Friday, December 29, 2006

Hai hai Bye bye [Gila keji]


At first I thought 2006 would be the longest walk of all. I had a very rough start till it tackled my insanity yet I managed to get through it.

Unlike some other years this years was divided to two sections. The first 6 months were full of shitty pits that sometimes make me want to hold the white flag but the months following were totally different. Sangat marvelous dan happy yo!

And this year I met a lotttttttttttttttttttttttt of people. Dari yang kulit berkerak ke putih melepak, dari blaja sampai tingkat 22 [tapi bodoh macam lembu] sampai tak habis blaja, dari yang pakai SLK sampai ke hanya jalan kaki, masing-masing are with their own agendas. Some are revolting some are pure. Yet all of them enlightened me that how twisted yet enticing the world could be.

This year also menyaksikan ramai tetek yang sudah berhenti berpoye-poye sehingga embun subuh menitik [ewah, bahasaaaaaa] whereby most of them tie the knot which walaupon aku happy namun ade sedikit perasaan ingin berkata "lanchla wey". Tahun depan, there will be more and yes, bayangan rumah kebajikan dan aku meng-rot semakin jelas terbayang. Ahh, abaikan. Ini adalah kerana, sebenarnya ingin berkata. Dalam 26 tahun aku hidup, the are the best-est friend I ever had. Mana ada orang yang boleh menawarkan mandi bogel dan boleh pegang-pegang sekali? Haaaaa… tak de kannn.

Now, don't get met start on pengote chapter because, if I start satu malam tak habis. Letih ok! Tapi ada satu amaran yang agak keras iaitu stay away from me. I am not interested. So bagaimana? Keras tak amaran tadi? Ehe.

Oh lupa. I managed to achieve my 2006 resolution yang dibuat secara senyap. Iaitu to be happy. Like truly happy. Which semasa resolution itu dibuat, adalah agak susah untuk mencapainya.

But now, do you see any plastic smiles? Any dying eyes?
Yes. None at all.

2007, I hope I will be able to forgive because I tried so had to find space for forgiveness towards certain people but I guess I got lost on my way doing that. Hatred and vengeance are two ugly things and ehe gua tanak jadi buruk ok. So yeah, I will try to concentrate on that. And ahh, one more resolution which aku getik tak mau cakap. Sebab malu boleh?

Ok bunnies. Happy new year and welcome 2007.

Hughug + muahmuah.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Lcct Lanc

It's not that I'm not thankful that now everyone can fly but I hate the idea when now since everyone can fly, sukati mak bapak management kitoranglah nak buat apa, kata kau dah bayar murah. Haha. Pdan muka. Cheapskateee.

First the flight was delayed from 9.30 to 11.30, meaning will be arriving at 1.05 am. Ok fine, I blamed mother nature since the rain hasn't stop pouring but it doesn't help bila LCCT Lanch adalah terletak sangat dalam ke ceruk bana dimana tiada banyak lampu jalan yang menerangi. Dan adalah macam crite thriller omputeh bila henfon anda tidak boleh call out dan kereta agak menggelupur bila melalui batang-batang jalan yang gelap pada pukul 1.30 pagi. Gelupur dalam hati takyah cakaplah. I mean dibuatnya tayar meletup and tiba-tiba ada perogol datang? Apakah yang perlu dibuat? Di saat begini the usual tactic untuk meminta pertolongan dengan membuka butang secara perlahan adalah lansung tidak berkesan.

Anyway, because I am so berani dan pemandu yang cendiakiawan, I managed to get there safely even it was foggy. As I parked the car, few mat endon and mat rempit passed by and berlawan phewit-phewit. It was 1.50 am. Mengapa ada terasa seperti berada di puduraya ini?

Ok, takpe lagi. Keharaman orang yang tidur bergelimpangan tak payah cakapla kan but apa yang paling haram sekali is when I looked at the arrival/depart info board, the flight that I was waiting for was reschedule. Apaaaaaaaaa? Reschedule? Dahla si mangkuk tu henfon kong. So I asked the kakak bertugas.

Me: Kak, flight from bla bla reschedule to what time?
She: Oh, satu dah sampai tapi dekat interntional arrival, satu lagi tak tahu.
Me: Yang tak tahu tu pukul brapa?
She: Tak tahulah.

Oh. Ini sungguh taik. Kalau reschedule, pukul 5 pagi pon boleh reschedule. Ke delayed? Kalau delayed kenapa tak tulis delayed? Thinking maybe it was the other fligh so aku jalanla pegi tempat international, which still no familiar face seen.

5 minutes.. Nothing happen..10 minutes..Nothing..15 minutess.. Gilalah aku nak tunggu sampai pagikan. The moment gua nak chow, sekali nampak kelibat orang-orang menggelupur keluar from the entrance. Must be this one.

Yes, that was the flight tapi orang yang aku carik tak jugak tunjuk muka. Hohhhhhh. Eventually,

Me: Apsal lembabla?Sengal ok tunggu!
Orang itu: They dowant to open the back door.I have to wait until everybody went down. I sit at the end. The delayed the flight also.
Me: Bloody lanchs.

Cibai. Kau tak reti bezakan between delayed dengan reshedule ke? And kalau flight tu dah sampai tulisla landed bodohhhhhhh, janganlah hilangkan skrin. Macamlah tiba-tiba kapal itu kene abduct alien.

Nasib baiklah lepas itu makan bubur dekat kampung baru. Even it's already 3.30 in the morning.

Ye, itulah dia pengalaman saya bercuti hujung minggu ke puduraya kapalterbang, sepang. Sekiannnnn

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Fadzi's fan, bersedialah untuk remuk hati.

Happy birthday Fadzi

Last Saturday we teteks celebrated fadzi's birthday which fall on the 24th. Nikkit and Mail, the hubby of birthday girl planned the party that took place somewhere in bukit bintang. I on the other hand, hanyalah untuk perhiasan dan memeriahkan majlis. Yelah kalau takde aku, sapa yang nak nari sampai pagi?

Party bunnies sedia berkhidmat, tuan!

So anyway, mail planned a suprise gift for his beloved wife when he played the drum for the song, creed. Cayalah mail. Sakit heels aku terlompat-lompat sorakkan kau ok. And, nikkit, stole the limelight by 'menyummmbangkan' suku lagu yang menyebabkan aku sakit tekak setelah bersorak macam nak mati.


Nikkit and err apatah tajuk lagu

Oh..oh dan juga birthday girl dan love of her life telah sama-sama menslow dance diatas permintaan kawan-kawan bila lagu spesel for the birthday girl from mail, hero by enrique iglesias dialunkan oleh headwind yang mempunyai vokalist yang agak kacak itu [nyah, jangan cakap dekat dia tau i cakap camni.hehe]

I can be your hero bebeh

The crowd that night adalah best dimana kesemuanya adalah sporting ye. Suke menari nari bersamaku tanpa segan dan silu. Adalah best ini!

The crowd

But that night was a lucky night, lepas headwind habis perform sekali ade partylah pulakkan. Parti ynag dianjurkan untuk lelaki yang menyintai lelaki.Dimana, adalah hemsem mereka-mereka itu okk. Tapi yang paling mahal ialah persembahan nyanyian oleh paperdolls! Mak sukeeeeeeeee.

Ituuu dia.

Had a blast. Really. Apa apa pon to Fadzi,

Happy Birthday Babe!!Hope you had a good time that night.


and oh, pictures are at usual.

With that, happy monday my bunnies!!

Friday, December 22, 2006

Edisi Kucing

Hari ini adalah good mood kerana telah memakan kfc tadik dengan emak sebelum menggelupur sebab tiket parking hilang. Therefore I will fulfill bas and darling8tabby punye request to berkenalan with my cats.So kepada sape yang tak suke kucing, baca jugak aku tak pdulik. haha

Ini disusun mengikut umur. Untuk mengira umur kucing, sila kali 4. Eh ye ke? Ahh takpe, anggapkan je betul.

Full Name: Jessie James.
Nickname: Jessie

Parent[s]: I don't know tapi bapak dia muka macam singa. Besar and garang. Adopted him from a friend.
Breed: Persian campur kucing biasa

Tarikh Lahir : 1998
Hobi: Lari dari rumah. Tido kat rumah makcik Maznah. Susah betul aku nak panggil dia balik.

Jantina: Castrated
Kebolehan: Mengencing tidak kira dimana jua.

Kelemahan: Pokok kat rumah makcik Maznah.
Status: Dekat rumah Makcik Maznah. Bila kau nak balik ni?

Nota:Ini adalah kucing kesayangan emak. Dia suka duduk di atas badan orang.Penyumbangleweng

Full Name: Honey Star
Nickname: Honey. Shetar

Parent[s]: Donnatella Versace [Donna] -->Getik tak nama mak dia?
Breed: Persian campur kucing biasa kot.

Tarikh Lahir : 1998
Hobi: Menggulungkan diri sambil tidur atas almari serta mengigit orang tanpa sebab

Jantina: Castrated
Kebolehan: Membuat bunyik yang kuat seperti motobot.

Kelemahan: Bila chics panggil honey..honey dan mencium perut.
Status: Deceased and missed :(.

Nota: Sayang honey!

Full Name: Miuchi Prada
Nickname: Miu Miu

Parent[s]: Ntah orang bagi. Dahla masa bagi banyak kutu.
Breed: Persian campur kucing biasa kot.

Tarikh Lahir : 2000
Hobi: Menampar kucing lain dan beranak banyak

Kebolehan: Memulas tombol pintu. I am not mentetaik di sini ok.bKucing gua boleh masuk sarkis ;)

Kelemahan: Makanan manusia terutamanya masak lemak.
Status: Tengah duduk dalam bilik air.

Nota: Perut dia ni bau sedap jugak

Full Name: Mahagony something something
Nickname: Mahagony

Parent[s]: Lupala apa nama diorang.
Breed: Pedigree Burmese

Tarikh Lahir : 2002
Hobi: Memelihara mulut busuk dan buat buat perasan disayangi lebih.

Kebolehan: Mencakar tetek manusia dan beranak banyak.

Kelemahan: Kurus kering walaupon banyak makan. [Ini kelemahan ke apa? Aku pon tatau]
Status: Tengah tido dengan mak.

Nota: Kuku sangat tajam dan gigi rongak kat depan.Eee tak malu.

Full Name: Mary Jane
Nickname: MJ, JJ, busyuk akak :P

Parent[s]: Punto and Mahagony [bapak die punto mati sebab kidney failure masa birthday aku 2 thn lepas .hoh]
Breed: Persian campur burmese

Tarikh Lahir : 2003
Hobi: Dicium chics! :P

Kebolehan: Buat-buat tidak kenal bila jumpa chics kat luar rumah. Eksyen!!

Kelemahan: chics !!:P
Status: Tengah tido atas katil chics.

Nota: Kucing kesayangan Chics tetapi sangat eksyen. Hanya nak dekat 4 orang sahaja dalam dunia.

Full Name: Ah Beng and Ah Lian [yang kuning tu Ah Beng]
Nickname: Beng and Lian

Parent[s]: Miu Miu dan kucing mana tah

Tarikh Lahir : 2006
Hobi: Bermanja tak kira tempat dan masa

Jantina:Jantan dan betina
Kebolehan: Keluar rumah senyap senyap tanpa dikesan.

Kelemahan: Di tinggalkan keseorangan
Status: Dalam sangkar.

Nota: They are not my cats actually. They belong to my boss yang telah balik christmas. So I jagakan for him tapi sebab diorang ada skali kat sini aku masukkan jela, kalau tak diorang kecik hati nanti.

Full Name: Chics
Nickname: Chics

Parent[s]: Emak and ayah
Breed: Melayu

Tarikh Lahir : 1980
Hobi: Main game, shopping, blogging, menangkap gamba sendiri dan berpoye-poye

Kebolehan: Menghabiskan makanan dan duit dalam beberapa menet

Kelemahan: Banyak
Status: Sedang membuat muka manis. Haha.

Nota: Jangan curik gambaaaa aku ni tauuuuuuuuuuuuuu

Oklah itu shaja persembahan kucing untuk hari ini. Happy Friday bunnies!

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Ada orang ke dalam perut?

There is also the downside of having lots of free time. I officially now spent my time playing games and eating constantly from the moment I wake up. Isn't it a bliss? It is but not when you realized you have cellulite on your thighs and you can't fit in one of your favourite jeans.

I know that this is another masalah berbangkit which I thought I already managed to handle it dimana aku telah berjanji untuk mempush up dan sit up setiap hari. Satu hari atleast sepuluh kali and will increased everyday. Tetapi sesi push up dan sit up secara tidak sedar telah di replace dengan acara makan berirama.

So two days ago I was in my baby t and shorts and went down to eat something when my mom threw me a weird look.

Emak: What's wrong with u? Kenapa asyik makan ni?
Me: Lapala.

Emak: Kenapa perut besar?* Dahi berkerut merenung kearah perut.
Me: Tulah dah boroi ni.
Emak:*Didn't say anything but keep giving me a weird look.

So when I was on my way upstairs I kept wondering, kenapa mak aku tengok aku dengan pandangan risau + keji? Macam lah tak biasa tengok aku melantak. And thennnnnn it occurred to me.

Adakah mak aku ingat aku mengandung?

Oh noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.

Itu adalah scary. Dituduh mengandung adalah scary dan mempunyai manusia hidup didalam perut juga adalah scary. Tetapi ingat ya, saya tidak mempunyai manusia hidup di dalam perut saya.

So I told wab that I am now constantly eating what ever craps even it's almost dawn and he suggested that I should replace my junk food with fruits. Or I shall ended obese.

Buah-buahan perisa cheese.ehe

I told him I will try my best.

Tapi malas nak mandi dan pakai baju. Haha. Jadi bagaimana hendak membeli buah-buahan di kedai?

Nanti kalau aku pegi kedai pakai baby t dgn shorts + tak mandi, orang ingat aku amoi jual buah pulak which is soo tak klaka.

Okla finela. I promise I will go soon [sambil memasukkan 3 helai potato chips ke dalam mulut].


Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Marah ini ok

I hate orang yang degil yo, although kadangkala I am degil myself but that's ok. I can tolerate my own degilness. Actually this is a reoccuring problem regarding that stupid puteri natasya whateverrr.

Nafty message me in friendster were she told me she message that pteri natsaya whateverrr [berbelit tak ayat?he] saying that she is using someone else picture and that's definitely not her but yewww knowwww she said something like

"Eh inilah gamba I. Mungkin sebab gamba tu kecik kot but that's me. Kalau tak percaya tak apalah."

And I also messaged her. ehe if you know me by now, mungkin yeww bunnies can imagine what I wrote to her. Mungkin akan menyebabkan dia merasa untuk bunuh diri tapiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii itu batu bata juga ada duduk dalam kepala dimana dia tidakkkkk juga menukar gamba itu. Mungkin aku patut letak ular tedung dalam mesej aku kepadanya.

chics wrote:

I wonder apa perasaannya menjadi cun dengan mengambik gamba orang?

You think you can get away with this ka? You thing the owner of the picture which is me wouldn't find out?

Kau ingat frienster ni besa sangat ke?
Pleasela, can't u use your own identiti? Gamba sendiri takde? Kalau ye pon nak kumpul banyak kawan use your own picturelah. malula ok buat macam ni.

Now, why don't you take off my picture from your frigging profile?

Dan kemudian dia membalas

putriE wrote:
heylow..takde mase nye i nak amik gambar org lain ok..that's me..
terpulang lah..daa!

Dan servis bertukar tangan kepada chics pula.

terpulang bapakkkkkkkkkkk kaulah.
kau ni memalukan akula.
kalau dah buruk tu apa nak malu,mengaku jela janganla amik gamba orang.dahla cara kau macam celake.


cuba bukak website ni and tell me itu website u ke?tapi i rasa tak, sebab memandangkan tahap iq u ni, i dun think ur capable to come out with things like that.

memalukan. u r so humiliating yourself.

aku tak tau ada jugak orang sengal macam kau ni.

Don't menyimbah minyak ke api yang agak marak menyala. I so don't like this type of people ok.Aku rasa kalaulah aku naga, habis satu deret rumah aku ni dah terbakar dek api yang kuar. Like roarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

Sekali itu, kawannya adalah kawan senyap I juga dalam friendster. Memandangkan she is so keji, I komfem she wrote that guy a testi so gua checkla. Which turn out to be true.

"thanx 4 ur testi
i'm fine dear
maybe we can chat another time
keep in touch

I'm fine dear. Dearrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr?

Tidak pernah dalam kamus aku tulis dear dekat orang frenster melainkan boifren aku. I told naz about it and naz gelakkan aku. Cepat naz, tolong I mengespam budak neh. hehehe.

Kan tengok aku dah kecoh.I reported to friendster but dunnolah kan. But I hate thislah.

Jangan degil boleh tak?

Seelah, Actually I dowan to marah-marah yew know because not good for my health. So I search a solution to handle my api yang marak menjulang, which is everytime aku maki orang dekat blog, I will also post a happy event so ianaya akan membalance.

Make sense or notttttt?

Aha,last saturday, my order for cupcakes arrived. Sebagai pemburuk lantak aku telah memesan sebanyak 2 dozen. I was introduced to the website by mrs.imran sewaktu malam yang hening dimana adalah harus aku melapar.

The baker is called kak yong, yang sangat peramah dan baik. I ordered 2 flavours which are vanilla with peanut butter yang sangattttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt boleh menyebabkan orgasma berganda dan juga flirty velvet. Dalam masa 2 hari kesemuanya telah habis :(.

Perisa vanilla peanut butter

flirty velvet ynag rasa macam ala-ala coklat.setapp

close up.

close up lagi.canthek kann?

anak siapa yang tak saba nak melahap ni?

Tetapi, walaupon begitu, mengapa aku masih marah lagi?

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Can I date you?

"Kenapa you ni sombong sangat and susah sangat nak ajak keluar?"

Aku sampai selalu bergaduh-gaduh dengan orang pasal mende ni. Adakah perlu untuk aku mengetell to you the real reasons?

Sigh. Ok, I will tell you why but promise me two things

1. Don't say I didn't warn you
2. Don't keji me coz u ask for it.

My tahap to please is high semenjak dua menjak ini. I am so fucking lazy to meet up and try to lighten up the conversation and adalah berasa sangat menyampah bila nanti akan timbul perasaan yang rasa macam wahhhhhhhhhhhh, nak balikkk [seperti naz yang selalu mengsms aku bila datenya adalah boring. Hihi]

Aku menyampah dengan orang yang kayu dan aku juga menyampah dengan orang yang bagitau aku semua bende secara detail macamlah I am a part of his life. Sikit-sikit boleh tak? Bosanla nak denga. And aku paling menyampah, bila first date ajak aku tengok wayang.Hello, you keluar date kerana ingin mengenali dengan lebih dekat ye, ape kejadah nak kenal dengan lebih dekat kalau duduk menganga tengok wayang. Sorry, maybe it's just me tapi I don't like to watch movie but sesekali dengan kawan-kawan yang I mesraaa tak apa.

And I like my date to be someone who enjoys food, meaning has good taste in food. Give me good food and I am sure we'll be seeing each other again. Kalau kau makan kat mamak, I am sure you will be seeing the mamak again but without me.

Mengada tak aku? Aha, tu baru sikit.

Ok. So what kind of date can be consider as a hot date?

Anything that is adrenaline pumping like rock concert [tapi kau jangan beli teket tengok konsert awie ke ape ok], go kart or pegi tengok binatang seperti pegi aquaria atau main dengan binatangla.

The best date I ever had was with this one guy. On our first date we went out to have Italian Dinner which ehe, I loiike. The second date,he brought me to bukit tinggi jalan-jalan and eat whatever I want anddd, he brought me to play with bunnies. Third day, we went for house riding and fourth, we went for his nieces birthday party at bukit kiara. I think the fifth date was when we mandi sungai [which is more like main air] and makan laksa tepi sungai. Gila sedap laksa itu ok, dahla laksa sedap, di ikuti dengan petang yang redup dan chantek. And sometimes, during weekend, we would be club hopping at Heritage Row or wherever I want. With him, it will not always be typical and it will always whatever I want.

Not to long after that I decided not to contact him because I am not ready after something came up and ala some excuses yang aku buat padahal aku memang dah malasla. Hehe.

Nak tau tak kenapa aku malas? Sebab from my perspective he was too into looks and I had to ask him this one question.

"Katakanlah kan,you kahwin, sekali tu wife you eksiden, tak cantek and disabled, apa you buat?"

His answer was "I kawen lainla"


Despite being "like that" he was the best date ever , so much fun and funnnnnn but haih, I kenotla. I just kenot.

Eh ini sudah termasuk topic lain ini.

So, what am I trying to say, I am not so interested to go out with new people nowadays because there's no surprise in it dan untuk membuatkan aku suka orang pada masa sekarang adalah susah.

Date dengan lelaki busuk adalah tidak best. Ataupon with a guy who perasan macho and best padahal taik pon takde. Uh, what about mr know-it-all?Ataupon mat jiwang penchenta wanita sebenar?

Oh nooooooooooooooooooooo

Saya lebih suka keluar dengan tetek kerana saya dapat meraba mereka dan mereka tidak menghampakan saya.

Monday, December 18, 2006

Minat I ye?


I'm your regular blog reader, anyway, I was browsing friendster when I came across this page... dia amik muka u.. or izzit your frienster page? dunno lah.. just tot of letting you know.

I was like..hee? So I clicked

Banyakla kau punya sexy.

So,I think you bunnies can guess what came out from my mouth.Segala carutan yang wujud di dalam muka bumi ini. I mean, hell what's wrong with this peoplela weyyy? Kenapala nak amik identiti orang? Kenapa nak meniruuuuuuuuuuuuu style orang? Cara orangggg? Lepas tu claim engkau punye sendiri. Bila aku tegur, wah mati-mati tak mengaku. Eh,eh I originallllllll.

Dahla guna caption, sekejap besar sekejap kecik. Kau ingat comel ke haaaaaaaaaaaa buat macam tu. Nanti orang jumpa aku cakap " eh, inila budak yang guna caption kejap besar kejap kecik" Tak klaka ok. Kejii.

Taik betul.

Sometimes I really want to laugh, like I know this girl, she really like to mengeji orang bukan main. Like that girl is tapaperla, this person is accusing herla tapiiiiiiiiiiii lepas tu kau tiruu style diorang yang dikeji ituuuuuu.Kenapaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa?

Aku betul letihla mende ni. Ada orang tu tiru nama aku pon ade [dah la saling mengenali pulak tu], cuma ubah-ubah sikit je. Hellooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo?

Emo ini ok.

Oh, I haven't say hi yet to this so called putri natasya or whateverrrr. Tapi ko tunggulah satu hari yang cerah. Aku bagi can kau kompoll kawan bebanyak guna muka aku dulu[gila prasan ayat.haha].

Ehem.Ok enough of cerita yang menaikkan darah. Let me tell you about my weekend okes?

Full of booties shaking.Uhh!

Bunnies for grab. Single and mingling. Ha!

Do you think I crumble? Do you think I lay down and die? Oh not. Not I!

I love you baby and if it's quite allright.

All together now

Sengal On The Block

Tapi malam itu di akhiri dengan cacat kerana kereta adalah bateri kong. Naseb baik aku dah berkemban so kurangla berkuap di bawah basement itu sambil buat-buat terrer nak repair kete. Hehe.

Tengkiu Fadzi bagi tompang.Tenkiu bebeh,aku memang suke naik kete korang [sebab aku tak reti jalan.hehe]

Oh.Thanks also to pengemel tersebut. ;)

Ok. Ucapan terakhir, Happy Monday bunniessssssssssss.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Nostril crooked but pretty

I just had my dinner, special chicken burger with extra mayo. I know it's late already but just shadap, I'm sick so I am entitled to eat anything [he]. So anyway, I had to drive myself to get the yummy burger tepi jalan where then the abang jual burger try to start some small talk with me.

Aku benci orang nak small talk dengan aku bila ada asap panas kluar dari hidung aku. And then he started to jeling-jeling at my baju. Abang ni nak tengok tetek saya ke? Sekali aku pon pandangla bawah. Eh, apsal baju aku kosong,tadik ada tulisan.

Celake, adalah pakai baju terbalik. Cis, agaknya abang itu sedang cuba telepathy dengan aku untuk cakap baju aku terbalik tapi aku prasan die nak ngorat aku. Hihi.

Blame it on the skull cracking feeling.Not me ok, not my fault.

Oh, that's not what I wanted to say actually. Anggaplah itu sebagai intro.

Earlier, I went to the hospital to you know, meneruskan appointment dengan dr megat yang oh bertambah kacak. He gave me his business card this time. Yew know I never dated a doctor before ehe...Ok Fine.

I was supposed to have my tonsil removed but then he said

"I think we should operate your nose too" [oh tapi sebelum tu dia flirt dengan i.hihi]

I asked him why and he told me my inner nostril are crooked. i kind of know that but it wasn't that scary until he show me how does it looked like in a tv kind of thing. Malu aku nampak bulu hidung.Oh but it was scary.I was told that the crooked condition made my tonsil worst because during my snoozing hours I breath through my mouse not my nose, thus added extra bacteria to my throat. And even when the tonsil were removed, my thorat will still be sore.

"Tapi sakit tau"

Hello, dr. tak klaka ok cakap macam tu. Tau tak saya ni penakut kepada kesakitan? Adalah tidak relevant okes. So I asked him whether should I do them seperately to mengelakkan sakit or just in one go.He adviced it will better to do it in a shot

"But don't worry, I will be operating them both" Didalam imaginasiku, dia bercakap dengan penuh mesra.

Ok stop it already.

So I told a friend that I am scared to bear the kesakitan and you know what he said to me?

" Tapi labour lagi saket"

Hello. Not helping ok. Not helping.

Anyway, he told me that the alternative for me to breath easily, which is to do yoga.

Banyakla yoga, nak buat push up sepuluh kali pon tak terbuat-buat.

The conclusion is, okla finela I think I will get my nose operated but ehe alang-alang kan..can I get a nose job too?:P

The doctor and patient session were closed with me having lunch at ani sup utara which meninggalkan satu tak puas hati feeling.

Kenapa tak jual sup urat dah?

Oh no. What have I crapped?Sorry, better get back to bed and have some rest now.

Muah [semoga berjangkit kat korang semua.haha]

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Oh My Heart

I was having the usual starbuck chocolates after buying some food from Jusco. Oh, I love Jusco, the food I mean. They sell tako tao and those teriyaki whatever. So I bought my-mesti-beli-tako-tao and squid grilled teriyaki while my company bought a heart teriyaki.

I was intrigued by how could someone eat that, coz I can't.

Me: Eh sedap ke hati? I tak sukela.
My Company: This is not hati, this is jantung.

Me: He? Hatilah, ni kan tulis heart.
My Company: Liver is hati , heart is jantung.

Me: Tapi broken heart is patah hati.
My Company: What about heart is beating faster, is it hati berdegup laju? Tak kan?

Me: Hmm.
My Company: Or what about smoking is bad for your heart. Is it, merokok adalah tidak baik untuk hati?

Me: Haah kan. So how come people say patah hati? And put their hands to err.. bahagian dada?
My Company: I don't know. I guess people assume aje. Supposed to be patah jantung dan buah jantung. Hehe

I am not sure whether we just assume or we came out with that thing ourselves I mean, our language or our people just assume, semua heart itu ialah hati.

Oh no, where did the love shape go?

Macam celake mana tah assume aku ni adalah shallow dan berpendidikan tahap upsr padahal setakat ko nak ade degree yang tahap kesusahannya bawah sket dari aku baik kau diam. Kau ingat kau lelaki semua pompuan dalam dunia ni bodoh ke? Silap-silap kau lagi bodoh dari aku which aku rasa betul and stop harassing me with your lawak gila-gila remaja. Tak klaka ok!

Oh no. Termarah pulak.

Kembali ke topik jantung. So sebenanya mengapalah orang berkata heart itu hati? Dan hey, I know how hati taste like but how does heart taste like?

Adakah heart is equivalent to paru? No?

Err..Yes i also don't think so [adalah untuk mengelakkan dari kelihatan bimbo jadi cuba menyelamatkan diri].

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Akui Cinta

Hello, my name is Sojinred and I am writing a mini-review on the movie "Cinta".

Last Sunday, Sojinred followed the love of her life into the theatres: chics. For those of you who haven't met me, I am her one true love. chics is sweet, chics is lovely, chics is good to eat. Nyummy! I've been away for a while but now I'm back. For a while, anyway.

It was sojinred's first time in a cinema watching a Malaysian (or Malay?) movie, so naturally, I was prepared to be disappointed. There's nothing that spurs me on to criticise something more than all the hype and praise it gets. And nowhere have I found a bad comment about Cinta yet, so I just couldn't wait to pounce on the movie and tear it apart. Like the way I want to rip chic's clothing off. Rar.

Oh, but what a surprise! Sojinred loved the movie! How ghastly! How funny! How not so Sojinreddy!

Now I am not the typical viewer of malay movies. When I was younger, I thought Ali Setan was about some goat-humping cult (oopsie I said a naughty word), and after watching XX-ray 20 times at every house I visited for Aidilfitri, I veered clear of Malay movies (we're not talking pre -modern Malaysia because I love movies made then).

So okay, I saw Perempuan Melayu Terakhir by accident, and I even managed to sniff at Puteri Gunung Ledang, but I, until I met chics, had not bought into the Sepet/Gubra/Cinta revival. I was won over on Sunday.

OK, I had my reservations in the beginning. The movie used the "please the crowd so you can jerk its tears" tactic, right from the beginning, endearing all the characters. There's the poor guy who's got a job at a tabloid. The signboard's shat upon, the ceiling's crumbling, he lives by the trainways (an idea the Americans squeezed dry for all its worth). There's the nice old man who's apparently a teacher, within 2 minutes of his introduction he's winning everyone over when he says that a wife is an anugerah.

Very candy and sugar settings for sojinred normally, but the execution and probably more so the premise combine and forgive this "error". For some reason, I not only accepted but complimented the "perfect" coincidences and close-to-cliche acting of the movie: the director obviously has strong control over the cast - as they all seem to leave their personal style and habitual acting (a little) and mould into what seems to be a common theme.

The flow of the movie was almost flawless (although it seemed that each story was caught up in each other's tragedy). Think there was one part where the editing was a bit off - or the cinema reel was dirty - so the frames skipped for about a minute. That normally bothers me, but it didn't in this case.

The stories that stringed together do also wrap up with happy albeit bittersweet endings - perhaps disappointing to tragedy lappers. Even the abandoned husband gets his baby girl and gets cosy with a hot neighbour (sojinred thinks she's hawt). But I don't see this as a fault, I think the message is that no tragedy is perpetual, nor indomitable. Think the director (and she reminds in her dedication) does not simply want to see a silver lining in each cloud, but show it to her audience.

Of course sojinred also benefits from being a virgin malay movie viewer. Sojinred does not know who Ezlan Yusof is (sojinred sniffs some Dayak blood in his face), or how badly Rita Rudaini normally acts (doesn't she just look like Nasha Aziz?), how many awards the director won, whether Armani needs a character makeover etc. Because I have no preconception of the cast, my mind does not automatically compare their past performance with the one in this movie.

Great acting, forced or not. Yes, it did feel like they WERE acting (cept the senior citizen story), but that actually helped with the movie.

Loved it and will watch it again. Maybe there is a malay film revival going on.

Ayam bontot

I was so hungry so I went to the kitchen to fix myself baked beans with onions to eat with a sunny side up, not forgetting breads to got with. My habit while eating is, I had to either watch tv or read something.

What Astro offered that time was boring. You know some alien and dunno what movielah which make me switching to every channel when finally I saw chow sin chee face. Hah, layannnn.

Tapi silap besarlah. I was eating the pekat bake beans with sunny side up bila cerita itu menunjukkan seorang lelaki menjilat taik kucing untuk mencari bukti.Dan juga tentang lelaki ynag sakit mata dimana nanah mengalir keluar dari mata.

And the part chow sin chee stuffed ayam goreng kedalam bontot lelaki tu. I used to love this part. Hillarious but menjadi loya setelah tertuduh menggoncang bontot dan ayam itu jatuh, dan he gave the drumstick to a singh and the sigh menciumnye dengan penuh berselera.

I looked at my baked beans. Likat dan pekat and my sunny side up. Somehow my tekak felt loya.

Like the nanah like the.. blueeeeekkkkkkkkk

Bodowla chow sin chee.Tengok aku dah tak lalu nak makan dahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Cintai aku

Being a love movies junkie, I went to see talk-of-the-town movie, cinta, with people that I cinta, non other than the teteks of course. Although, I have to be honest I was looking forward to watch it was because the idea was sort of the same as one of my favourite movie, love actually.

Which turn out not to be the same.

  1. I love this movie. Planning to watch it for the second time.

  2. I love rashidi ishak in this movie. Contoh lelaki yang ku mahu selain Luis Garcia.

  3. This is the movie that even you cried, you still want to know what happen compared to some hari-raya-rashid-sibir-cerekarama where you would berpura-pura buat kuih raya sebab gelisah dan susah hati.

  4. I felt like meraung kuat-kuat instead of nangis senyap senyap. Celako, habis 2 paket tissue aku.

  5. Nikkit and Fadzi cried too. Hehe.

  6. I cried until my mascara cair and got into my eyes and menyebabkan mata aku merah. Until today, my mata still sakit.

  7. Sharifah Amani should try a different watak and should stop flipping her hair. But I still want to kiss her.

  8. The cast were great including the normally well known kayu fasha sandha and eizlan yusuf [except for Perampuan Melayu Terakhir]. Even rita rudani berjaya membasuh tanggapan pelakon-crite-tangkap-muat aku padanya. And yes, I want her too. Chantek.

  9. Oh except Sharifah Amani's boyfriend, harap muka boyband je lebih.

  10. Nanu Baharuddin and Fatimah Abu Bakar rock big time.

  11. Even I cried until my eyes bengkak, my heart felt warm and I was still smiling after I turned off the light to go to bed.

  12. After I watched this movie, I was thinking about my brother who is now enjoying himself in Bali. I hope he is having a good time and would arrive safely here.

  13. The director didn't show who is Imran and Dyan's boyfriend, guys who merosakkan rumahtangga orang dan lelaki pengote. I guess, lelaki keji tidak patut ditonjolkan di layar perak. Teralu keji dan boleh merosakkan cerita yang indah.

  14. I love sepet but I love this movie more.

  15. Tapi terdapat unsur tak natural like, hello, kau ingat, kau bawak pompuan tinggal dengan kau dekat Abdullah Hukum takde macik-macik yang kepochi ke? Seharusnya dah kene maki dengan orang kampong ok.

  16. The soundtrack are superb, sangat kene dengan scene-scene which really blend well to create certain mood.

  17. I want to be loved by someone like that when I get old.

  18. I want to watch this movie again.

  19. I bought another pairs of shoes yang sebananye takde kene mengene with this movie. Hohohoh.

  20. Now I am trying to relate the movie and the new shoes so that my mom won't menaga.

Tapi aku tak puas hati, kutipan cinta adalah dibawah nana tanjung. Apaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa?

Friday, December 08, 2006



Today is friday and ohhh..adalah best bermalas-mlasan di office. Dan menunggu balik sambil memikirkan what to do tonight.

Jadik, apa kata kita main kuiz hari ini?? Kuiz yang bertajuk how far you know chics part 2.

Nak mainnn

Tapi, jangan cheating tau. Janji? Alif lam lam ha?

Sape terrer nanti bagi muah muah okes?

Happy weekend!

Thursday, December 07, 2006

I am monkey,let's get funky!

So I haven't actually tell you bunnies about the monkey who merusakkan harta benda. Actually her existance has been acknowledged since early this year dimana she stole one of my kittens yang tempang. I was so mad but after that I kept my kittens inside the cage. This monkey I tell yew, sangat keji. She would sneak into my house and makan semua bende termasuk hair colour, tepung, serbuk kunyit and whateverlah, as along as she saw it, she will eat it.

So anyway, last friday I was wanted to buy some ingredients to prepare funghi aglio olio. But when I get outside I saw Miu Miu, my cat looking worried and keep mewing eventhough I already gave her a hug. I asked her why but of courselah she did not answer me but she just mewed. So I thought, something must be wrong with her or her kittens.

As I drew near the cage I saw something ont the cage roof. Ye, monyet itu. I shh shh the monyet but shh shh me back. Then I besarkan mata but then she start to make the kkkssssssssss sound and showed me her claws.

Celake kau monyet. Tak mainlah main tunjuk-tunjuk kuku!Mana aci.

I moved foward and make a gesture like wanting to throw something to her and she responded by making a gesture as if she wanted to terkam me, with her fangs showing.

Ah sudah, nak main cakar muka aku pulak. She was not kidding, when she moved foward I ran to the car. Takut okeh. Maunye keluar berita besok

"Wanita [echeh] di cakar monyet di hadapan kucing kesayangan"

As I started the car, I saw her jumped down to the ground and she drew near Miu Miu. Miu Miu actually is a superwoman cat whereby she always slaps MJ hard on her face but this monyet was totally not her match. The biatch monkey started to hiss around Miu Miu and made a circle movement around Miu Miu macam dalam crite Lion King. Miu Miu look scared and smitten. She just tunduk ke bumi. This is when the monkey started to shake the cage outrageously and Miu Miu can only mewed helplessly. Good thing that I locked the cage or else, satu lagi anak kucing aku mungkin terkorban.

How could I see my sayangs being treated like that? Walaupaun aku sayangkan muka aku dan kuku tak cukup panjang, I stopped the engine and get outside to gather some stones to throw at the monkey.

I, at the first place would not want to do that to any animal, tapi when it comes to my pet, I would. But I did not aim directly at the monkey [actually, ni nak kaver line sebab baling tak kene.haha]. I thought the monkey would moved foward but she ran. Not that far though, she just wait at my neighbours house but ehe, I am not stopping until she dissappear from my eyesight, which eventually she did.

Eleh..Orang nak pinjam je..Tu pon tak bagi. Eksyen.

After that incident, I haven't see her ever since. Maybe the Perhilitan took her away or maybe she is building her strategy on how to curik my other kitten.

I don't know but I hope she would never come back.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Play My Song

I am sure all of you have your favourite music that you keep repeating in you mp3 or your jukebox.Well so do I but it puzzled me when beinf asked "what is your favourite song or music"

Honestly it all depends on my mood.

Terluka Mood

Bila dengar rasa jiwaku ini disentap-sentap. Dan mengapakahhh ini semua terjadi, yo?

  1. Indecent Obsession - Fixing a broken heart.
  2. How Can I Not Love You - Joey Enriquez
  3. Nur Fatima- Tiada Ertinya [keji but lelehhhhhhhhhhh]
  4. Sarah Mclachlan - Angel
  5. Toni Braxton - How Could An Angel Break My Heart.
Good Mood Song

When I'm in my good mood, I love these selection of songs, especially the number 4 song. Berantu

  1. Backstreet Boys -Get Down [haha]
  2. Bon Jovi - I'll Be There For You
  3. Irwansyah - Pencinta Wanita
  4. Nitrus - Kamu [diamm..siapa yang gelak tu?]
  5. Teriyaki Boyz - Tokyo Iciban [ting!ting.comell]
Jiwang Wa Tangkap Cintan Mood

You know, when you are in lovey dovey mood. Stok Rasa nak kawen skarang jugakk

  1. Take That- A Million Love Song
  2. Man Bai - Kau Ilhamku
  3. Firehouse - I Live My Life For You
  4. Selena -I Could Fall In Love
  5. Babyface -Everytime I Close My Eyes
Tak Heranla Sama You Mood

Well, enough said.

  1. Cake - I Will Survive
  2. Karyn White -Superwoman
  3. Blue October - Hate Me
  4. Takde dah
Reminiscing Adolescent Years Mood

Zaman round compaound sambil membuat video clip. Atau menyanyi dalam bas nak pergi kursus kat skolah lain.

  1. Feminin - Kini
  2. Feminin - Angin Bayu
  3. All 4 One - I swear
  4. Tiffany - If Love Is Blind
  5. Boyz to Men - Any songslah!
Rempit Mood

Mood bila terasa macam nak merempit. Layann

  1. Blackrose - Penantian
  2. Gersang - Suratan Takdir
  3. Search - Fantasi Bulan Madu
  4. Search -Rozana
  5. Wings - Sejati
Actually there's a lot that were all I could think of.

So what's your favourite song? Any kenangan?

Tuesday, December 05, 2006


Venue: Baskin Robin

A family was happily eating ice cream and the workers were busy erm..gossiping and some shoppers were carrying plastic bags, feeling happy while thier husbands frowned coz ehe..duit dah habis.

Chis was enjoying her usual mood booster with her company.

Her company: Eh, what do you call musang in english huh?
Me: Musangla.

Her company: Wrongla. My teacher said it was wrong. Fox is rubah.
Me: Yaka? Betulla musang fox.

Her company: No, rubah is fox.
Me:Ok..Ok.. but what the hell is this rubahla actually?

My company: Foxlah!
Me: Sheesh, not helpingla wey.

I am musang.

And I am rubah

So, what is english?

Monday, December 04, 2006

PD Party

It was damn good to lie around on the sandy beach while licking ice cream.Plus, there's not much people around which was quite unlikely for a famous beach like PD. What make it more enjoyable is when you go go to some places with your favourite company, in my case it was the teteks.

Since Tina will be ending her singlehood soon, we decided it's time to have some fun. Our last fun together maybe.If you ask me, it was fun. So much fun although I was not in my best mood due to err.. you know..women problems and err..yeah..that's it lah..hehe.

These girls are flying to the moon. Heh!

And, we even went to a fun fair. Gilalah.Dan Nikkit macam biasa tak akan melepaskan pelung bermain tembak-tembak dekat fun fair dimana akhirnya berjaya memenangi seekor dadu. Ahaaaa.Comel okehhh.

Berpesta di fun fair. Haha. Keji tapi enak

The hightlight of the trip was strip blackjack. Sebenanya game tu is supposed to be strip poker tapi sebab macam tah camane semua lupa camne cara nak main poker so they invented strip black jack, nak tengok orang bogel punya pasal.

It was Nikkit, who beriya nak suruh orang bogel, padahal dah banyak kali tengok. Hehe

Ye,semua orang memakai sebanyak lapisan yang boleh. Ye, senyum-semyumlah..Kejap lagi taulah nasib korang

Mula-mula bukak jam

Tidak lama kemudian, membuka tali pinggang pula

Heheh. Dan seluar jeans. Sorry but she still got her sluar pendek inside.

Aha. Now only her top and sluar pendek left. Everything else were off.Nikkit gelak-gelak dalam gelupur.

Wohoo!Bogel juga akhirnya!Nikkit mana kauuuuuuuuu.

So as a hen party suprise, Tina got to see a naked girl [altho aku rasa dah terkira bape banyak kali die tengok .hehe]

Nway babe, hope you enjoy it okes.Tapi kalau kau tak enjoy jgn risau, 1st Jan nanti kite pergi berpoye-poye lagik..Hehehe. I looiike!

Oh, oh before you guys get back to your boring works, here are the pictures [tolong abaikan jika nampak aku agak gendut.sekian].

Happy Monday bunnies!

Friday, December 01, 2006


Just some quick update okies. Sebab I tengah bz sekarang. Bz main the sims. Hehe

  1. Went to eat Salmon and meatball at Ikea with Naz. Which brought us to catch a movie after that. Konon-konon nak takut, tengokla cerita posseseed. Little that I know, it was a Malaysian Chinese movie. Walaupun ada Amber Chia dan Alan Yun tapi cerita itu sangat keji. We were laughing sepanjang cerita. And Sharifah Amani, apa kau buat berlakon dalam cerita sebegitulaaaa? Seharusnya filem itu diberi nama Pensonic instead of Possesed coz most of the cast are Pensonic's model. But ada satu pelakon cun, nama dia Harisu. Sekali aku cek, dia ni trassexual modella pulak. Ces.Kesian that guy who had to kiss her..I mean him. Eee.

  2. Actually it was not mat fit who steal the side mirror. It was a monkey. Ye. seekor beruk ynag tersesat. She did not only steal side mirrors but she stole my sweet kitten. Celake ko, dasar beruk. Called Perhilitan already. They will try to do their best [I hope so. Really..Hmm]

  3. I am on my mood swings now. So ehe, jauhkan diri dari nak buat klaka with me coz most of the time I will find it tak klaka and annoying. Sorry but yeah.

  4. I'm off to PD tomorrow with teteks. Can't wait. Yeayyy.

Have a superb [sim] weekend bunnies.