Monday, May 09, 2005


I was not feeling well yesterday.Physically and mentally.No please don't eleborate or else I'm going to say the 'F' word again.

hyper hyppos

Anyway, me and ag went to the zoo on sunday.Don't make thet face but animals really fascinate me.I love animals so much and yes, i am a weirdo,so shut up. Anyway[again] we reached there around six.Tak ramai orang dah sangat which i like..since i hate to go to crowded places except for clubbng area[ha!].So we go and jalan-jalanlah kan.When it came to savannah walk, it was getting dark and nobody was around..

me:by, knape takde orang dah?
ag:sebab i book tempat ni untuk kite duorang je.hehehe *cute smile*

Fine.So we continued walking.I really wanted to see snakes.I love snakes, was thinking to adopt one tapi ag agak tak brani [berdaulat tak bahasa ni?hahaha] and he's afraid kalau-kalau nanti the snake that i adopt accidentally get into my bag and pop his head while ag is looking for something inside that naga-bag of mine.But then,takpelah, tengoklah harimau and singa dulu.But, those preditors seemed to hide themself, tanak kuar..sheesh..Nak tengok rimau!!!!!I guess they don't want to let me down so they began to lawan mengaum sape lagik kuat.Mungkin mereka berkata

harimau kandang 1:Sial..nak kuar bodoh!!
harimau kandang 2:Senyaplah bodoh!!Macamlah boleh kuar pon kalau kau bising-bising.
harimau kandang 1:Kau apsal?Kalau brani mehla sini.
harimau kandang 2:Lantak kaulah!!

By that was dark.Aku heran jugak apsal tak pasang lampu ni?Hmm..I was thinking..kalau night safari takkan takde lampu kot..but whatever..we continued walking.Until it was so dark and both of us were getting lemas.

ag:By, sebelum tengok ular, i nak pegi tengok entrance jap.

so we went and....there were nobody..the worst thing is..gate semua dah tutup.
Like tutup with grills and all.

ag looked at me and i looked at him.
takkan nak tido dalam zoo kot.
selain dari binatang-binatang pasti terdapat makhluk lain which i dun want to eleborate..

so ag was like memberanikan diri dalam kegelupuran mencarik the way to go out while i was dealing with my own gelupuran by doing nothing.
luckilly the exit was open.
and ag car's was the only one left.

celake..bapak takut ok.
tapi sape suruh dua-dua bongok tak cek dulu.

actually..zoo negara is only open at night only on friday and saturday.

sengal..nasib baik tak kene tido dalam zoo..

more pic of lawatan ke zoo

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