- Woofie was poisoned. My boss found her lying in the drain full or vomit and terberak dengan campuran darah and her body was jerking. He said his old dog had the same symptom when it was poisoned.
It was around 12 noon. Earlier, my boss unleashed her so she could play and that was at eight am. She was fine that time.
Took her to the vet and the vet said, the poison might be wheat poison which, is rarely eaten by dogs. The vet said she might survived but unconfirmed. I hope she will. It was devastating to see her lying helplessly when she used to bark and jump when she see me.
I am not sure whether she ate something poisonous or she was poison but it is weirdlah to think that she termakan. Because, she was a stray dog before and surely she could tell what to eat and what not to eat. And, other dogs are doing fine aje. My boss suspected, she was fed with something [meat/chicken] that ada racun. Reason for such action? If you want to masuk rumah orang or steal something, kill the dog.Or I dunno, they just want to book their ticket to be burn well.
I really have the urge to mencarut right now. But instead doing that, I am going to take a deep breath and said. to who ever this may concern, I pity you for having such a small brain and a rotten heart.
I curse that your genital parts will be full of pus.
Jangankan manusia, anjing pon akan jijik - In school, during ramadhan we wil be forced[to me it's forced ok hehe] to sembahyang terawikh. Then at each night they will read the fadhilat for that perticular night.Like for example
Malam 1
Keluar dosa-dosa orang mukmin pada malam pertama sepertimana ia baru dilahirkan, mendapat keampunan dari Allah.
And you know what, i read that, those 30 fadhilat were not asli, it was a fake one, diada-adakan dengan tujuan tertentu. Read about it here. Read the whole thread.
I was shocked.
Adakah aku seorang atau ramai lagi yg telah terpercaya benda ini?
No. I did not get to buy murtabak. Apparently orang shah alam sangat lahap semalam. The queue to buy murtabak sgtla panjang and the other kuih muih sudah habis. Even keropok lekor dan nugget.Boleh?
Tak apa, bulan ini masih panjang.
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