Monday, August 08, 2005

Confessions of secrets and non

It's Monday again and I haven't got enough of weekend. Today would probably be a boring day right, so might as well I write something urm.. intriguing? Ha .I wish.

So here goes nothing.

1.I don't think I will ever get married because erm.. entah but perhaps when you guys are old, when you got nothing to do. Maybe you can just spend your time to visit me at old folks home. And bring nice books for me to read but please, no mirror.

2.I wear size three but I still can't stop drooling over designer shoes.

3.When the weather is hot, I love to put my face at the freezer's door.

4.On high altitude, I always have the urge to jump.

5.I want to be an actress but none of the guy that I dated seriously [noted the word seriously] allowed me to become one. So there's goes my chance to mengorat adlin ramli even he already got a girlfriend.

6.Actually I dated an actor before. He starred in drama pendekar. Keji.

7.This is more embarrassing, I even went out with mat rempit. All he talked about is his motorcycle and his favourite stunt. Enough said.

8.I don't actually read newspaper except for obituaries, entertainment and sports section. Because other news make me cry. Shut up and I know I'm mengada-ngada.

9.I drooled for keifli af3. Love to imagine him wearing school uniform.Ohh..yummy. But not going to watch it anymore :(

10.If I see a couple passed me by, I would always notice the girl first..especially her..boobs. Sue me.

11.I am angry every time good looking girl show an interest at my boyfriend. Kenapa pandang ag?Kenapa tak pandang aku?Aku yang suka dekat perempaun tu dulu.Apa kurangnya aku berbanding ag?

12.Today is Monday and just like you I feel like killing myself.

Happy Monday people.

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