Tuesday, August 16, 2005


What are the things that make you feel unattractive, ugly?

One of my friend in uni claimed that whenever she wear loose-fitting clothes she felt unappealing. It made her look bigger and shoddy. I couldn't agree more. I tried to enlighten my mom, that I hate to be sloppy but she never accept that kind of justifications. She still detest my penchant for tight fitting clothes.

Besides that, we agreed that bad looking hair unquestionably will bring the day down. With frizzy and unruly hair, it's almost impossible to go out. So it's worth waking up early in the morning to get your hair done.

From my point of view, seeing my face from certain angles which reflect my chubby face will beyond doubt make me feel ugly. I don't know why, even when I try to tone down my consumption if fats, my chubby face are still there, poking my eyes. I 'm still with double chins and those ugly fats under my eyes. It's eye bags I know but it consist fats.

But all of these can be cured by extra TLC from your love one. I tell you, even when you wear your cutest outfit but your significant other totally didn't notice it, that will make you feel uglier. And you have to say "dear, my dress look nice on me or not?" just to make your own day. Ye, memang keji tapi itula sebenanye. I dowan to tipu. It sounded pathetic and mengada but hello, it's a rule of thumb. Even worst when he didn't pay that extra TLC to you. No extra warming kisses, no extra warm hugs. Then you will feel like you are having some disease or you are the most ugliest woman in the world.

Apala guna kalau pakai bra emas pon dan terasa sungguh bersinar tetapi orang itu tidak perasan apa-apa.Hoh.

I dunno about you guys, but whenever I feel ugly, I'll be having mood swings and ehe I'll be the best drama queen ever.

Yes.Keji, I know.

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