Bulatan persiaran kayangan near my house was usually jammed during peak hours yet the condition will still be under control thanks to abang polis traffic. But perhaps abang traffic dah penat jaga or somebody needs some extra money that traffic lights were built at the roundabout. Yes traffic lights.
Did that settle the jammed problem? Not really.
Yesterday I was on my way to settle something, I found out that roundabout was already jammed and it was only 11 something in the morning. That was not the first time ok. Few days ago, dalam pukul 8 malam, that placed was also jammed.
Macam lanchau. Apa motif kau letak traffic light tu skang? I know it is supposed to be mengurangkan traffic but somehow I think keadaan menjadi lebih tidak terkawal kerana mungkin ada sedikit lacking terhadap penyelarasan traffic light itu. I mean, ada 4 roads that will lead to the roundabout and you put traffic lights dekat tengah-tengah roundabout? Oh man.
Dan ada dua traffic lights that blinked the yellow light indicating "kau buatla sukati mak bapak kau, pandai-pandaila" while the other two traffic lights are working fine.
Haih. I think abang traffic will be more berkesan at least takdela sesape stuck dekat tengah-tengah roudabout even the traffic light in front already turn green sebab being blocked by other car from other traffic.
Like I said to my boss, you can't stop a moron from being one.
Not that just, I can't figure out why:-
- Lorry driver harus nak drive laju-laju. Sempat ke kalau nak break if anything happen?
- Why people assume by giving signal, they can ssume masuk sukati without tengok ade kereta ke tak dekat main road? Habis tu aku yang tengah drive ni, nak terbangla ye? Dah bagi signal pon, tengokla dulu line clear ke tak nak masuk.Bodoh.
- Why do you have to honk when you know nothing would happen? Kau ingat kau honk, semua kereta kat depan tu tiba-tiba boleh terbang? Ataupon keluar dari kereta sembah kau ke?
- Apsal poyo nak potong-potong dan bawak laju-laju dalam town padahal kau tahu kat depan kau kene stop gak kan sebab traffic light.
- Macamana harus aku buat muka bila aku tengah-tengah nyanyi dalan jem tetibe abang lori seblah bukak tingkat dan phewit sambil gelak-gelak?
Nasib baikla besok puasa, tak payahla aku marah-marah lagi.
Ye ke? Hehe
Anyway bunnies, selamat berpuasa dan beribadat.
Jangan marah-marah. Nanti tak comel masa hari raya.
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