Thursday, August 11, 2005


One week earlier.

Me: Hey you, free or not tonight?
Friend: Alamak, I promise my friendlah.
Friend:Adelah, I dowan to tell.
Friend: You..I said..
Me: Oh..ok.

One week later

Me: Yalah, you so busy right now. So the famous, meeting lots of new friends.
Friend : Tolonglah, yang I jumpa tu kawan lama I. Boleh tak jangan nak buat assumption sendiri.You nikan..Lain kali tanyala,clarifyla dulu. Ni tak, main cakap je.
Me: Hoh?I did ask what.You are the one yang tanak kasik tau.
Friend: Yelah macamana nak kasik tau, hari tu pasal..bla..bla..
Me: Abih tu tayahla nak tuduh-tuduh aku pandai-pandai buat assumption.

Ha baguslah.Semua tanak kasik tau lepas tu bila aku malas nak amik tau cakapla aku tak kesah. Tapi bila aku tanak bagi tau hal aku, you said that I dun want to share, that I made you feel not important.

And if you call me with the intention to make my day, please just make my day.Don't call me and then said things yang menaikkan darah aku yang memang selalu naik ni. If you intend to tell me something, make sure you are willing to tell me everything sbb aku ni bengap, banyak tanya or else, don't tell me at all. I dun like when you said "Eh ade orang ni kan,tapi nama dia taleh cakap, dia curik ayam mak cik ni,u kenalla makcik ni tapi I taleh cakap".Baik tayah cakappppppppppppppppp.

Pening tak? Sorryla.I guess my menses is due soon.

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