Tuesday, May 31, 2005


My friend shida,had give birth to a baby [boy ke girl tak sure].There you go, another one with a baby, which make me another aunty.Kalau orang lain nak merasa jadik aunty kepada anak aku, hahaha..macam tak dapat je.Anyway, congrats to shida.

Another report relating my school[ye, aku semangat skolah] is we are now in the process to gather info for our purnama. The thing is, every year..there will be a school magazine but during our final year, there's no school magazine.I mean.. WTF? I bet most of fivers have their picture taken in almost clubs and society. Yela since presidents of the clubs were our friends, so sukatila nak ajak sape pon join amik gamba.And we have like lots of activities and yadda yadda to be reported. Tapi taik betul..no school mag.I told ag once about this and he mocked me..not only ag la..but my other friends too..macam "kau poyo-poyo je cite pasal skolah tapi magazine skolah takde".Memalukan

Anyway, bagus jugak since aku nampak buruk gile mase skolah.[U should see norzie pawan chek pic's and you will understand what i mean].Now i can post my civilized pics, not only me but all of us. Tapi nikkit dah pesan taleh amik gamba tak formal..tsk..tsk..nikkit aku baru je nak ambik gamba dengan button baju terbukak satu per satu..hohohohoh. And..if formal school magazines, only formal activities will be allowed to be included but since this is our own doings, so sukati mak bapak kitorangla nak letak activity apa.Smoking, pecah masuk dining hall, melecture anak orang dan jugak aktiviti- aktiviti lain yang tidak membawa faedah.

Yeah, out purnama will include everything not only starting from form 1 until form 5 but also what is happening now.Weddings, engagement and what's notlah.I wonder if they want to list out siapa yang banyak kali bercinta dengan bagai nak rak tetapi gagal..Uh, no.Tak relevant.

Nway, can't wait for the birth of our purnama batch!!

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