-suka tulis emel ajak pompuan main? I mean, kalau kau tak skolah tinggi or keja tapaper lainla, but you are too educated to value a woman. She begged, itula salahnye. Let me tell you about begging. Begging will make you feel like taik. The stinkiest taik. It not only make you feel helpless but will take away your self esteem. Never ever beg for a worthless guy. Never.

I loathe men who treat women like shit. I hate mean who jerit jerit dekat pompaun as if women have no value and feeling. I hate men who only see women as romen objek. Bila wife/gefren dah sakit, tak boleh layan, kau carik alasanla nak main kat luar. If you commit to get married or already married are you not stay for better and worst?. Aku jugak benci lelaki yang ingat bila dia dah commit die berkuasa mutlak terhadap perempuan. Tak boleh kuar dengan kawan-kawan, tak boleh itu, tak boleh ini. Mari layan aku sahaja, tengkiu. Sebab aku dah habis duit bayar hantaran kau.

And he's this type, well part of it.

So anyway, my babe asked me "Apala aku nak buat babe? Aku dah nak kawen ok"

Don't asked me that question when I'm your best friend. Of course I have the possibility to be bias. She told me she can't leave him coz despite dia pengote and kadang-kadang naik hangin tak pepasal dia pastikan my babe cukup makan and etc. Taik. Habis tu hati kau macamana?But then I told her, I can say lots of things but at the end it's up to her. Whether she married or not to that guy, I will always be here because et the end of the day it's her life. Cuma, belum kawen, hari-hari dah berendam air mata. I mean, you should feel happy thinking of marriage bukannya rasa macam celake.

Babe, it just that I think you are more worthy than that. Kau sanggup ke duduk rumah 24 jam sebab bofren kau tak bagi ko jumpa aku? Sekarang pon tak bagi, apakah lagi nanti?I mean, she even let go of pursuing her master coz that guy tak berapa gemar[macam familiar..hmm]. You are beautiful. You are smart. You are funny. You are manja. You deserve a man who treat you the way you treat him.

Don't be afraid to tell him what you feel. If he decided to leave you you should be sad and mourning for him because he's a chicken shit who are just afraid to admit the truth and penjantan penakut untuk mengaku kelemahan sendiri. Nobody should own you except God. And you should feel happy because by are more than just beautiful.

Banyak lagi lelaki yang ada dekat luar tu. Kalau takde, takpela. Bukan mati pon takde lelaki. Pegila mati apa orang nak cakap. Maybe kau akan rasa sunyi, tapi apanya gunanya kawan [ko tak miss ke time kite berpoye-poye dulu? Haha].

Aku sayang kau okess. Even hari-hari aku cakap tapi aku cakap sekali lagi. You deserve to be happy.

Bunnies, if you are in her shoes? What would you do?

Apa-apa pon, the moral is, tak kirelah whether u are a girl or a guy, always value yourself. Because if you don't, no one will.

Happy Monday.

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