I am going to ask you the usual question.
How's your weekend?
Mine dipenuhi dengan menyamak satu badan tetapi diiakhiri dengan rasa gembira.
You see. Last week, I found MJ looking uncomfortable and she kept doing the choking gesture. Plus, she always scratched her mouth. So I sensed something was wrong. Adakah tercekik? Oh no, tercekik adalah sangat bahaya ok di kalangan kucing. Boleh membawa maut.
So, feeling super genius I held her in my arms with menelentang position, then I patted her back. Buk. Buk. Sekali terkuatla plakkan. Terdiamla plak kucing aku tu. After that I inspected her mulut yang tungkik itu and saw nothing stuck inside, so I thought I made it.

This is not Mj. This is the gula-gula susu.Tapi the next day, she kept repeating the same thing. By this time dia tanak dekat dengan aku dah sebab takut kene bantai macam semalam even though it was meant to un-tercekik kan her [excuse me, I read this from a book ok, bukan main blasah je]. However I managed to tangkap her but this time I thought something might stick on her teeth maybe. Bukak, tak nampakkk. Bukak lagi, tak nampak gakk. I keep repeating that for few times and I think I hit the red button.
Kucing aku ni moody sket. Suka tunjuk prasaan dan suka merajuk + eksyen + kuat mengamuk. Sometimes I wonder, apakah kucing boleh mengikut perangai tuannya?
After that incident, she was no more manja with me. Aku nak dekat pon tanak ok. Terus lari, tanak balik.Tidur rumah neighbour yang banyak pokok bunga. I tried to call for her, usually, she will run dengan penuh kegetikan mengikut aku but this time she just showed her face then bila aku nak dekat, masuk balik dalam compound neighbour itu. Macam haram. That really made me sad. My MJ didn't love me anymore :(.
I was so upset sehingga telah membad mood lalu menempiaskannya kepada orang lain. Hehe
Anyway, on Saturday I went to visit woofie [still remember her?]. She was..kotor and busuk gila sebab bila terlepas dari chain die suka guling-guling and tah pape tah lagi. So I decided to mandi herlah. Oh man, bongek gila ok woofie ni but yeah, eventually she turned out putih berseri dan berbau wangi. While me, I have to samak my whole body. After that I treated her with a walk at the park [macam dalam tv la pulakkan haha]. Sometimes I wish nobody would take her away but I know, that would not be the best idea. Cepatla wey, takde sape ke nak adopt die ni?

What's inside.No, that was not the happy ending.
Biasa, akukan longwinded sket.Hehe
When I reached home it was already dark. I thought I should try to pujuk MJ for the last time so I went and go "MJ..Mejay..Mary Jane.. Ngiau..tsk..tsk". But No answer. Sad.
But as I entered the house, there she was sleeping on the chair. I hold her and put her on my bed. She did not run. Instead she mew and when I kissed her lemak-ness perut, she purred.
I missed that.
Oh she is fine now. And yes ,she slept with me that night, no more running away. In fact as I am typing this, she is sleeping on the floor, next to me.