Kopitiam? You have kopitiam in your menu?
Yesterday I went to bazar ramadhan section 2 because I didn't feel like going through the massive jam just to get to the stadium. Throngs of human and lots of gerai but one gerai caught my attention." Nasi ayam hainan, dimasak dengan 4 rempah" Or tah berapa rempah tah, I can't exactly recall.
Like WTF?
Sejak bila Hainanese chicken rice berempah?
I looked at the chicken, it looked more like ayam goreng disaluti some kind of tepung ala kfc or something.
Ini barula hainanese chicken rice ok
Do these people do any research before selling their goods?
Ini takde, asala nama glamer je semua nak letak
Tahun ni takdela pulak ikan bakar world, air tembikai mawi.
Mentang-mentang mawi tak femes dah, habis madu sepah dibuang sungguhla tau.
Oh by the way I bought honeyed chicken wings which in my mind should taste like honeyed chicken wings but they taste like rempah chicken wings instead.
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