Selamat Hari Kebangsaan Malaysia!
Actually I had drafted a nice entry for merdeka but due to some error it fail to publish dan aku malasssssssss nak retype and I have to do my hantu-hantu presentation now.
Anyway, againn!!
Selamat Menyambut Hari Kebangsaan,
Adakah anda melambangkan bangsa anda?
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
MC lah saya ini
Orang-orang yang suka makan di rumah orang kawen. Hehe
Went back to my kampung last weekend. Ehe, and I went to one of my relatives wedding just for the sake of ayam masak merah.
I, chicsinred is soo in loveeeeeeeeee with ayam masak merah.
Anyway, the main reason I went back is to discuss about my cousin wedding who is three years old younger than me and I am supposed to be the MC for that day. Ha? Exactly. Well, Darling will get married this merdeka day. Not exactly getting married coz technically she was already married last month kot but the reception is this Thursday. Mula-mula they want me to be pengapit tapiiiiiiiiiiiiiii sebab aku pendekkkkkkkkkkk and kezen aku cun cam tinggi ala ala model maka aku disuruh jadi MC supaya orang tak ingat aku manusia kerdil. Keji tak keji alasan? Cakap jela tanak bagi aku makan lauk pengantin sebab takut habis. Hah.
The wedding theme is red and white which is fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkk. Darling ko curik wedding theme aku okes. Not only that, even my other kezen Yana was pissed coz that's supposed to be her wedding theme too. I mean Darling love pink not red and white.Hoh. So Yana was telling me she might go for Red and soft pink which is also a shite sebab kaler tu pon aku dah buat as bekap plan.
Me: Yana, awak tukala kalo lain, akak dah cop dulu. Alif lam lam ha okkkkkkkkkk.
Yana: Ahhhhhhhhh takdo.
Me: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
Yana: Ok, kigho sapo copek diola dapek.
She is getting married next year and me? Adalah sangat kabur dan berkabus itu ye.
Komfemla die menang okkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk.
And my aunt was telling me, she's getting us a room in the hotel the night before so we could chill. Alah, tapi aku tau dia bukannya nak suruh aku chill, dia mesti nak suruh aku tolong masukkan telur and apa apa entah lagi tu seme. Chill la sangat.
Adalah sangat malas ok. Sangatttttttttttttt
Oh, bestnye mahu bermain pantun-pantun semasa hari merdeka!
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Ha ha and haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
I was having my marathon telephone conversation with Apek few weeks ago when we talked about heroes or rather the kelakar character in movies.
Well, I tried to think hard to come out with a name. I was thinking of Saiful Apek but heheI prefer nikkit and he's too skinny and yeah, not him. Senario? Nooo.Nooooooooooo. Annoying ade, whyla they have to yell? Tak bolehka cakap elok-elok but still make it funny? Dan perlukah Azlee itu membuat muka cacat dan buat mata juling untuk membuat orang gelak? Then..Badul? Euww..Tak klaka ok lawak die tapi aku kan dulu suke jugakla tengok crite badul..Hihihi. Walaupun cerita dia tak bermoral, and he takde itu kesatriaan dan ketrampilan yang menawanla ok. Os? Err.. Next. So finally, I chose the most-favourable- guy-of-all-time, Tan Sri P Ramlee. Although in his movies he will always nak jadi the bestest but he's lawak still laku until today. I mean, hell..Setiap kali bujang lapuk or any or his comedy movies being aired I can't understand why I would still enjoy them and gelak macam haram. The comedy is so original and I love to see him menggedik dalam movie bila nampak pompuan.Hehehe.
My favourite movies of him is Panglima Bujang Lapuk. Aku kalau tengok crite tu mesti gelak sampai nak terkencing ok. I think kan Maikel Jekson tiru P ramleela untuk vido clip thriller. Haha. But hey, come on. Siapa tak suka P Ramlee? I even love his song. Getaran Jiwa is the best-est!
Ah. There is lots of standing funny actor. Ben Stiller, hmm. He's ok but not to the level yang I won't miss seeing his movies but I love something about mary. Jim Carrey? Hmm.. Ace Ventura was ok but after that he kind of annoys me. Like, hello boleh tak kau buat identity yang berbeza untuk setiap movie? Janganlah buat muka sama je ok.But Adam Sandler, I loooooooove. Lawak die memang lawak cacat but hey they do tickle me. But the best thing about him is his movies, no matter how cacat he looked in it they are always some good message. Like Click, oh shit, dia macam gampang dalam crite tu but despite being rich he's very loyal [which I like] and the will always be a family value. I mean think about Big Daddy, Little Nicky or Mr Deeds. Cuma maybe The Wedding Singer takla family value but hell, that movie was sweet. Still, it can't beat the sweetness of 50 first date and ehe I got something for drew berrymore also so hands down ok.
Like P ramlee, Adam Sandler always retains a group of actor for his movie. Cuma heroin je yang bertukar the rest of the cast can be seen in previous movie. Think of Rob Schnider, Steve Buschemi and few other guys yang aku tatau namanya apa tah. But lately steve buschemi dah tak berlakon dahla. And one thing that he will carry in his movie is his jewish identity.
Aha. Without a doubt this goes to antara lelaki idaman chics, Chow Sin Chee or Stephen Chow, even ada orang kata Jackie Chan kelakar jugak. But heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, nobody could challenge Chow Sin Chee okayyyyyy. Dahla kelakar kacak juga serta ketua kongsi gelap which I looiike alsolah. I love his movies especially his old movies. Lately his movie tak kelakar sangat and more focused to hi tech affect in the movie. Butttttttt.. kalau movie dia dulu-dulu adalah sangat best. Mesti ada satu watak pompuan ynag bertaik lalat besar. Pompuan tu mesti ala-ala keji. And macam Adam Sandler Chow Sin Chee loves to take the in and hottest babe as the heroin tapi yang paling gampang, dalam crite die mesti die macam mula2 ngorat tapi last - last mcm reject awek tu secara baik. Haha. But haihhhhhh…I love him lah walaupun dia suka buat lawak taik and lawak sorok makanan dalam bontot.
Sangat kacak juga. silap..Wahhhhhhhhhhhh!![mengikut cara chow sin chee]
Aha. Ada satu mamat ni, pendek-pendek rambut macam ala curly-curly sket. Aku seres tatau nama dia apa ok tapi dalam crite Hindustan dia mesti ada. Watak dia jelir-jelir lidah sket lepas tu beliak-beliakkan mata. Satu watak yang pasti aku rasa nak pukul-pukul aja. Kau ingat kau comelllllllllllll ke buat macam tuuuuuuu haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahh? Sangat tak kelakar ok!!
And that's why I don’t like to watch Hindustan movies. No, not really. I just don't like to watch hairy girl kissing another and another hairy man while rolling over the hills with colourful baju and voice like so halus.
But that just me.
Anywayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, since weekend is coming I would like to say
"Happy Weekend!"
"Selamat Pengantin Baru kepada Nur Hidayah Ismail aka Ida Amoi"
dengan ucapan sorryla aku tak dapat pegi kawen kau.selamat berkawen and dapat anak macam amoi [sebab ko ngan zairul muka macam pasangan cina.hee]
Well, I tried to think hard to come out with a name. I was thinking of Saiful Apek but heheI prefer nikkit and he's too skinny and yeah, not him. Senario? Nooo.Nooooooooooo. Annoying ade, whyla they have to yell? Tak bolehka cakap elok-elok but still make it funny? Dan perlukah Azlee itu membuat muka cacat dan buat mata juling untuk membuat orang gelak? Then..Badul? Euww..Tak klaka ok lawak die tapi aku kan dulu suke jugakla tengok crite badul..Hihihi. Walaupun cerita dia tak bermoral, and he takde itu kesatriaan dan ketrampilan yang menawanla ok. Os? Err.. Next. So finally, I chose the most-favourable- guy-of-all-time, Tan Sri P Ramlee. Although in his movies he will always nak jadi the bestest but he's lawak still laku until today. I mean, hell..Setiap kali bujang lapuk or any or his comedy movies being aired I can't understand why I would still enjoy them and gelak macam haram. The comedy is so original and I love to see him menggedik dalam movie bila nampak pompuan.Hehehe.
My favourite movies of him is Panglima Bujang Lapuk. Aku kalau tengok crite tu mesti gelak sampai nak terkencing ok. I think kan Maikel Jekson tiru P ramleela untuk vido clip thriller. Haha. But hey, come on. Siapa tak suka P Ramlee? I even love his song. Getaran Jiwa is the best-est!
Ah. There is lots of standing funny actor. Ben Stiller, hmm. He's ok but not to the level yang I won't miss seeing his movies but I love something about mary. Jim Carrey? Hmm.. Ace Ventura was ok but after that he kind of annoys me. Like, hello boleh tak kau buat identity yang berbeza untuk setiap movie? Janganlah buat muka sama je ok.But Adam Sandler, I loooooooove. Lawak die memang lawak cacat but hey they do tickle me. But the best thing about him is his movies, no matter how cacat he looked in it they are always some good message. Like Click, oh shit, dia macam gampang dalam crite tu but despite being rich he's very loyal [which I like] and the will always be a family value. I mean think about Big Daddy, Little Nicky or Mr Deeds. Cuma maybe The Wedding Singer takla family value but hell, that movie was sweet. Still, it can't beat the sweetness of 50 first date and ehe I got something for drew berrymore also so hands down ok.
Like P ramlee, Adam Sandler always retains a group of actor for his movie. Cuma heroin je yang bertukar the rest of the cast can be seen in previous movie. Think of Rob Schnider, Steve Buschemi and few other guys yang aku tatau namanya apa tah. But lately steve buschemi dah tak berlakon dahla. And one thing that he will carry in his movie is his jewish identity.
Aha. Without a doubt this goes to antara lelaki idaman chics, Chow Sin Chee or Stephen Chow, even ada orang kata Jackie Chan kelakar jugak. But heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, nobody could challenge Chow Sin Chee okayyyyyy. Dahla kelakar kacak juga serta ketua kongsi gelap which I looiike alsolah. I love his movies especially his old movies. Lately his movie tak kelakar sangat and more focused to hi tech affect in the movie. Butttttttt.. kalau movie dia dulu-dulu adalah sangat best. Mesti ada satu watak pompuan ynag bertaik lalat besar. Pompuan tu mesti ala-ala keji. And macam Adam Sandler Chow Sin Chee loves to take the in and hottest babe as the heroin tapi yang paling gampang, dalam crite die mesti die macam mula2 ngorat tapi last - last mcm reject awek tu secara baik. Haha. But haihhhhhh…I love him lah walaupun dia suka buat lawak taik and lawak sorok makanan dalam bontot.
Sangat kacak juga. silap..Wahhhhhhhhhhhh!![mengikut cara chow sin chee]
Aha. Ada satu mamat ni, pendek-pendek rambut macam ala curly-curly sket. Aku seres tatau nama dia apa ok tapi dalam crite Hindustan dia mesti ada. Watak dia jelir-jelir lidah sket lepas tu beliak-beliakkan mata. Satu watak yang pasti aku rasa nak pukul-pukul aja. Kau ingat kau comelllllllllllll ke buat macam tuuuuuuu haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahh? Sangat tak kelakar ok!!
And that's why I don’t like to watch Hindustan movies. No, not really. I just don't like to watch hairy girl kissing another and another hairy man while rolling over the hills with colourful baju and voice like so halus.
But that just me.
Anywayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, since weekend is coming I would like to say
"Happy Weekend!"
"Selamat Pengantin Baru kepada Nur Hidayah Ismail aka Ida Amoi"
dengan ucapan sorryla aku tak dapat pegi kawen kau.selamat berkawen and dapat anak macam amoi [sebab ko ngan zairul muka macam pasangan cina.hee]
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Say Nothing
"It's only words, and words are all I have to take your heart away"
Who remember Ronan Keating and his Irish boy band? I do. I used to love Stephen Gately although his looks is quite similar to monkey and he's gay but I still adore him [mungkin sebab telinga dia sama dengan aku. Haha]. I used to believe that words can do it all but now I don't like Stephen anymore I prefer Ronan Keating who still sing some lame songs but this time he changed his statement after going solo.
"You say it best, when you say nothing at all"
That's so true you know.
Have you ever been in the situation where not even a single word in this world could describe you feeling or when you tend to say it out, the words itself kills everything? What about have you been in the situation when you lie on your bed while having your partner lying next to you and the ambiance is so peaceful and the look on his face make everything seemed so perfect? You, even there are a lot of things in your mind, even your heart are screaming of happiness, you tend to smile in secret and exhale every single moment because it is simply magnificent.
And you don't have to say anything.
I have this penyakit. I love to watch people from far and admire them. So there was this guy staying near where I used to stay during my uni years. To me, his appearance is quite appealing. Fair, hazel eyes and nice smile. I always bumped into him on my way to the kedai or to the swimming pool. Of kosla aku buat-buat tak nampak okeh, janganla harap aku nak stare-stare padahal dalam hati "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!" Adalah chics sungguh menggelatat okk. Haha.
One day, I was walking to where I stay from the parking lot when he walked to me and say "Eh, you are from Johore issit? Johorean always have your style". I don't have the fuckest idea what the hell was he trying to say to me but after that I found myself accepting his phone number. The cute guy, the hazel eyes, the sharp nose and nice features yet words kills my excitement. I never called him and never had the same excitement everytime I saw him after that but we had a short tea when he joined me at the mamak and ehe he did visit me at my place once or twice.
What I am trying to say is, I like what I see and I have my own reason for liking it but when someone who I like from distance come and say hi. It means bye bye to me. I don't know why, don't ask me. Maybe it kills the beauty in it.
Yours truly do strongly believe words are only words. And worst, some words no matter how special it may sounded will lost it's magic and power if being over said.
Like sorry. Sikit-sikit nak sori. Bende kecik pon nak sori sampai menyampah aku. Kau ingat aku ni Queen of England ke nak sori banyak-banyak. Have some pridela and save it for something more important. Nanti bila dah ada bende yang lagi besar you say sorry, how am I supposed to value it? Hoh
There are times when I feel like saying something to match the situation but I'm afraid if I say it, It will kills the beauty of it. I'm afraid if I say it, my words doesn't seemed to be beautiful as what I am feeling or the words will become an ugly ghost later on.
To some people, maybe saying everything is the best way. Why hide if you really feel it? Well, not to me. Often I was hurt by words and I would not want other person who I care hurt by my words although they seemed so mesmerizing but unless it is something true yet hurting because you know, truth hurts, I will tell. But not something yang berbau pengaharapan dan berbau bunga tetapi berunsur penipuan ok.
I rather be seen as someone who tend to say something hurtful but true rather than sweet person but when it comes to words, hanyalah cakap-cakap sahaja.
Plus, you say it best, when you say nothing at all.
Ehem.So, ease your mind and smile. I don't have to say because I know, you already know.
It's just a matter of time.
Who remember Ronan Keating and his Irish boy band? I do. I used to love Stephen Gately although his looks is quite similar to monkey and he's gay but I still adore him [mungkin sebab telinga dia sama dengan aku. Haha]. I used to believe that words can do it all but now I don't like Stephen anymore I prefer Ronan Keating who still sing some lame songs but this time he changed his statement after going solo.
"You say it best, when you say nothing at all"
That's so true you know.
Have you ever been in the situation where not even a single word in this world could describe you feeling or when you tend to say it out, the words itself kills everything? What about have you been in the situation when you lie on your bed while having your partner lying next to you and the ambiance is so peaceful and the look on his face make everything seemed so perfect? You, even there are a lot of things in your mind, even your heart are screaming of happiness, you tend to smile in secret and exhale every single moment because it is simply magnificent.
And you don't have to say anything.
I have this penyakit. I love to watch people from far and admire them. So there was this guy staying near where I used to stay during my uni years. To me, his appearance is quite appealing. Fair, hazel eyes and nice smile. I always bumped into him on my way to the kedai or to the swimming pool. Of kosla aku buat-buat tak nampak okeh, janganla harap aku nak stare-stare padahal dalam hati "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!" Adalah chics sungguh menggelatat okk. Haha.
One day, I was walking to where I stay from the parking lot when he walked to me and say "Eh, you are from Johore issit? Johorean always have your style". I don't have the fuckest idea what the hell was he trying to say to me but after that I found myself accepting his phone number. The cute guy, the hazel eyes, the sharp nose and nice features yet words kills my excitement. I never called him and never had the same excitement everytime I saw him after that but we had a short tea when he joined me at the mamak and ehe he did visit me at my place once or twice.
What I am trying to say is, I like what I see and I have my own reason for liking it but when someone who I like from distance come and say hi. It means bye bye to me. I don't know why, don't ask me. Maybe it kills the beauty in it.
Yours truly do strongly believe words are only words. And worst, some words no matter how special it may sounded will lost it's magic and power if being over said.
Like sorry. Sikit-sikit nak sori. Bende kecik pon nak sori sampai menyampah aku. Kau ingat aku ni Queen of England ke nak sori banyak-banyak. Have some pridela and save it for something more important. Nanti bila dah ada bende yang lagi besar you say sorry, how am I supposed to value it? Hoh
There are times when I feel like saying something to match the situation but I'm afraid if I say it, It will kills the beauty of it. I'm afraid if I say it, my words doesn't seemed to be beautiful as what I am feeling or the words will become an ugly ghost later on.
To some people, maybe saying everything is the best way. Why hide if you really feel it? Well, not to me. Often I was hurt by words and I would not want other person who I care hurt by my words although they seemed so mesmerizing but unless it is something true yet hurting because you know, truth hurts, I will tell. But not something yang berbau pengaharapan dan berbau bunga tetapi berunsur penipuan ok.
I rather be seen as someone who tend to say something hurtful but true rather than sweet person but when it comes to words, hanyalah cakap-cakap sahaja.
Plus, you say it best, when you say nothing at all.
Ehem.So, ease your mind and smile. I don't have to say because I know, you already know.
It's just a matter of time.
Monday, August 21, 2006
Tertekan dan di tekan
I forgot my appointment with the hospital this month. Now how am I supposed to go for the surgery next month? Shite.
I am so messed up. Bapak banyak bende nak kene buat and aku ada 2 tangan dan satu otak yang agak tidak berguna. Hehe. Adalah sangat stress sekarang. And aku adalah tak paham kenapa orang masih nak tegur kita dekat YM bila status YM adalah bzzzzzzzzzzz? Hello, tau tak aku adalah barah otak sekaranggggggggggggggggg?Ingat saja-saja ke nak letak?Hah?Cuba jawab skang?
Boleh tak memahami keadaanku ini? Apa ingat aku ni entertainment service provider ke haaaaaaaaaa? Hoh. Sorry teremo but really, I am so fuckingly tied up sampai takde mase nak main game dah. Hoh!!!
Ok, bunnies.Time is running out. Have a good monday.Muahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!
P.S Hi Siti Hasmah, ohh..hobby baru awak baca blog ye?Hehe. Have a nice day. Kirim salam abang awak. Hehe
I am so messed up. Bapak banyak bende nak kene buat and aku ada 2 tangan dan satu otak yang agak tidak berguna. Hehe. Adalah sangat stress sekarang. And aku adalah tak paham kenapa orang masih nak tegur kita dekat YM bila status YM adalah bzzzzzzzzzzz? Hello, tau tak aku adalah barah otak sekaranggggggggggggggggg?Ingat saja-saja ke nak letak?Hah?Cuba jawab skang?
Boleh tak memahami keadaanku ini? Apa ingat aku ni entertainment service provider ke haaaaaaaaaa? Hoh. Sorry teremo but really, I am so fuckingly tied up sampai takde mase nak main game dah. Hoh!!!
Ok, bunnies.Time is running out. Have a good monday.Muahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!
P.S Hi Siti Hasmah, ohh..hobby baru awak baca blog ye?Hehe. Have a nice day. Kirim salam abang awak. Hehe
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Game Over
I have the feeling that I'm turning to the Shah Alam panda. The dark circle around my eyes are getting worst. Hell, I've been sleeping so late. The earliest is at least 3.30 a.m.
Sadly, it was not because I'm hardworking or anything, tapiiiiiiiiiiii aku tak tido malam sebab main game. There's this old game called drug lord which doesn't have any graphic at all tapi layannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn. I mean, in a quiet night, you try to be a drug lord while listening to Tokyo drift soundtrack, six days or Blossom Dearie, London in the Rain memang kenela dengan situasi itu, rasa macam mafia. Haha. Before this I was addicted to lemonade tycoon, ye memang macam pondan tapi hell, sape boleh jual lemonade dan mencari resepi yang betul dalam masa 1 hari? Adalah sangat riak terasa sebab chics boleh. :P.
I am a game addict. I even can sacrifice my meals or even sleeping time for the sake of mastering a game tapi jangan suruh aku main warcraft or age of empires ke apa sebab that kind of game scare the shit out of me. I mean, hello, kau kenapa tiba-tiba serang masa aku tak bersedia.Lepas tu buat bunyik jahat. Age of empires aku main separuh je sebab sakit hati and debaran di dada adalah sangat kencang. Hehe. Emo tak emo?But I used to love dungeon keeper sebab ntah takde serang serang yang jahat kot and die punye troll tu comel. The other game that I hate the most sebab sangat menakutkan aku ialah resident evil. Bodoh. Kenapa nak kene buat game yang banyak hantu-hantu lepas tu buat bunyik "arghh..arghhh" lepas tu datang dekat aku. I mean, I played up till the dawn. Ingat tak takut ke hoh? Whenever the hantu hidup balik, I will switch off my monitor especially when my gun is without any bullet. Hehe.
I really have to limit this activityla. Of course the main reason is I am lacking of sleep, second even in my sleep, I dreamt of strategy to win and finally it's because aku series rasa power spec aku dah naik.
And I am so guilty. My mum thought that I was working so hard, burning the midnight oil padahallllllllllllllll..hehe.
Anyway, following saiful's suggestion, I decide to write something about Xbox for my next paper sebab aku sangat teruja dengan game. Sanggup tak tido malam main game dan mendapat barah otak pada hujung minggu kerana assignment tak siap. Hihi. I chose Xbox sebab Xbox 360 dia boleh customize theme and ohhh..ada icon panda yang sangat kiut which is so sesuai dengan aku ynag bermata panda.
Come to think of it, I think the older version of game is more friendly and tak menyebabkan barah otak. Think of pacman and donkey kong or super mario and sonic. Dahla comel kaler-kaler lepas tu game die tak memeningkan kepala. And they didn't poison your mind [atleast not too much]. Macam skang imagine budak-budak main seven sins? Kalau aku takpe sebab aku dah besar [haha]. And how about hose who dedicate themselves to play winning eleven or EPL. Kang suruh kau main bola bebetul mau menggelupur.
Okess. I better finish my paper sebab nanti tak sempat budget masa nak main monopoly tycoon. Game tu time consuming betul . Hoh!
Enjoy your weekend bunnies!
Sadly, it was not because I'm hardworking or anything, tapiiiiiiiiiiii aku tak tido malam sebab main game. There's this old game called drug lord which doesn't have any graphic at all tapi layannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn. I mean, in a quiet night, you try to be a drug lord while listening to Tokyo drift soundtrack, six days or Blossom Dearie, London in the Rain memang kenela dengan situasi itu, rasa macam mafia. Haha. Before this I was addicted to lemonade tycoon, ye memang macam pondan tapi hell, sape boleh jual lemonade dan mencari resepi yang betul dalam masa 1 hari? Adalah sangat riak terasa sebab chics boleh. :P.
I am a game addict. I even can sacrifice my meals or even sleeping time for the sake of mastering a game tapi jangan suruh aku main warcraft or age of empires ke apa sebab that kind of game scare the shit out of me. I mean, hello, kau kenapa tiba-tiba serang masa aku tak bersedia.Lepas tu buat bunyik jahat. Age of empires aku main separuh je sebab sakit hati and debaran di dada adalah sangat kencang. Hehe. Emo tak emo?But I used to love dungeon keeper sebab ntah takde serang serang yang jahat kot and die punye troll tu comel. The other game that I hate the most sebab sangat menakutkan aku ialah resident evil. Bodoh. Kenapa nak kene buat game yang banyak hantu-hantu lepas tu buat bunyik "arghh..arghhh" lepas tu datang dekat aku. I mean, I played up till the dawn. Ingat tak takut ke hoh? Whenever the hantu hidup balik, I will switch off my monitor especially when my gun is without any bullet. Hehe.
I really have to limit this activityla. Of course the main reason is I am lacking of sleep, second even in my sleep, I dreamt of strategy to win and finally it's because aku series rasa power spec aku dah naik.
And I am so guilty. My mum thought that I was working so hard, burning the midnight oil padahallllllllllllllll..hehe.
Anyway, following saiful's suggestion, I decide to write something about Xbox for my next paper sebab aku sangat teruja dengan game. Sanggup tak tido malam main game dan mendapat barah otak pada hujung minggu kerana assignment tak siap. Hihi. I chose Xbox sebab Xbox 360 dia boleh customize theme and ohhh..ada icon panda yang sangat kiut which is so sesuai dengan aku ynag bermata panda.
Come to think of it, I think the older version of game is more friendly and tak menyebabkan barah otak. Think of pacman and donkey kong or super mario and sonic. Dahla comel kaler-kaler lepas tu game die tak memeningkan kepala. And they didn't poison your mind [atleast not too much]. Macam skang imagine budak-budak main seven sins? Kalau aku takpe sebab aku dah besar [haha]. And how about hose who dedicate themselves to play winning eleven or EPL. Kang suruh kau main bola bebetul mau menggelupur.
Okess. I better finish my paper sebab nanti tak sempat budget masa nak main monopoly tycoon. Game tu time consuming betul . Hoh!
Enjoy your weekend bunnies!
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
In between?
First, I have to say this although it's not relevant. Macik blakang rumah aku ni adalah masak sangat berbau sedap dan menyeksa pemuasaan orang yang mengganti puasa seperti aku ini ok. Jadi, adalah terpaksa memaksa emak memasak sambal tempoyak udang cili pi hari ini walaupon macik blakang ni macam masak goreng-goreng aje lah kan.
Ehe, not that's not what I wanted to say. I was just wondering. It was long time ago when me and ikhwan had this conversation [by the way, dude aku sorry sangatt..ko slalu call salah timing, dimana handphone aku selalu mute.hehe]. He was asking me whether I saw our primary schoolmate lately. Ehe the answer is always no. Come on, orang yang aku balik-balik jumpa is kaulah and that depressing-me-come-on-give-me-some-hot-chic yip. So then we came to the topic about hot babes during primary but somehow now they are no more hot babes even masa kecik-kecik dulu adalah sangat cun. I mean their muka still mantain but I guess, it's the way they carry themselves, sense of dressing and yelah how they polish themselves.
So it hit me, which one is more important, good looks or how you polish what you have?
Which one do you actually prefer, being with someone yang cun/hemsem tapi dressing out and bau macam haram, serabai gila or with someone who is biasa-biasa or ehe below biasa but smartly dress and berbau wangi tetapi penampilan memikat hati? Now jangan cakap dengan aku, ko nak yang hemsem dan wangi. Dalam kes ni tak boleh tamak ok.
I mean kan, look at those kasanova around you. Fine, sesetengah tu hemsemlah tapi ada jugak yang so-so but look at the way they dress. Aku rasa kalau dengan rupa biasa and dressing menggelabah komfem tak kasanova ok melainkan kasanova minah rempitlah.
You know, I went out with this guy once. Not bad looking, nice job, nice car tapiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii mengapa dia pakai jeans carrot cut dan memakai jersi bola Malaysia? Apakah ertinya semua ini? Kenapa tidak kau tembak sahaja aku di situ?
Or have been to a wedding when initially you know that the bride is pretty tapi on the wedding day, adalah sangat terkejut melihat pengantin itu over mekap dan kelihatan seperti reraksa. Ataupon awek internet yang from gamba yeah, muka adalah iras-iras sarah sechan tapi bila jumpa haihhhhhhhh. Kenapa kau pakai kasut platform dan baju polka dot dan skirt belang-belang?
Apa die aku ini mengarut? I'm sorry, it's just that I am soooooooo hungry.
What I'm trying to say is, no matter how do you look like naturally, the way you bring yourself is important. Kekemasan, atleast dress decently and such do help. I mean, there's nothing we can do if we were born without the cunnest or hemsem-est look but that’s not a reason to feel bad about yourself. I mean, naturalla everybody is attracted to beautiful things which is you and the other person or who everla. Yet, nothing in this worlds come free, ok.
Dan tiba-tiba aku terasa. Apsal sampai skang aku takde bofren lagi? Mungkin minggu depan-depan boleh pergi ke facial dan membuat threading. Kening aku adalah seperti big bird juga sekarang.
Ingatlah bunnies, kecantikannnn adalah hak milik setiap insan *nari-nari di celah-celah bunga.
Ehe, not that's not what I wanted to say. I was just wondering. It was long time ago when me and ikhwan had this conversation [by the way, dude aku sorry sangatt..ko slalu call salah timing, dimana handphone aku selalu mute.hehe]. He was asking me whether I saw our primary schoolmate lately. Ehe the answer is always no. Come on, orang yang aku balik-balik jumpa is kaulah and that depressing-me-come-on-give-me-some-hot-chic yip. So then we came to the topic about hot babes during primary but somehow now they are no more hot babes even masa kecik-kecik dulu adalah sangat cun. I mean their muka still mantain but I guess, it's the way they carry themselves, sense of dressing and yelah how they polish themselves.
So it hit me, which one is more important, good looks or how you polish what you have?
Which one do you actually prefer, being with someone yang cun/hemsem tapi dressing out and bau macam haram, serabai gila or with someone who is biasa-biasa or ehe below biasa but smartly dress and berbau wangi tetapi penampilan memikat hati? Now jangan cakap dengan aku, ko nak yang hemsem dan wangi. Dalam kes ni tak boleh tamak ok.
I mean kan, look at those kasanova around you. Fine, sesetengah tu hemsemlah tapi ada jugak yang so-so but look at the way they dress. Aku rasa kalau dengan rupa biasa and dressing menggelabah komfem tak kasanova ok melainkan kasanova minah rempitlah.
You know, I went out with this guy once. Not bad looking, nice job, nice car tapiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii mengapa dia pakai jeans carrot cut dan memakai jersi bola Malaysia? Apakah ertinya semua ini? Kenapa tidak kau tembak sahaja aku di situ?
Or have been to a wedding when initially you know that the bride is pretty tapi on the wedding day, adalah sangat terkejut melihat pengantin itu over mekap dan kelihatan seperti reraksa. Ataupon awek internet yang from gamba yeah, muka adalah iras-iras sarah sechan tapi bila jumpa haihhhhhhhh. Kenapa kau pakai kasut platform dan baju polka dot dan skirt belang-belang?
Apa die aku ini mengarut? I'm sorry, it's just that I am soooooooo hungry.
What I'm trying to say is, no matter how do you look like naturally, the way you bring yourself is important. Kekemasan, atleast dress decently and such do help. I mean, there's nothing we can do if we were born without the cunnest or hemsem-est look but that’s not a reason to feel bad about yourself. I mean, naturalla everybody is attracted to beautiful things which is you and the other person or who everla. Yet, nothing in this worlds come free, ok.
Dan tiba-tiba aku terasa. Apsal sampai skang aku takde bofren lagi? Mungkin minggu depan-depan boleh pergi ke facial dan membuat threading. Kening aku adalah seperti big bird juga sekarang.
Ingatlah bunnies, kecantikannnn adalah hak milik setiap insan *nari-nari di celah-celah bunga.
Monday, August 14, 2006
Erasing the past
Sometimes I wish I could turn back time and erase something. When I was small, we had this neighbor named Cikgu Mariam. Her husband was a pengetua of a school nearby and she got two kids. The eldest is about my brother's age and the youngest is err..2 years younger than my brother.
Now, despite being the same age as my brother his ability was not as the same as the other boys his age. He is a bit mentally disabled. Not to say totally disable but yeah, he had to go to special class and his sister was sort of overweight. When he played with the rest of the neighbours which includes my brother he always get bullied. I mean, he's not as fast at the others and he took some time to get things done. Being kids, the rest would not give him special treatment. I mean, budak-budak, pedulik hapela diorangkan. Kalau kau lembap kau tinggalla. And on certain games which need them to choose players, he was unlikely to be chosen and budak-budak seboleh-bolehnya tanak geng dengan dia.
I didn't favour kids, even until today. When I went back to my grandma's house, my cousins would avoid me sebab ehe..aku garang. I don't like to entertain kids and please jangan memekak tepi telinga aku ok, komfem aku naik angin. Am not supposed to do that but hey, that's just me. So anyway, there were times when that boy was bullied and felt desperate that he shouted
"Kak Nina, tengokla aie ni! Dia tak bagi kita main"
I mean, that's a typical statement a kid could cry. Instead of asking my brother to let him play I just looked at him, annoyed. Ko bisingla. Dahla suara kau nyaring and he would go home crying while her sister will try to pujuk him and at the same time asked the other kids to let him play. I think the mother must felt sad, she often came outside and talked to the kids to at least treat her son nicely tapiiiiiiiiiiii katanya budak-budakkkkkk. I mean my parents do tell us it's not nice to treat him like that and ehe adik aku dulu selalu je kene pukul. Aku tak sebab aku kerempeng sangat. If they hit me, mungkin tulang-tulang akan bertaburan. Lama-lama the mother did not allow him to play outside anymore even he really wants to. Sometimes I would see his sad but putih-tepung-gomak-kono-bodak face from behind his house grill. And her sister, sitting nearby playing anak patung or whatever shit. Not to long after that, they move away and we never heard from them since.
I totally forget about the boy until last night when something triggered my mind. MTV got this one show called Can't Get A Date. I mean, obviously some of them are losers but the sad part is they don't know the fact that they are a bit weird and err..not welcome. They thought hey are normal and yeah was doing great but actually no girls wants to date them and that make take self esteem hit the bottom. I mean, it's the community who treated them bad just because, they don't fit in like the rest of us. So I was feeling sorry for those guys and then..I remember that boy.
And it hit me.
I wish I could undo things. Undo the sadness on his mom's face. Undo the sound of his crying but you see, there's no eraser in life. Things that happened in life can't be undo or reversed.
I wonder how he is doing now. He and his sister.
Maybe, if I happen to bump into him one day I will apologize ..or buy him lunch and be nice or whatever as long as he know that I am sorry for making his childhood a miserable experience.
If I don't have that chance, maybe I should be more patience towards kids and be nice to people who are different including orang yang jual kerepak or what ever it is dekat rumah even though the piss me off like only God knows how much.
Yeah, maybe I should think seriously about that.
Now, despite being the same age as my brother his ability was not as the same as the other boys his age. He is a bit mentally disabled. Not to say totally disable but yeah, he had to go to special class and his sister was sort of overweight. When he played with the rest of the neighbours which includes my brother he always get bullied. I mean, he's not as fast at the others and he took some time to get things done. Being kids, the rest would not give him special treatment. I mean, budak-budak, pedulik hapela diorangkan. Kalau kau lembap kau tinggalla. And on certain games which need them to choose players, he was unlikely to be chosen and budak-budak seboleh-bolehnya tanak geng dengan dia.
I didn't favour kids, even until today. When I went back to my grandma's house, my cousins would avoid me sebab ehe..aku garang. I don't like to entertain kids and please jangan memekak tepi telinga aku ok, komfem aku naik angin. Am not supposed to do that but hey, that's just me. So anyway, there were times when that boy was bullied and felt desperate that he shouted
"Kak Nina, tengokla aie ni! Dia tak bagi kita main"
I mean, that's a typical statement a kid could cry. Instead of asking my brother to let him play I just looked at him, annoyed. Ko bisingla. Dahla suara kau nyaring and he would go home crying while her sister will try to pujuk him and at the same time asked the other kids to let him play. I think the mother must felt sad, she often came outside and talked to the kids to at least treat her son nicely tapiiiiiiiiiiii katanya budak-budakkkkkk. I mean my parents do tell us it's not nice to treat him like that and ehe adik aku dulu selalu je kene pukul. Aku tak sebab aku kerempeng sangat. If they hit me, mungkin tulang-tulang akan bertaburan. Lama-lama the mother did not allow him to play outside anymore even he really wants to. Sometimes I would see his sad but putih-tepung-gomak-kono-bodak face from behind his house grill. And her sister, sitting nearby playing anak patung or whatever shit. Not to long after that, they move away and we never heard from them since.
I totally forget about the boy until last night when something triggered my mind. MTV got this one show called Can't Get A Date. I mean, obviously some of them are losers but the sad part is they don't know the fact that they are a bit weird and err..not welcome. They thought hey are normal and yeah was doing great but actually no girls wants to date them and that make take self esteem hit the bottom. I mean, it's the community who treated them bad just because, they don't fit in like the rest of us. So I was feeling sorry for those guys and then..I remember that boy.
And it hit me.
I wish I could undo things. Undo the sadness on his mom's face. Undo the sound of his crying but you see, there's no eraser in life. Things that happened in life can't be undo or reversed.
I wonder how he is doing now. He and his sister.
Maybe, if I happen to bump into him one day I will apologize ..or buy him lunch and be nice or whatever as long as he know that I am sorry for making his childhood a miserable experience.
If I don't have that chance, maybe I should be more patience towards kids and be nice to people who are different including orang yang jual kerepak or what ever it is dekat rumah even though the piss me off like only God knows how much.
Yeah, maybe I should think seriously about that.
Sunday, August 13, 2006
Value of you
What's wrong unmarried malay women? Mengapa masyarakat memandang seronglah? Hello, kalau diorang [kami] tanak kawen pon, bukannnya menyusahkan kau ok. Paling paling pon, mengabiskan beras bapakkkkkkkk diorang.
No. Don't get me wrong, It's not that I don't want to get married. I do but I won't get married just for the sake of doing it. Main sebat je, janji ade. Dan kemudian berkata "mengapakah aku berkahwin ye?". I mean, you parents raised you up with penuh kasih sayang, bagi pakai cantik-cantik, makan sedap-sedap, blaja pandai-pandai tapi mengapakah tidak pandai memvalue diri?
The reason I am talking shits is because my babe called me up just now. Now, she's supposed to get engaged but to melahkan, that guys is sooooo not worth it. That guy, nak kata budak lagi dah besar. Dah nak masuk 40 tahun but his perangai haihh, Now, sape kata maturity goes up with the age. I soo not setuju. Maybe in zaman gila-gila remaja tapi kalau umur dah lebih suku abad tapi perangai macam bofren aku masa 18 tahun apa critela? I mean, she was telling me how she caught her boyfriend sending nasty emails, as in email gatal dan pengote to numerous women. Bini orang ada, budak bawah umur ada, macam-macamla. Tapi memang dia salahla sebab dia bukak emel bofren die kan tapiiiiiiii bofren dia tu pon bangang. Ko kalau ye pon nak main fantasy football pegila tuka player sindri, ni nak suruh awek tukakan. Kalau tak tau main, jangan mainn..baik main bola kertas je. So anyway, since this was not his first time, she confronted him. Of coursela he denied like the previous time but this time, he went ballistic. He wanted to leave her and she was shocked, she wanted to diskas tapi mamat ni emo. Yang paling keji, she begged as if there will be no tomorrow. Dan mamat itupon dengan bangganya berkata
"It's ok, jangan buat lagi"
Memangla my babe tu did something wrong, membaca emel itu but he should apologizes and macam apa yang dia buat tu tak salahla. Oooooooooo...kau ingat ko lelaki ko boleh suka-suka tulis emel ajak pompuan main? I mean, kalau kau tak skolah tinggi or keja tapaper lainla, but you are too educated to value a woman. She begged, itula salahnye. Let me tell you about begging. Begging will make you feel like taik. The stinkiest taik. It not only make you feel helpless but will take away your self esteem. Never ever beg for a worthless guy. Never.
I loathe men who treat women like shit. I hate mean who jerit jerit dekat pompaun as if women have no value and feeling. I hate men who only see women as romen objek. Bila wife/gefren dah sakit, tak boleh layan, kau carik alasanla nak main kat luar. If you commit to get married or already married are you not stay for better and worst?. Aku jugak benci lelaki yang ingat bila dia dah commit die berkuasa mutlak terhadap perempuan. Tak boleh kuar dengan kawan-kawan, tak boleh itu, tak boleh ini. Mari layan aku sahaja, tengkiu. Sebab aku dah habis duit bayar hantaran kau.
And he's this type, well part of it.
So anyway, my babe asked me "Apala aku nak buat babe? Aku dah nak kawen ok"
Don't asked me that question when I'm your best friend. Of course I have the possibility to be bias. She told me she can't leave him coz despite dia pengote and kadang-kadang naik hangin tak pepasal dia pastikan my babe cukup makan and etc. Taik. Habis tu hati kau macamana?But then I told her, I can say lots of things but at the end it's up to her. Whether she married or not to that guy, I will always be here because et the end of the day it's her life. Cuma, belum kawen, hari-hari dah berendam air mata. I mean, you should feel happy thinking of marriage bukannya rasa macam celake.
Babe, it just that I think you are more worthy than that. Kau sanggup ke duduk rumah 24 jam sebab bofren kau tak bagi ko jumpa aku? Sekarang pon tak bagi, apakah lagi nanti?I mean, she even let go of pursuing her master coz that guy tak berapa gemar[macam familiar..hmm]. You are beautiful. You are smart. You are funny. You are manja. You deserve a man who treat you the way you treat him.
Don't be afraid to tell him what you feel. If he decided to leave you you should be sad and mourning for him because he's a chicken shit who are just afraid to admit the truth and penjantan penakut untuk mengaku kelemahan sendiri. Nobody should own you except God. And you should feel happy because by are more than just beautiful.
Banyak lagi lelaki yang ada dekat luar tu. Kalau takde, takpela. Bukan mati pon takde lelaki. Pegila mati apa orang nak cakap. Maybe kau akan rasa sunyi, tapi apanya gunanya kawan [ko tak miss ke time kite berpoye-poye dulu? Haha].
Aku sayang kau okess. Even hari-hari aku cakap tapi aku cakap sekali lagi. You deserve to be happy.
Bunnies, if you are in her shoes? What would you do?
Apa-apa pon, the moral is, tak kirelah whether u are a girl or a guy, always value yourself. Because if you don't, no one will.
Happy Monday.
No. Don't get me wrong, It's not that I don't want to get married. I do but I won't get married just for the sake of doing it. Main sebat je, janji ade. Dan kemudian berkata "mengapakah aku berkahwin ye?". I mean, you parents raised you up with penuh kasih sayang, bagi pakai cantik-cantik, makan sedap-sedap, blaja pandai-pandai tapi mengapakah tidak pandai memvalue diri?
The reason I am talking shits is because my babe called me up just now. Now, she's supposed to get engaged but to melahkan, that guys is sooooo not worth it. That guy, nak kata budak lagi dah besar. Dah nak masuk 40 tahun but his perangai haihh, Now, sape kata maturity goes up with the age. I soo not setuju. Maybe in zaman gila-gila remaja tapi kalau umur dah lebih suku abad tapi perangai macam bofren aku masa 18 tahun apa critela? I mean, she was telling me how she caught her boyfriend sending nasty emails, as in email gatal dan pengote to numerous women. Bini orang ada, budak bawah umur ada, macam-macamla. Tapi memang dia salahla sebab dia bukak emel bofren die kan tapiiiiiiii bofren dia tu pon bangang. Ko kalau ye pon nak main fantasy football pegila tuka player sindri, ni nak suruh awek tukakan. Kalau tak tau main, jangan mainn..baik main bola kertas je. So anyway, since this was not his first time, she confronted him. Of coursela he denied like the previous time but this time, he went ballistic. He wanted to leave her and she was shocked, she wanted to diskas tapi mamat ni emo. Yang paling keji, she begged as if there will be no tomorrow. Dan mamat itupon dengan bangganya berkata
"It's ok, jangan buat lagi"
Memangla my babe tu did something wrong, membaca emel itu but he should apologizes and macam apa yang dia buat tu tak salahla. Oooooooooo...kau ingat ko lelaki ko boleh suka-suka tulis emel ajak pompuan main? I mean, kalau kau tak skolah tinggi or keja tapaper lainla, but you are too educated to value a woman. She begged, itula salahnye. Let me tell you about begging. Begging will make you feel like taik. The stinkiest taik. It not only make you feel helpless but will take away your self esteem. Never ever beg for a worthless guy. Never.
I loathe men who treat women like shit. I hate mean who jerit jerit dekat pompaun as if women have no value and feeling. I hate men who only see women as romen objek. Bila wife/gefren dah sakit, tak boleh layan, kau carik alasanla nak main kat luar. If you commit to get married or already married are you not stay for better and worst?. Aku jugak benci lelaki yang ingat bila dia dah commit die berkuasa mutlak terhadap perempuan. Tak boleh kuar dengan kawan-kawan, tak boleh itu, tak boleh ini. Mari layan aku sahaja, tengkiu. Sebab aku dah habis duit bayar hantaran kau.
And he's this type, well part of it.
So anyway, my babe asked me "Apala aku nak buat babe? Aku dah nak kawen ok"
Don't asked me that question when I'm your best friend. Of course I have the possibility to be bias. She told me she can't leave him coz despite dia pengote and kadang-kadang naik hangin tak pepasal dia pastikan my babe cukup makan and etc. Taik. Habis tu hati kau macamana?But then I told her, I can say lots of things but at the end it's up to her. Whether she married or not to that guy, I will always be here because et the end of the day it's her life. Cuma, belum kawen, hari-hari dah berendam air mata. I mean, you should feel happy thinking of marriage bukannya rasa macam celake.
Babe, it just that I think you are more worthy than that. Kau sanggup ke duduk rumah 24 jam sebab bofren kau tak bagi ko jumpa aku? Sekarang pon tak bagi, apakah lagi nanti?I mean, she even let go of pursuing her master coz that guy tak berapa gemar[macam familiar..hmm]. You are beautiful. You are smart. You are funny. You are manja. You deserve a man who treat you the way you treat him.
Don't be afraid to tell him what you feel. If he decided to leave you you should be sad and mourning for him because he's a chicken shit who are just afraid to admit the truth and penjantan penakut untuk mengaku kelemahan sendiri. Nobody should own you except God. And you should feel happy because by are more than just beautiful.
Banyak lagi lelaki yang ada dekat luar tu. Kalau takde, takpela. Bukan mati pon takde lelaki. Pegila mati apa orang nak cakap. Maybe kau akan rasa sunyi, tapi apanya gunanya kawan [ko tak miss ke time kite berpoye-poye dulu? Haha].
Aku sayang kau okess. Even hari-hari aku cakap tapi aku cakap sekali lagi. You deserve to be happy.
Bunnies, if you are in her shoes? What would you do?
Apa-apa pon, the moral is, tak kirelah whether u are a girl or a guy, always value yourself. Because if you don't, no one will.
Happy Monday.
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Lecuran sambal udang
I love sambal udang. Especially with extra onion and ermm..big fat prawns. Sooo the sedap ok.
Anyway, my mom cooked sambal udang for breakfasting on Wednesday night. On Thursday, I was thinking to fast but I must had woke up at the wrong side of the bed and decided not to [haha.excuse]. Sambal udang definitely taste better when it’s still hot. Yummy umm. Heated sambal udang and teamy rice. Uuhhh.
After putting some on my plate, I wanted to put the sambal udang which is in a small pot inside the oven so no flies can berak or lay their eggs on it. Without thinking I grab the pot and..halfway I realized that the pot was extremely hot. Fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. My fingers feel like burning like.. hell like that. but I can't just let go. Nanti habislah semuanya tumpah and akan aku kene marahlakan oleh emakku yang menaga kelak. I continued holding it tight until safely placed it in the oven.

Ibu jari yang merah menaga

Kami benci sambal udang
Shit. It hurts like hell.
Tapi apalah ertinya makan sambal udang bersama ikan kerapu goreng jika tidak menggunakan tangan? Adalah tidak feel untuk bermakan menggunakan spork [fork & spoon]. So I just continued eating hot sambal with hot rice using my fingers. Resultnye ialah, wahhhhhhhhhhh terbakarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
Sekarang adalah tidak boleh menulis, menaip atau memegang dengan betul ye. Juga jari-jemari ku adalah agak kembung dan berupa keji sekarang.
Bagaimanalahhhhhhhh ini?
Enjoy your weekend bunnies.
Jangan bermain denga periuk yang panas, nanti melecurkan jari.
Anyway, my mom cooked sambal udang for breakfasting on Wednesday night. On Thursday, I was thinking to fast but I must had woke up at the wrong side of the bed and decided not to [haha.excuse]. Sambal udang definitely taste better when it’s still hot. Yummy umm. Heated sambal udang and teamy rice. Uuhhh.
After putting some on my plate, I wanted to put the sambal udang which is in a small pot inside the oven so no flies can berak or lay their eggs on it. Without thinking I grab the pot and..halfway I realized that the pot was extremely hot. Fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. My fingers feel like burning like.. hell like that. but I can't just let go. Nanti habislah semuanya tumpah and akan aku kene marahlakan oleh emakku yang menaga kelak. I continued holding it tight until safely placed it in the oven.
Ketika masih fresh.hehe
Ibu jari yang merah menaga
Kami benci sambal udang
Shit. It hurts like hell.
Tapi apalah ertinya makan sambal udang bersama ikan kerapu goreng jika tidak menggunakan tangan? Adalah tidak feel untuk bermakan menggunakan spork [fork & spoon]. So I just continued eating hot sambal with hot rice using my fingers. Resultnye ialah, wahhhhhhhhhhh terbakarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
Sekarang adalah tidak boleh menulis, menaip atau memegang dengan betul ye. Juga jari-jemari ku adalah agak kembung dan berupa keji sekarang.
Bagaimanalahhhhhhhh ini?
Enjoy your weekend bunnies.
Jangan bermain denga periuk yang panas, nanti melecurkan jari.
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
One of my favourite series is one three hill. But I blocked my mind from watching it since last year, somewhere around November. That series just reminded me of something. Something wounding.
Last two night after an exhausting day, I switched on the tv and stumbled upon this cerita melayu, Permintaan Terakhir. Oh fuck, aku hampir barah otak menengok cerita itu. Apakahhhhhhhh? Mengapa orang semua berlakon macam baca skrip ye? Mahu saja aku masuk ke dalam tv dan melempang semua orang-orang itu. Then I began to switch channel and it led me to one three hill. I mean, haih, I just couldn't refrained myself from drooling over lucas,one of the main characters. Hemmsemm ok. So I watched but you know what, despite the episode not being anything sad, I was all cried out with tears on my face when it ended. It brought the memory, the one that I wanted to erase so bad.
Funny, I couldn't find myself being that heartrending anymore nowadays but that series surprisingly brought me back to the past which was a totally fucking shit. So I was thinking, why?
Perhaps it's because I avoided it. I should have deal with it, just laze around the couch and enjoy every episode of one three hill. Get use to it until my body and my mind go immune, like "'s not working anymore..bleeek". Then, the aching might be gone. So when they said "Don't run from your problem, face it" turns out to be true anyway. It teaches you to be brave and stronger [not that I am sangatlahkan. Hehe]
I guess what I'm trying to say is, no matter how shitty things are be brave and deal with it. It will be a lot easier.
So yeay, I'll be waiting to see lucas again next week. I soo loooove that series and err..simple life.
It's hot!
Last two night after an exhausting day, I switched on the tv and stumbled upon this cerita melayu, Permintaan Terakhir. Oh fuck, aku hampir barah otak menengok cerita itu. Apakahhhhhhhh? Mengapa orang semua berlakon macam baca skrip ye? Mahu saja aku masuk ke dalam tv dan melempang semua orang-orang itu. Then I began to switch channel and it led me to one three hill. I mean, haih, I just couldn't refrained myself from drooling over lucas,one of the main characters. Hemmsemm ok. So I watched but you know what, despite the episode not being anything sad, I was all cried out with tears on my face when it ended. It brought the memory, the one that I wanted to erase so bad.
Funny, I couldn't find myself being that heartrending anymore nowadays but that series surprisingly brought me back to the past which was a totally fucking shit. So I was thinking, why?
Perhaps it's because I avoided it. I should have deal with it, just laze around the couch and enjoy every episode of one three hill. Get use to it until my body and my mind go immune, like "'s not working anymore..bleeek". Then, the aching might be gone. So when they said "Don't run from your problem, face it" turns out to be true anyway. It teaches you to be brave and stronger [not that I am sangatlahkan. Hehe]
I guess what I'm trying to say is, no matter how shitty things are be brave and deal with it. It will be a lot easier.
So yeay, I'll be waiting to see lucas again next week. I soo loooove that series and err..simple life.
It's hot!
Sunday, August 06, 2006
Kadang-kadang saya adalah rindu kepada zaman kanak-kanak. Adalah sangat best itu bermain bersama kawan-kawan tanpa perlu fikir apa-apa. Pergi sekolah adalah best juga ok. Ini adalah kerana dapat bermain permainan yang sungguhlah best.
Sep Tiang
Tak taula apsal panggil sep tiang. Sep tu mana datangnya pon tataula kan. Tapi main ni adalah layan ok. Espesyelli sebelum masuk kelas or masa waktu rehat. Dia paling best ada 4 tiang, ala yang dekat koridor tu la. Lepas tu kene ada 4 orang jaga tiang tu, sorang jadi monyet. Nantikan..kan..kan yang empat orang tu akan tukar-tukar tiang lepas tu yang tengah tu tryla rebut tiang yang mana-mana. Macam bingailakan tapi layan okkkkkkkkk. Siapa yang tak main tak stylola. Haha.
Orang Miskin Orang Kaya
Yang ni kene main reramai ok. Lagi ramai lagi best. Permainan ini macam ada pengajaran macamkan mula-mula sorang ni jadi miskin lama-lama dia jadi kaya. Eh, macam tak releven pulak. Tapi takpe, ok..Main dia macam ni, mula-mula nanti ada sorang jadi orang miskin dan ada lagi satu group yang ramai jadi orang kaya. Lepas tu budak miskin ni nyanyila "saya orang miskin..orang miskin..bla..bla" lepas tu orang-orang kaya ni dengan sombongnya nyanyila pulak "saya orang kaya..orang kaya bla..bla" lepas tu orang miskin ni mintak satu kawan orang kaya. Go..on..on and on sampai orang miskin jadi orang kayaaaaaaaaa..Moral, sape banyak kawan dia kaya. Eh macam tipu je tapi takpe. Abaikan. Yang paling best sambil main boleh sengih-sengih dekat bofren yang tengah berpura-pura makan dekat pokok yang berhampiran, Hehe
Batu Semban
Ada tujuh kot kalau tak silap.Chics selalu pow nenek kain perca sebab adalah hendak membuat batu semban. Siapa yang stylo batu semban bentuk tigasegi sape tak reti jait buat jela bentuk segiempat.Lepas tu isi beras atau kacang hijau. Layan ok main ni, masa nila nak tunjuk skill expecially bila part last- last yang nak sampai one game or two game. Budak-budak lelaki pon main ni, jangan tatau ada yang terrer dari pompuan. Ada sorang budak ni nama dia fadzil agak lembut-lembut jugak. Jambu ok die ni, tererrrrr main nihhhh, kalau dia main aku rasa macam malas nak main sebab die je menang tapi skrang dia adalah telah menjadi dokter. Peringatan: siapa nak jadi dokter sila main batu semban dari skarang.
Zero Point
Main getah yang sangat best.Mula-mula start dari part yang tak tinggi makin tinggi level getah tu makin tinggi dimana sebagai seorang yang pendek, saya adalah memfail dengan cemerlang sekali tapii haaa, adalah boleh buat aksi gimnastik bila sampai part tinggi. Part yang mencabar adalah part 'gila'. Ouiih, kalau tinggal sorang and orang lain mati boleh pening ok main gila ni. Lepas habis tu komfem peninggg.Lagi satu ayus. Hoih. Sakit gila kene libas dengan getah. Nak nak yang ayus tu perempuan gila. Muka siap berkerut-kerut sebab nak ayus kuat-kuat. Gila keji. Tapi saya ini adalah main permainan ini sampai tingkatan lima bersama tetek-tetek semua. Sambil main depan blok c, sambil curik buah mangga makcik selvi [hey, it rhymes!]. Lepas tu mesi kene marah dengan senior sebab bising sangat. Elehhhh tak takoooot.
Baling Selipar
Ni selalu main dengan budak lelaki. Diorang ni jahat ok, suka nak baling kuat-kuat. Siapa pakai selipar tat seng siapla. Habis berbirat badan. Budak-budak ni sukala nak membelasah orang. Masa dah baling tu menggulupur nak susun selipar betul-betul. Sape yang ko-ol mungkin berjaya kalau siapa yang menggulupur seperti diriku ini adalah fail. Yang ni pon dah form 5 main jugakkkkkkkkk. Best okkkkkkk.
Tutup Botol
Masa dulu air gas semua dalam botol, takde yang dalam bekas plastic. So kejenye kumpul penutup botol and main jentik-jentik. Tapi bukan sebarang jentik ok, kene ada susunan dia la. Tak ingatla susunan dia tapi yang paling ingat bentuk jamban. Rupa dia adalah sekeji nama dia ok. Susah gila nak lepas stage ni, kene lompat-lompatkan penutup tu. Tapiiiiiiii, Chics adalah agak terrer juga cuma kalau main dengan budak-budak lelaki yang hustler habislah aku. Hehehe.
Bola Kertas
Main bola pakai kertas, padang die pon kertas, pemain die pon kertas. Semua kertaslah! Pemain die kene potong empat segi tapi lipat dua. Kalau nak power jangan guna kertas lembik, kene guna kertas keras. Pompuan jarang nak main tapi aku main je. Walaupun tak tau siapa nama pemain-pemain tapi layankan aje. Dulu selalu main dengan bofren dan kawan-kawan bofren. Kecoh gila masa main ni sebab ehe.. aku emo.
Nama, Negeri, Buah, Binatang
Haaa, yang ni agak educational. Semua kene ada kertas dan pensel. Selalunya main ni masa dah siap buat latihan dalam kelas. So cepat-sepat siapkan latihan, kalau tak pon tiru jela sebab nak main. So nanti bahagikan kertas tu kepada beberapa bahagian dan garaiskan atas tiap-tiap column tu tulisla nama, negeri, buah, binatang and tahaper-haper lagi. So nanti sorang akan pilih sau hurup. Katakanla "H" so semua kene fikir nama start dari H, binatang dari H and so onlah. Last last sekali compare. Siapa yang bagi jawapan sama kene share makah, siapa yang tak sama dapat 100. Last-last kireeeeee siapa makah paling tinggi dialah menang. Haha [aku gelak sebab aku selalu menang, hihi]. Yang ni campur India, cina, mlayu, lelaki, pompuan seme boleh mainnnn.
Pepsi Cola
Ni keji. Sangat keji. Main pijak kasut orang. Mula-mula nyanyila pepsi cola..bla..bla..tak ingatla ape tah.Last-last sekali jaga-jaga sape lembap habisla kasut dia kene pijak. Kalau main sebelum kelas start habislaaaaaaaaaa kasut komfem hitam lepas tu kene marah dengan cikgu. Chics adalah jarang main sebab dia lembap dan prefek. Yela, prefek kene jaga imej okkkkkkkkkkk. Mana boleh kasut hitam tak GKla mcam ni prefek kasut hitam. Adik Chics selalu main ni akibatnya satu hari dia telah dimarah oleh cikgu lukisan iaitu Cikgu Gladys "You look like you just came out from the dustbin". Cis, menjatuhkan reputasi aku sebagai pelajar contoh. Hohoh.
Pencurik dan Pemukul.
Ini best jugak, main masa dalam kelas jugak tapi paling banyak 5 atau 6 orang je. Yang extra tu kene take turn. So mula-mula koyak kertas kecik-kecik dalam 5 atau 6 keping bergantung kepada jumlah pemain and tulis wata-watak dalam kertas tu macam hakim, surirumah, pencurik, saksi, pemukul, polis and ape tah lagi. Lepas tu kocok [wtfla?] and semua amik sekeping sorang ketas and tengok dapat watak apa. Nanti suri rumah tu buat pengaduan " Saya telah dirompak, barang kemas saya telah hilang. Tolonglah saya encik polis" lepas tu dia kene teke siapa yang curik iaitu siapa yang dapat ketas tulis pencurikla. Kalau salah teke, hakim akan jatuhkan hukuman. Kalau dapat teka pencurik tu akan dihukum. Part hukum ni best, espesyelli kepada pemukulla sebab dia yang jadi tukang pukul. Hakim nanti bagitau brape panas brape sejuk. Contoh "5 panas 4 sejuk". Soooooo, pemukul akan pukul kaw-kaw orang yang kene pukul tu lima kali dengan pembaris 5 kali and pukul pelan pelan 4 kali. Kalau ade tak suke budak, siapla ko kene sebat dengan pembaris. Haha, kecik-kecik dah blaja mendera.Best best.
Patung Kertas
Yang ni paling layannnn. Patung tu kan, kalau tak pakaikan baju dia pakai bra dengan panty je.Lepas tu boleh pakaikan dia baju macam-macam ikut tempatla. Ada baju keje baju mandi. Lepas tu kan, nak beli die kene beli dekat bai roti. Hohoh. Tapi rasa macam dah takde je bende tu.
Skang tataula budak-budak main lagi ke tak game-game ni. Macam tak aje..Tak bestla korang budak-budak niiiii
He, dah habis dah. Jangan main-main pegi buat keje.
Happy Monday bunnies!
Sep Tiang
Tak taula apsal panggil sep tiang. Sep tu mana datangnya pon tataula kan. Tapi main ni adalah layan ok. Espesyelli sebelum masuk kelas or masa waktu rehat. Dia paling best ada 4 tiang, ala yang dekat koridor tu la. Lepas tu kene ada 4 orang jaga tiang tu, sorang jadi monyet. Nantikan..kan..kan yang empat orang tu akan tukar-tukar tiang lepas tu yang tengah tu tryla rebut tiang yang mana-mana. Macam bingailakan tapi layan okkkkkkkkk. Siapa yang tak main tak stylola. Haha.
Orang Miskin Orang Kaya
Yang ni kene main reramai ok. Lagi ramai lagi best. Permainan ini macam ada pengajaran macamkan mula-mula sorang ni jadi miskin lama-lama dia jadi kaya. Eh, macam tak releven pulak. Tapi takpe, ok..Main dia macam ni, mula-mula nanti ada sorang jadi orang miskin dan ada lagi satu group yang ramai jadi orang kaya. Lepas tu budak miskin ni nyanyila "saya orang miskin..orang miskin..bla..bla" lepas tu orang-orang kaya ni dengan sombongnya nyanyila pulak "saya orang kaya..orang kaya bla..bla" lepas tu orang miskin ni mintak satu kawan orang kaya. Go..on..on and on sampai orang miskin jadi orang kayaaaaaaaaa..Moral, sape banyak kawan dia kaya. Eh macam tipu je tapi takpe. Abaikan. Yang paling best sambil main boleh sengih-sengih dekat bofren yang tengah berpura-pura makan dekat pokok yang berhampiran, Hehe
Batu Semban
Ada tujuh kot kalau tak silap.Chics selalu pow nenek kain perca sebab adalah hendak membuat batu semban. Siapa yang stylo batu semban bentuk tigasegi sape tak reti jait buat jela bentuk segiempat.Lepas tu isi beras atau kacang hijau. Layan ok main ni, masa nila nak tunjuk skill expecially bila part last- last yang nak sampai one game or two game. Budak-budak lelaki pon main ni, jangan tatau ada yang terrer dari pompuan. Ada sorang budak ni nama dia fadzil agak lembut-lembut jugak. Jambu ok die ni, tererrrrr main nihhhh, kalau dia main aku rasa macam malas nak main sebab die je menang tapi skrang dia adalah telah menjadi dokter. Peringatan: siapa nak jadi dokter sila main batu semban dari skarang.
Zero Point
Main getah yang sangat best.Mula-mula start dari part yang tak tinggi makin tinggi level getah tu makin tinggi dimana sebagai seorang yang pendek, saya adalah memfail dengan cemerlang sekali tapii haaa, adalah boleh buat aksi gimnastik bila sampai part tinggi. Part yang mencabar adalah part 'gila'. Ouiih, kalau tinggal sorang and orang lain mati boleh pening ok main gila ni. Lepas habis tu komfem peninggg.Lagi satu ayus. Hoih. Sakit gila kene libas dengan getah. Nak nak yang ayus tu perempuan gila. Muka siap berkerut-kerut sebab nak ayus kuat-kuat. Gila keji. Tapi saya ini adalah main permainan ini sampai tingkatan lima bersama tetek-tetek semua. Sambil main depan blok c, sambil curik buah mangga makcik selvi [hey, it rhymes!]. Lepas tu mesi kene marah dengan senior sebab bising sangat. Elehhhh tak takoooot.
Baling Selipar
Ni selalu main dengan budak lelaki. Diorang ni jahat ok, suka nak baling kuat-kuat. Siapa pakai selipar tat seng siapla. Habis berbirat badan. Budak-budak ni sukala nak membelasah orang. Masa dah baling tu menggulupur nak susun selipar betul-betul. Sape yang ko-ol mungkin berjaya kalau siapa yang menggulupur seperti diriku ini adalah fail. Yang ni pon dah form 5 main jugakkkkkkkkk. Best okkkkkkk.
Tutup Botol
Masa dulu air gas semua dalam botol, takde yang dalam bekas plastic. So kejenye kumpul penutup botol and main jentik-jentik. Tapi bukan sebarang jentik ok, kene ada susunan dia la. Tak ingatla susunan dia tapi yang paling ingat bentuk jamban. Rupa dia adalah sekeji nama dia ok. Susah gila nak lepas stage ni, kene lompat-lompatkan penutup tu. Tapiiiiiiii, Chics adalah agak terrer juga cuma kalau main dengan budak-budak lelaki yang hustler habislah aku. Hehehe.
Bola Kertas
Main bola pakai kertas, padang die pon kertas, pemain die pon kertas. Semua kertaslah! Pemain die kene potong empat segi tapi lipat dua. Kalau nak power jangan guna kertas lembik, kene guna kertas keras. Pompuan jarang nak main tapi aku main je. Walaupun tak tau siapa nama pemain-pemain tapi layankan aje. Dulu selalu main dengan bofren dan kawan-kawan bofren. Kecoh gila masa main ni sebab ehe.. aku emo.
Nama, Negeri, Buah, Binatang
Haaa, yang ni agak educational. Semua kene ada kertas dan pensel. Selalunya main ni masa dah siap buat latihan dalam kelas. So cepat-sepat siapkan latihan, kalau tak pon tiru jela sebab nak main. So nanti bahagikan kertas tu kepada beberapa bahagian dan garaiskan atas tiap-tiap column tu tulisla nama, negeri, buah, binatang and tahaper-haper lagi. So nanti sorang akan pilih sau hurup. Katakanla "H" so semua kene fikir nama start dari H, binatang dari H and so onlah. Last last sekali compare. Siapa yang bagi jawapan sama kene share makah, siapa yang tak sama dapat 100. Last-last kireeeeee siapa makah paling tinggi dialah menang. Haha [aku gelak sebab aku selalu menang, hihi]. Yang ni campur India, cina, mlayu, lelaki, pompuan seme boleh mainnnn.
Pepsi Cola
Ni keji. Sangat keji. Main pijak kasut orang. Mula-mula nyanyila pepsi cola..bla..bla..tak ingatla ape tah.Last-last sekali jaga-jaga sape lembap habisla kasut dia kene pijak. Kalau main sebelum kelas start habislaaaaaaaaaa kasut komfem hitam lepas tu kene marah dengan cikgu. Chics adalah jarang main sebab dia lembap dan prefek. Yela, prefek kene jaga imej okkkkkkkkkkk. Mana boleh kasut hitam tak GKla mcam ni prefek kasut hitam. Adik Chics selalu main ni akibatnya satu hari dia telah dimarah oleh cikgu lukisan iaitu Cikgu Gladys "You look like you just came out from the dustbin". Cis, menjatuhkan reputasi aku sebagai pelajar contoh. Hohoh.
Pencurik dan Pemukul.
Ini best jugak, main masa dalam kelas jugak tapi paling banyak 5 atau 6 orang je. Yang extra tu kene take turn. So mula-mula koyak kertas kecik-kecik dalam 5 atau 6 keping bergantung kepada jumlah pemain and tulis wata-watak dalam kertas tu macam hakim, surirumah, pencurik, saksi, pemukul, polis and ape tah lagi. Lepas tu kocok [wtfla?] and semua amik sekeping sorang ketas and tengok dapat watak apa. Nanti suri rumah tu buat pengaduan " Saya telah dirompak, barang kemas saya telah hilang. Tolonglah saya encik polis" lepas tu dia kene teke siapa yang curik iaitu siapa yang dapat ketas tulis pencurikla. Kalau salah teke, hakim akan jatuhkan hukuman. Kalau dapat teka pencurik tu akan dihukum. Part hukum ni best, espesyelli kepada pemukulla sebab dia yang jadi tukang pukul. Hakim nanti bagitau brape panas brape sejuk. Contoh "5 panas 4 sejuk". Soooooo, pemukul akan pukul kaw-kaw orang yang kene pukul tu lima kali dengan pembaris 5 kali and pukul pelan pelan 4 kali. Kalau ade tak suke budak, siapla ko kene sebat dengan pembaris. Haha, kecik-kecik dah blaja mendera.Best best.
Patung Kertas
Yang ni paling layannnn. Patung tu kan, kalau tak pakaikan baju dia pakai bra dengan panty je.Lepas tu boleh pakaikan dia baju macam-macam ikut tempatla. Ada baju keje baju mandi. Lepas tu kan, nak beli die kene beli dekat bai roti. Hohoh. Tapi rasa macam dah takde je bende tu.
Skang tataula budak-budak main lagi ke tak game-game ni. Macam tak aje..Tak bestla korang budak-budak niiiii
He, dah habis dah. Jangan main-main pegi buat keje.
Happy Monday bunnies!
Saturday, August 05, 2006
Saturday. Saturday. My mum is watching AF and I'm sitting in front of this PC with kepala hotak yang dah tepu. Maybe I should join her sebab ada abang adlin. Hoho.
Elene smsed me ajaking to go berpoye-poye and of course I said no. It's the fourth time oredi I tidak bermesraan bersama-sama mereka. Komfem she and Kuza menyumpah-nyumpah aku. Shitela. I so wan to go ok. Adalah mahu berdansa dan berbest-bestan tetapi celake keje aku tak siap lagi.
Juga selalu menolak ajakan Ikhwan untuk melepak. Dude, jangan marah akula. Bukan salah aku ok. Aku sangatla hendak melepak.
Shitla.Kenapalaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa mende ni tak siap-siap lagi niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.
Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Mak stress nyahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
Cepat bagi aku hug.I really need it, kalau tak aku undi haziq menang malam ni. Hehe
Elene smsed me ajaking to go berpoye-poye and of course I said no. It's the fourth time oredi I tidak bermesraan bersama-sama mereka. Komfem she and Kuza menyumpah-nyumpah aku. Shitela. I so wan to go ok. Adalah mahu berdansa dan berbest-bestan tetapi celake keje aku tak siap lagi.
Juga selalu menolak ajakan Ikhwan untuk melepak. Dude, jangan marah akula. Bukan salah aku ok. Aku sangatla hendak melepak.
Shitla.Kenapalaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa mende ni tak siap-siap lagi niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.
Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Mak stress nyahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
Cepat bagi aku hug.I really need it, kalau tak aku undi haziq menang malam ni. Hehe
Friday, August 04, 2006
Sweet like chocolate
Yesterday morning. I was watching MTV, tak mandi and thinking how should I cram palestine/israel war and britney spears in one paper for monday [no kidding] when a DHL van arrived. Celake, aku dahla pakai lingerie je nih. Menggelupur, I reached for whatever t-shirt nearby to cover my top.
Signed, zap, zap.
Talk a bit with the DHL boy.
Look at the package.
For me. From errr..France?

Pic 1: The package
Pic 2: Tah, dia kata instruction, takde pon.
Pic 3: The card.Sweet ok[hihi]

Pic 4: The chocolates!!
Pic 5: I love the karerrr.Red and white.
Pic 6: I oso lovelahh!!

Pic 7: See, got my picture some more. I loike!
Pic 8: The inside. Yum
Pic 9: Everything hazelnut. Drool.
Handmade chocolates.
I love..chocolates [ I love to]
I remembered, few weeks ago he asked me what kind of chocolate do I like and I remember telling him I love hazelnut based and dark chocolate and yeah lots of craps. Never suspected anything coz we talked craps all the time.
Thank you. You are so soooo sweet, like these chocolates. You flattered me lah yewwwww, I am more than smiling. I so tak larat you know. And the thing you wrote in the card made me cry.
You..mean so much to me too.
Signed, zap, zap.
Talk a bit with the DHL boy.
Look at the package.
For me. From errr..France?
Pic 1: The package
Pic 2: Tah, dia kata instruction, takde pon.
Pic 3: The card.Sweet ok[hihi]
Pic 4: The chocolates!!
Pic 5: I love the karerrr.Red and white.
Pic 6: I oso lovelahh!!
Pic 7: See, got my picture some more. I loike!
Pic 8: The inside. Yum
Pic 9: Everything hazelnut. Drool.
Handmade chocolates.
I love..chocolates [ I love to]
I remembered, few weeks ago he asked me what kind of chocolate do I like and I remember telling him I love hazelnut based and dark chocolate and yeah lots of craps. Never suspected anything coz we talked craps all the time.
Thank you. You are so soooo sweet, like these chocolates. You flattered me lah yewwwww, I am more than smiling. I so tak larat you know. And the thing you wrote in the card made me cry.
You..mean so much to me too.
Thursday, August 03, 2006
Ngak ngerti buk
Well there 2 types of manusia yang just don't get.
Women who can't decide/ make their own desicion
I hate. Repeat hate when women can't make thier own desicion. Semuanya nak tanya bofren. Nak pegi kaluar dengan kawan-kawan pompuan tanya bofren. Nak beli bra kaler merah nak tanya bofren. Yo?? Apakah ini ye? Bagaimanakah kalau bofren kau itu tiba-tiba hilang? Adakah kau akan mengeras dan tak boleh berbuat apa-apa?
He, actually bunnies, I used to be like that. Sengall.
Yang paling tak tahan. Dah beriya-riya nak berbuat sesuatu tiba-tiba tak jadi sebab bofren tak bagi. Wtf? Tu baru bofren bukan husband lagi okkkkkkkkkkkkkk. And yang lelaki tu pon, woy, kau boleh tak rileks-rileks? Gefren ko nak tengok konsert dengan akwan-kawan pompuan pon tak boleh ke? Yang ko pengi mengote kat mamak sampai pagi takpela pulak?
And I dun understand whyla some women cannot make even the simplest desicion.Nak makan pon tak tau nak makan apa. Lepas tu nak makan pon time nak order nak suruh lelaki tu yang sebutkan. macamla ko kalau order, gigi kau semua bersepai.Konfiuslah!
Men who sangke bagus
Ini lagi keji. Macam "Hoi, akulah raja! Kamu rakyat jelata sekalian haruslah sembah kepada ku" and expect people tu sembah him and say "Daulattt tuanku". Taik ngkolah. It's like apa aje yang dia cakap tu betul, siap ada philosphy sendiri yang macam celake and yeah be proud of it.
Lepas itu sanggup pula ingin berlawan dengan sesiapa tak kira jantina termasuk perempuan. Ini adalah kerana aku adalah rajaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Bang, kalau ye pon nak tunjuk macam ko tu power agak-agak la jugak. Ini umpama seperti menjatuhkan maruah sendiri ade.
I mean, if he is really good satu halla ini, apakahhhhh?? Aku memang benci orang self pro claim. And he might say that "Hey, I'm open to people opinion" tetapi bila orang lain berbuat sesuatu dia akan mengeji orang itu dan come with some statement like the rest are not good, not brave enough ..should follow my way. My way.
Tidak guna la ye belajar tingi-tinggi tapi bodohnye bertingkat-tingkat.
You know, in my pengalaman..Those people who are really good takde nak kecoh pon. They r cool-cool ajela coz they know kalau dah terrel kenapa nak menggalabah nak claim ye? Tidak perlu mempromote diri anda itu. Lainlah kalau anda itu memang tidaklah sehebat mana tetapi inginkan publisiti maka akan mengeluarkan statement-statement itu semua supaya hoi, marilah datang kepadaku ini. Aku adalah hebat yo! Marii..Mareyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. Aku sedang mempromosi diriku ini.
Adalah sangat sedih orang seperti ini.
Women who can't decide/ make their own desicion
I hate. Repeat hate when women can't make thier own desicion. Semuanya nak tanya bofren. Nak pegi kaluar dengan kawan-kawan pompuan tanya bofren. Nak beli bra kaler merah nak tanya bofren. Yo?? Apakah ini ye? Bagaimanakah kalau bofren kau itu tiba-tiba hilang? Adakah kau akan mengeras dan tak boleh berbuat apa-apa?
He, actually bunnies, I used to be like that. Sengall.
Yang paling tak tahan. Dah beriya-riya nak berbuat sesuatu tiba-tiba tak jadi sebab bofren tak bagi. Wtf? Tu baru bofren bukan husband lagi okkkkkkkkkkkkkk. And yang lelaki tu pon, woy, kau boleh tak rileks-rileks? Gefren ko nak tengok konsert dengan akwan-kawan pompuan pon tak boleh ke? Yang ko pengi mengote kat mamak sampai pagi takpela pulak?
And I dun understand whyla some women cannot make even the simplest desicion.Nak makan pon tak tau nak makan apa. Lepas tu nak makan pon time nak order nak suruh lelaki tu yang sebutkan. macamla ko kalau order, gigi kau semua bersepai.Konfiuslah!
Men who sangke bagus
Ini lagi keji. Macam "Hoi, akulah raja! Kamu rakyat jelata sekalian haruslah sembah kepada ku" and expect people tu sembah him and say "Daulattt tuanku". Taik ngkolah. It's like apa aje yang dia cakap tu betul, siap ada philosphy sendiri yang macam celake and yeah be proud of it.
Lepas itu sanggup pula ingin berlawan dengan sesiapa tak kira jantina termasuk perempuan. Ini adalah kerana aku adalah rajaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Bang, kalau ye pon nak tunjuk macam ko tu power agak-agak la jugak. Ini umpama seperti menjatuhkan maruah sendiri ade.
I mean, if he is really good satu halla ini, apakahhhhh?? Aku memang benci orang self pro claim. And he might say that "Hey, I'm open to people opinion" tetapi bila orang lain berbuat sesuatu dia akan mengeji orang itu dan come with some statement like the rest are not good, not brave enough ..should follow my way. My way.
Tidak guna la ye belajar tingi-tinggi tapi bodohnye bertingkat-tingkat.
You know, in my pengalaman..Those people who are really good takde nak kecoh pon. They r cool-cool ajela coz they know kalau dah terrel kenapa nak menggalabah nak claim ye? Tidak perlu mempromote diri anda itu. Lainlah kalau anda itu memang tidaklah sehebat mana tetapi inginkan publisiti maka akan mengeluarkan statement-statement itu semua supaya hoi, marilah datang kepadaku ini. Aku adalah hebat yo! Marii..Mareyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. Aku sedang mempromosi diriku ini.
Adalah sangat sedih orang seperti ini.
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Hah! Adakah anda nampak banner di atas?
Itu adalah banner t.i.t.s . Heh, jangan tanya ku kenapa nama dia macam tu okess mungkin juga mereka-mereka itu adalah pervert [saya tahu salah seorang daripada mereka adalah pervert.haha]. Saya telah dipaksa meletak banner itu di dalm blog ini. Oleh itu, saya memaksa anda semua siapa yang handak beli t-shirt silalah order kepada mereka ini dengan mengeklik Anda juga boleh mengorat-ngorat mereka ini tapi salah seorangnya adalah dah kawin[walaupon agk comel juga ye]. Dan, sila mintak diskaun and jangan lupa sebut nam chics ok. Tak sebut siaplah anda semua itu.
Kepada orang ynag suruh letak banner ini. Hahhhhhhhh!!I dah letakkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. You kejiiiiiiiiiiii. Nasib baik I baik dan comel ok.
Anyway bunnies, mari beli tshirt.
Itu adalah banner t.i.t.s . Heh, jangan tanya ku kenapa nama dia macam tu okess mungkin juga mereka-mereka itu adalah pervert [saya tahu salah seorang daripada mereka adalah pervert.haha]. Saya telah dipaksa meletak banner itu di dalm blog ini. Oleh itu, saya memaksa anda semua siapa yang handak beli t-shirt silalah order kepada mereka ini dengan mengeklik Anda juga boleh mengorat-ngorat mereka ini tapi salah seorangnya adalah dah kawin[walaupon agk comel juga ye]. Dan, sila mintak diskaun and jangan lupa sebut nam chics ok. Tak sebut siaplah anda semua itu.
Kepada orang ynag suruh letak banner ini. Hahhhhhhhh!!I dah letakkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. You kejiiiiiiiiiiii. Nasib baik I baik dan comel ok.
Anyway bunnies, mari beli tshirt.
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
New page
From now on yew bunnies can crap with me at Okieeeeeeeeeeeee??
To Miss Anne, babe, thanks for all the support.Tengkiuuuu
Love yewwwwwwwwwwwwwww. Muahh
From now on yew bunnies can crap with me at Okieeeeeeeeeeeee??
To Miss Anne, babe, thanks for all the support.Tengkiuuuu
Love yewwwwwwwwwwwwwww. Muahh
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