Thursday, December 07, 2006

I am monkey,let's get funky!

So I haven't actually tell you bunnies about the monkey who merusakkan harta benda. Actually her existance has been acknowledged since early this year dimana she stole one of my kittens yang tempang. I was so mad but after that I kept my kittens inside the cage. This monkey I tell yew, sangat keji. She would sneak into my house and makan semua bende termasuk hair colour, tepung, serbuk kunyit and whateverlah, as along as she saw it, she will eat it.

So anyway, last friday I was wanted to buy some ingredients to prepare funghi aglio olio. But when I get outside I saw Miu Miu, my cat looking worried and keep mewing eventhough I already gave her a hug. I asked her why but of courselah she did not answer me but she just mewed. So I thought, something must be wrong with her or her kittens.

As I drew near the cage I saw something ont the cage roof. Ye, monyet itu. I shh shh the monyet but shh shh me back. Then I besarkan mata but then she start to make the kkkssssssssss sound and showed me her claws.

Celake kau monyet. Tak mainlah main tunjuk-tunjuk kuku!Mana aci.

I moved foward and make a gesture like wanting to throw something to her and she responded by making a gesture as if she wanted to terkam me, with her fangs showing.

Ah sudah, nak main cakar muka aku pulak. She was not kidding, when she moved foward I ran to the car. Takut okeh. Maunye keluar berita besok

"Wanita [echeh] di cakar monyet di hadapan kucing kesayangan"

As I started the car, I saw her jumped down to the ground and she drew near Miu Miu. Miu Miu actually is a superwoman cat whereby she always slaps MJ hard on her face but this monyet was totally not her match. The biatch monkey started to hiss around Miu Miu and made a circle movement around Miu Miu macam dalam crite Lion King. Miu Miu look scared and smitten. She just tunduk ke bumi. This is when the monkey started to shake the cage outrageously and Miu Miu can only mewed helplessly. Good thing that I locked the cage or else, satu lagi anak kucing aku mungkin terkorban.

How could I see my sayangs being treated like that? Walaupaun aku sayangkan muka aku dan kuku tak cukup panjang, I stopped the engine and get outside to gather some stones to throw at the monkey.

I, at the first place would not want to do that to any animal, tapi when it comes to my pet, I would. But I did not aim directly at the monkey [actually, ni nak kaver line sebab baling tak kene.haha]. I thought the monkey would moved foward but she ran. Not that far though, she just wait at my neighbours house but ehe, I am not stopping until she dissappear from my eyesight, which eventually she did.

Eleh..Orang nak pinjam je..Tu pon tak bagi. Eksyen.

After that incident, I haven't see her ever since. Maybe the Perhilitan took her away or maybe she is building her strategy on how to curik my other kitten.

I don't know but I hope she would never come back.

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