Ag birthday is drawing near. I've been thinking what to get for him. I can't see he's interested in anything except for football. So I wrote an email to a friend of my who is residing in UK, to get an away Liverpool jersey in white which I know he has been wanting so much and that jersey is not available here,yet.
That friend of mine didn't even agreed to buy me that jersey but also came out with a brilliant idea.
Why buy him the jersey when you can fly him to watch the football game live? I think I can give you discount on the airway ticket and you guys can stay at my place.You just provide the money for shopping but then again we don't need to shop that much.
I'm sure he'll be more than happy.
Anyway, must get you a birthday present also.
What do you want for your past past and coming birthday?
Sweet enough and brilliant idea. I know he will always came out with brilliant ideas. Wanted to reply his email right away but was caught between my hectic jobs.
I smsed him instead
Nak Frank Miller crazy hours, haha padan muka who asked you to asked me.Btw thanks for the sweet email, will think about the offer
Instead of smsing it to him I accidentally send it to ag. As the result he's suspecting I'm having an affair with someone else. Keji.
"Siapa yang nak bagi Frank Miller? What offer?You nak hantar dekat siapa huh?Siapa dia ni? Dia offer you apa, keluar dengan dia? Pegi lepak dekat rumah dia?" And bla..bla..bla..
Damn. I tried to came out with excuses but hoh, they were so lame that made him even mad. Now he's accusing me of being a liar.
I was thinking, I can go on with the lie and just give him the present but that won't be possible if he decided to break off with me.
Oh you should hear his voice the other day.
I tried to call him but he refuse to take my call. Aiyoh. Deep shit.
Finally he picked it up and I spilled everything. I had to or else he would always be mad at me. Like real mad.
So padan muka ag, siapa suruh tak percaya dekat aku.
Dengan rasminya cadangan itu terus terbatal.
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Sunday, August 28, 2005
11.10 pm
The arrival hall was always packed with people. Moved towards the arrival board. Flight from Jakarta was delayed. Sigh. A Chinese lady beside me turned and began to speak mandarin. Gave her a puzzle look and try to tell her I don't speak mandarin. I dun speak Chinese language at all. Failed, politely I gave her a smile and moved away.
11.30 pm
My bro went out for a ciggie. Someone called saying he's at the airport, leaving on the jet plane. I thought he was supposed to go on Sunday. Mixture of feeling. Hollow
12.00 am
Still thinking whether should I climb two level up to departure. Take a seat on the chair. An old man in a wheel chair smiled and waved gaily to his children. Hug. Kiss. The father went to China and forgot his dialysis session. Worried look on sons' face. I missed my father. Felt like crying.
Saw a guy with black denim jacket leaned against a pillar. Quite cute, ruffled hair. Looking worried. Keep looking at his watch and checking his handphone. I wonder why he acted so worried. Perhaps he missed his girlfriend so much.
12.15 am
"Final call for passenger MAS Airlines and British Atlantic Airways to London.."
Goodbye, I bid silently.
12.30 am
Girls with beaded hair walking merrily from the gate. Must be from Bali, I thought. Stewards and stewardess walked proudly from the gate. So did pilots.
"Hey since when steward can wear spectacles?"
"These days even pilot can wear one" My bro answered lazily.
"Oh, than I can apply for stewardess"
"Cukup tinggi ke?" He threw me a mocking look.
Suddenly the jacket guy rushed next to me, towards a lady with a pram. He hugged the lady and quickly unlocked the pram's belt. Hugged the baby like he would never see her again.
"Sweetheart, daddy miss you"
And danced with the girl in his hand.
I felt my heart is bigger.
12.45 am
My eyes are getting droopy. Had seat on 3 different chairs.I was looking at pictures on my phone when this aunty was telling her sibling what a blast she had in London but she still prefer France. Oh, I know it's bad to eavesdropping but couldn't help it.
"I need another ciggie. You watch for mom"
So I stand facing the departure gate. Waiting. 3 minutes. Nope. Wait again..5 minutes..And yes, there she was.
Suddenly I don't feel tired anymore...
The arrival hall was always packed with people. Moved towards the arrival board. Flight from Jakarta was delayed. Sigh. A Chinese lady beside me turned and began to speak mandarin. Gave her a puzzle look and try to tell her I don't speak mandarin. I dun speak Chinese language at all. Failed, politely I gave her a smile and moved away.
11.30 pm
My bro went out for a ciggie. Someone called saying he's at the airport, leaving on the jet plane. I thought he was supposed to go on Sunday. Mixture of feeling. Hollow
12.00 am
Still thinking whether should I climb two level up to departure. Take a seat on the chair. An old man in a wheel chair smiled and waved gaily to his children. Hug. Kiss. The father went to China and forgot his dialysis session. Worried look on sons' face. I missed my father. Felt like crying.
Saw a guy with black denim jacket leaned against a pillar. Quite cute, ruffled hair. Looking worried. Keep looking at his watch and checking his handphone. I wonder why he acted so worried. Perhaps he missed his girlfriend so much.
12.15 am
"Final call for passenger MAS Airlines and British Atlantic Airways to London.."
Goodbye, I bid silently.
12.30 am
Girls with beaded hair walking merrily from the gate. Must be from Bali, I thought. Stewards and stewardess walked proudly from the gate. So did pilots.
"Hey since when steward can wear spectacles?"
"These days even pilot can wear one" My bro answered lazily.
"Oh, than I can apply for stewardess"
"Cukup tinggi ke?" He threw me a mocking look.
Suddenly the jacket guy rushed next to me, towards a lady with a pram. He hugged the lady and quickly unlocked the pram's belt. Hugged the baby like he would never see her again.
"Sweetheart, daddy miss you"
And danced with the girl in his hand.
I felt my heart is bigger.
12.45 am
My eyes are getting droopy. Had seat on 3 different chairs.I was looking at pictures on my phone when this aunty was telling her sibling what a blast she had in London but she still prefer France. Oh, I know it's bad to eavesdropping but couldn't help it.
"I need another ciggie. You watch for mom"
So I stand facing the departure gate. Waiting. 3 minutes. Nope. Wait again..5 minutes..And yes, there she was.
Suddenly I don't feel tired anymore...
Friday, August 26, 2005
Don't speak.
It was the 50 boards' chess competition. Chess used to be my favourite, yeah..I was a nerd surely chess was my kind of thing. Trying so hard to concentrate and at the same time think what shall be my subsequent movement ..hmm.. think harder..harder..
"Hoi, move the bishopla, after that the knight..and 5 steps after that you can check mate him"
Stare. Kau sapelah, instead he just smirked.
Double stare. He was still smirking but he moved away.
Turned out his calculation was right. I won in 7 steps.
"So you play a lot?" He came to me during break hour.
And after that we become friends. Close friends.
I furthered my studies in JB and he was in Subang. It was quite a distance but that didn't obstructed us from being close to each other. Whenever the chance came we would hang out at his place and laze around talking craps, mostly came from him or went to gratify our nightlife hunger which later turned me to be an addict [ but I managed to stop :P]. His mom acknowledged me and treated me like her daughter, perhaps it's because she didn't own one. Yeah, we were close but amusingly we just kept it to ourselves. No one in our circle of friends knew that we were that close. When I think of it, it felt weird.. But maybe I chose it to be that way. We both were different people. I was a fat geek and he was always the wild one with a brilliant brain, that always came up with brilliant ideas. And always hanging out with hot looking chicas.
Me: I want to be beautiful, like your girlfriends.
He : No, you just be who you are.
Me: No. I want to marry a pilot, so I have to be beautiful.
He: Hey, I can be a pilot.*laugh*
Me: No.Don't laugh.I'm serious, I'm tired being plain.
He: *Stop laughing* Someday, you will be because to me you are the most interesting girl I ever know.
Me: You said that because I'm your close friend
He: *Sigh and start smoking*
Something transpired between me and him 4 weeks before I turned 18. I decided not to talk to him anymore and he decided to go and study overbroad. When he was gone, I seldom think about him anymore, almost to never.
Until last night.
Ani Sup Utara is one of my favorite restaurant, they sell yummylicious soup. Waiting patiently, yours truly took a seat somewhere inside.
"Hey si kiki lala"
Kiki Lala. I hate that.I haven't heard people calling me that for almost 8 years. And there's only 1 particular person.
He grew up, but that cheeky face just won't go away.
I tried to find words to say but failed.
Non-chalantly he grabbed a chair and took a seat facing me.
"It's been a while huh?"
I can only afford to nod.
"Are you still with that stupid Chinese guy?"
I laughed. After all this while that thing still bothered him, out of so many things.
We had a brief chit chat. He told me that his father passed way last year and now he's home to settle for her mom migration to UK. Apparently he's a permanent residence there.
"What have you been doing?"
"Ehe, screwing around, like I used to be." My answer.
"No, you look differentlah. You look great. Can I screw you?"
"Bodoh, you are still silly. Anyway, what have you been doing?"
"I'm a pilot"
I swear, I almost drop my soup.
He's leaving for UK this weekend for good.
I might not see him again.
And for that my heart sank.
But his last word will always remain.
"Is there any chance that you are still single?"
"Hoi, move the bishopla, after that the knight..and 5 steps after that you can check mate him"
Stare. Kau sapelah, instead he just smirked.
Double stare. He was still smirking but he moved away.
Turned out his calculation was right. I won in 7 steps.
"So you play a lot?" He came to me during break hour.
And after that we become friends. Close friends.
I furthered my studies in JB and he was in Subang. It was quite a distance but that didn't obstructed us from being close to each other. Whenever the chance came we would hang out at his place and laze around talking craps, mostly came from him or went to gratify our nightlife hunger which later turned me to be an addict [ but I managed to stop :P]. His mom acknowledged me and treated me like her daughter, perhaps it's because she didn't own one. Yeah, we were close but amusingly we just kept it to ourselves. No one in our circle of friends knew that we were that close. When I think of it, it felt weird.. But maybe I chose it to be that way. We both were different people. I was a fat geek and he was always the wild one with a brilliant brain, that always came up with brilliant ideas. And always hanging out with hot looking chicas.
Me: I want to be beautiful, like your girlfriends.
He : No, you just be who you are.
Me: No. I want to marry a pilot, so I have to be beautiful.
He: Hey, I can be a pilot.*laugh*
Me: No.Don't laugh.I'm serious, I'm tired being plain.
He: *Stop laughing* Someday, you will be because to me you are the most interesting girl I ever know.
Me: You said that because I'm your close friend
He: *Sigh and start smoking*
Something transpired between me and him 4 weeks before I turned 18. I decided not to talk to him anymore and he decided to go and study overbroad. When he was gone, I seldom think about him anymore, almost to never.
Until last night.
Ani Sup Utara is one of my favorite restaurant, they sell yummylicious soup. Waiting patiently, yours truly took a seat somewhere inside.
"Hey si kiki lala"
Kiki Lala. I hate that.I haven't heard people calling me that for almost 8 years. And there's only 1 particular person.
He grew up, but that cheeky face just won't go away.
I tried to find words to say but failed.
Non-chalantly he grabbed a chair and took a seat facing me.
"It's been a while huh?"
I can only afford to nod.
"Are you still with that stupid Chinese guy?"
I laughed. After all this while that thing still bothered him, out of so many things.
We had a brief chit chat. He told me that his father passed way last year and now he's home to settle for her mom migration to UK. Apparently he's a permanent residence there.
"What have you been doing?"
"Ehe, screwing around, like I used to be." My answer.
"No, you look differentlah. You look great. Can I screw you?"
"Bodoh, you are still silly. Anyway, what have you been doing?"
"I'm a pilot"
I swear, I almost drop my soup.
He's leaving for UK this weekend for good.
I might not see him again.
And for that my heart sank.
But his last word will always remain.
"Is there any chance that you are still single?"
Thursday, August 25, 2005
Please marry me Datuk.
MJ is getting better. She started to licking her fur again and made that purrring sound.
Anyway, was getting my usual morning juice at the mamak store when my eyes caught the newspaper headline. So at last Normala managed to grab some datuk. Hesh, not fair. Few days ago another celebrity got married to Sultan Brunei.
Hey, I want to get married to some rich old balls too. So that I can spent all his money doing liposuction and stay young..and oh..have that nice house and make sure it get featured in some magazine.Oh..And another thing, my wedding..I will make sure it will be aired on some tv show while me malu-malu kucing saying "Inilah dikatakan jodoh, dia merupakan cinta sejati saya. Dia sangat memahami saya dan lemah lembut" and show that crocodile tears on tv.
I wonder if they really cried of happines or cried of scariness
But I promise, if any datuk marry me..I will try to cry of happines.
Anyway, was getting my usual morning juice at the mamak store when my eyes caught the newspaper headline. So at last Normala managed to grab some datuk. Hesh, not fair. Few days ago another celebrity got married to Sultan Brunei.
Hey, I want to get married to some rich old balls too. So that I can spent all his money doing liposuction and stay young..and oh..have that nice house and make sure it get featured in some magazine.Oh..And another thing, my wedding..I will make sure it will be aired on some tv show while me malu-malu kucing saying "Inilah dikatakan jodoh, dia merupakan cinta sejati saya. Dia sangat memahami saya dan lemah lembut" and show that crocodile tears on tv.
I wonder if they really cried of happines or cried of scariness
But I promise, if any datuk marry me..I will try to cry of happines.
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Love, get well soon.
The love of my life is having a high fever and that worries me. She won't eat, won't drink, won't scratch my bamboo mat anymore, all she did was lie down on the bed and closed her eyes. I took a day off today to take care of her, to make sure she'll be fine. Usually when it comes to medicine feeding other cats would tussle as if I am about to strangle them to death but not my love, she was so obedient. She opened her mouth and gulped every single drip patiently. Sungguh menawan hatiku ini. Was noshing her with the regular remedy last night when my favourite guy called me.
Ag: Buat apa tu?
Me: Bagi MJ makan ubat. Dia demamlah.
Ag: Oh tula die, nakal sangat. Suka sangat main luar, main hujan seme.
Me: Manaderlah,dia baik je tau.Eh, I ingat nak ambik cutila nak jaga dia besok.
Ag: Hoh?*choked followed by giggles*
Me: Hey, kenapa gelak? Tak klaka ok. I serious ni and I'm worried.
Ag: *Try to control his giggle* Ok.Ok..You bagi dia minum vitagen + 100 plus tu ok. Lepas tu jangan lupa bagi dia makan actifast skali.
Me: Eyy!!
Thanks baby for trying to make me feel better, you are such a sweetie but ..
1. Cats don't get fever by playing under rain or paying under the sun, there is a virus that caused this disease.
2. Never ever give your pets actifast, panadol or any aspirin. That will not cure your but instead will cause the liver to swell and more, your pet will suffer from jaw lock and yes..soon after that ,die
Don't worry MJ, kakak will make sure you will be allright.
Sayang MJ!
Ag: Buat apa tu?
Me: Bagi MJ makan ubat. Dia demamlah.
Ag: Oh tula die, nakal sangat. Suka sangat main luar, main hujan seme.
Me: Manaderlah,dia baik je tau.Eh, I ingat nak ambik cutila nak jaga dia besok.
Ag: Hoh?*choked followed by giggles*
Me: Hey, kenapa gelak? Tak klaka ok. I serious ni and I'm worried.
Ag: *Try to control his giggle* Ok.Ok..You bagi dia minum vitagen + 100 plus tu ok. Lepas tu jangan lupa bagi dia makan actifast skali.
Me: Eyy!!
Thanks baby for trying to make me feel better, you are such a sweetie but ..
1. Cats don't get fever by playing under rain or paying under the sun, there is a virus that caused this disease.
2. Never ever give your pets actifast, panadol or any aspirin. That will not cure your but instead will cause the liver to swell and more, your pet will suffer from jaw lock and yes..soon after that ,die
Kakak, I'm sick..Hug me please =(
Don't worry MJ, kakak will make sure you will be allright.
Sayang MJ!
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Remember Harbor Boulevard
The dreaming days where the mess was made
Look how all the kids have grown
We have changed but we're still the same
After all that we've been through
I know we're cool
And I'll be happy for you
If you can be happy for me
Circles and triangles, and now we're hangin' out with your new girlfriend
So far from where we've been
I know we're cool
Like I narrated you, I'm a lyricist. Apart from Gwen sexy legs her latest hit hooked me by the heart. Was telling ag how I loved this song the other night.
Me: I suke lagu ni.
Ag: Tauuu..*with his macho look pulling the steering*
Me: Mana tau hu? I tak cakap pon dengan you. Tapi I suke gile lirik die.Cool ok, even dah break still boleh lepak lagi, jumpa semua.
Ag: Ye ke?You tak macam tu pon dengan ex you.
Me: Eh, adelah I dengan azam tu kan ade.Yang lagi satu tu tayah kirela, die tu call I pon tanak angkat.
Ag: Kalau dengan I plak? *Giving me the killer look*
Me: Nak ke?
Ag: Huh, dah rasa dah. Tak best pon.
Me: Eh, even we broke off pon tapi kita still cakap dengan phone kan?Keluar ..Tengok movie semua..Okla tu kan?
Ag: I guess so..
I still keep in touch with my ex. Maybe we don't talk that often but we still talk now and then. We both succumb to the fact that we were not meant to be together but I never perish him from my life. He taught me about love and life and he helped to sculpt me to be what I am today [whatever that means]. He might not be the right person but he was there once. And for that, I can't refrain myself to offer him my friendship.
A lot of people might not like him but I respect him for the man he is. I was eating with ag somewhere at Damansara when we accidentally bumped into him. Instead of making rude remarks he said hello and drop by for a little chit chat. And whenever I had problems regardless relationship or family matters he always lend a shoulder for me to cry on.
Perhaps, we always hear the phrase "I just want you to be happy" all the time and wonder what it means actually. But with him, I know it came sincerely from his heart..and I wish him all the same. Nothing less.
But again..that's depends. To lots of things actually. Whether you are able to trash your grudges and the way you end up the relationship. If the relationship ends with a nice goodbye kiss, yeah..that person will stay on your mind but if it's ended with hatred and hate..Your only wish would probably seeing him die with AIDS.
Simply like someone said to me, after an overwrought darkness.
"If you want to end up things. Please end it up in a nice way"
That word hit me on my head and cut deeply on my heart.
Except.. why break up when you can make up?
Especially with the one that you really love.
The dreaming days where the mess was made
Look how all the kids have grown
We have changed but we're still the same
After all that we've been through
I know we're cool
And I'll be happy for you
If you can be happy for me
Circles and triangles, and now we're hangin' out with your new girlfriend
So far from where we've been
I know we're cool
Like I narrated you, I'm a lyricist. Apart from Gwen sexy legs her latest hit hooked me by the heart. Was telling ag how I loved this song the other night.
Me: I suke lagu ni.
Ag: Tauuu..*with his macho look pulling the steering*
Me: Mana tau hu? I tak cakap pon dengan you. Tapi I suke gile lirik die.Cool ok, even dah break still boleh lepak lagi, jumpa semua.
Ag: Ye ke?You tak macam tu pon dengan ex you.
Me: Eh, adelah I dengan azam tu kan ade.Yang lagi satu tu tayah kirela, die tu call I pon tanak angkat.
Ag: Kalau dengan I plak? *Giving me the killer look*
Me: Nak ke?
Ag: Huh, dah rasa dah. Tak best pon.
Me: Eh, even we broke off pon tapi kita still cakap dengan phone kan?Keluar ..Tengok movie semua..Okla tu kan?
Ag: I guess so..
I still keep in touch with my ex. Maybe we don't talk that often but we still talk now and then. We both succumb to the fact that we were not meant to be together but I never perish him from my life. He taught me about love and life and he helped to sculpt me to be what I am today [whatever that means]. He might not be the right person but he was there once. And for that, I can't refrain myself to offer him my friendship.
A lot of people might not like him but I respect him for the man he is. I was eating with ag somewhere at Damansara when we accidentally bumped into him. Instead of making rude remarks he said hello and drop by for a little chit chat. And whenever I had problems regardless relationship or family matters he always lend a shoulder for me to cry on.
Perhaps, we always hear the phrase "I just want you to be happy" all the time and wonder what it means actually. But with him, I know it came sincerely from his heart..and I wish him all the same. Nothing less.
But again..that's depends. To lots of things actually. Whether you are able to trash your grudges and the way you end up the relationship. If the relationship ends with a nice goodbye kiss, yeah..that person will stay on your mind but if it's ended with hatred and hate..Your only wish would probably seeing him die with AIDS.
Simply like someone said to me, after an overwrought darkness.
"If you want to end up things. Please end it up in a nice way"
That word hit me on my head and cut deeply on my heart.
Except.. why break up when you can make up?
Especially with the one that you really love.
Monday, August 22, 2005
Friday, August 19, 2005
Small thing that taste so sweet
When I reached the office yesterday, It was drizzling. I lost my lamb [my umbrella] so had no choice but to walk through the rain.
As the result, I got a severe headache and a continues sneezing with runny nose.
The usual email from ag helped me to made my day. But being a drama queen, I told him that I was sneezing and yadda..yadda...His reply after that..simply cured every single of my sorrow.
kalau baby pakai beg nine west, ade actifast dlm tuh, mkn actifast k
n tengahari kang makan soluble k, kang sakit plak u kang
He noticed.
You see, I have this fetish for handbags and shoes. At times I can't even recall that I own some shoes or bags. Still I think my collection is not enough. Ag seemed to think in a different way though.
"Berapa banyak beg ngan kasut you nakla.."
That was his answer every time I told him I need a new bag/shoes.
So.. For him to remember that I used that bag over past weekend is something unexpected.Oh you don't know him, he hardly notice what I wear and such. Plus, heh..I don't even know there's actifast in that bag.Bila masa ntah aku letak, aku pon tak ingat.
Sometimes, all the small things do play a big part.
Nway,happy weekends people!
As the result, I got a severe headache and a continues sneezing with runny nose.
The usual email from ag helped me to made my day. But being a drama queen, I told him that I was sneezing and yadda..yadda...His reply after that..simply cured every single of my sorrow.
kalau baby pakai beg nine west, ade actifast dlm tuh, mkn actifast k
n tengahari kang makan soluble k, kang sakit plak u kang
He noticed.
You see, I have this fetish for handbags and shoes. At times I can't even recall that I own some shoes or bags. Still I think my collection is not enough. Ag seemed to think in a different way though.
"Berapa banyak beg ngan kasut you nakla.."
That was his answer every time I told him I need a new bag/shoes.
So.. For him to remember that I used that bag over past weekend is something unexpected.Oh you don't know him, he hardly notice what I wear and such. Plus, heh..I don't even know there's actifast in that bag.Bila masa ntah aku letak, aku pon tak ingat.
Sometimes, all the small things do play a big part.
Nway,happy weekends people!
Thursday, August 18, 2005
Embracing the star
My mom was only gone for 6 days and I'm going crazy already.
Last night, I used the alternative road because the radio announcer broadcasted that the federal was jammed. I thought I was a genius and road savvy [haha] but ohoh, it was the other way around. In fact I spent 1 and half hours on the road rather the usual 45 minutes jammed. For once in my life, I was thinking to learn and perhaps buy an auto car.
For my own merriment, I decided to go to Giant and buy some groceries for dinner cooking. You see..whenever I'm down or feeling lonely, I love to cook.
What's with guy spotting a girl in 2 inch heels and a skirt, terhegeh-hegeh bawak bakul, choosing fishes and holding chicken on her other hand? I got heaps of rude stares from guys while I was making up my mind whether to buy chicken or fish. Some even came to me asking whether I need help but I just responded with cold stare. I know it's vulgar but next time you see a girl in her office attire at 9 p.m, carrying sayur-sayuran, poultry or fish don't even think to talk to her. She might be having a bad day.
Reached the house. It was a mess, thanks to my cat. Mopped the floor, sponged down the dishes, hanged the clothes and cooked
I got to eat my sup ayam finally but with a dead beat body and a lonely heart. There I was staring at the tv with my mouth full but with an empty soul watching bridget jone's diary. Ironic.
How come some people lived to be a house wife? No. How come some woman even think to get married? How come my mom survived with us minus the cats?
I dunno.
And I don't want to know.
I just need a hug.
Last night, I used the alternative road because the radio announcer broadcasted that the federal was jammed. I thought I was a genius and road savvy [haha] but ohoh, it was the other way around. In fact I spent 1 and half hours on the road rather the usual 45 minutes jammed. For once in my life, I was thinking to learn and perhaps buy an auto car.
For my own merriment, I decided to go to Giant and buy some groceries for dinner cooking. You see..whenever I'm down or feeling lonely, I love to cook.
What's with guy spotting a girl in 2 inch heels and a skirt, terhegeh-hegeh bawak bakul, choosing fishes and holding chicken on her other hand? I got heaps of rude stares from guys while I was making up my mind whether to buy chicken or fish. Some even came to me asking whether I need help but I just responded with cold stare. I know it's vulgar but next time you see a girl in her office attire at 9 p.m, carrying sayur-sayuran, poultry or fish don't even think to talk to her. She might be having a bad day.
Reached the house. It was a mess, thanks to my cat. Mopped the floor, sponged down the dishes, hanged the clothes and cooked
I got to eat my sup ayam finally but with a dead beat body and a lonely heart. There I was staring at the tv with my mouth full but with an empty soul watching bridget jone's diary. Ironic.
How come some people lived to be a house wife? No. How come some woman even think to get married? How come my mom survived with us minus the cats?
I dunno.
And I don't want to know.
I just need a hug.
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
Sunny to hazy
You know what a good day turned to bad day signify? Aha..Let me tell you about mine.
I was feeling extra cute yesterday morning [hohoh] coz I had my hair washed and already planned to wear this white British India dress with some cute pinks flowers embroideries. Woke up kind of late, need to feed my cats and do the laundry, I took my shower and get in that dress hastily.
By the time I reached Damansara toll, the traffic was from bumper to bumper [Priscilla Patrick, pinjam kejap ye]. Kind of furious but hey I'm feeling good,remember?. Hey ho, I'm miss pinky of Tuesday!! Smile .*cough*
Sauntered along the bridge, got pheewit-ed by the construction workers which I hated so much and finally reached the office.
Yeah, I know.. pretty boring.
However ... my sunny days suddenly turned hazy when I realized the skirt part was full of yellow thingy, smudging all over that white linen material. I looked like someone who had just came out from a pool of orange except..that was no orange juice. It was my cats pee.
Am I going to stay in the office with cats pee dress for the whole day? I don't think so. What I did was, got into the ladies and stripped. Sluice that part but..did I said that it was white? Unless I use some bleach it might get whiter but didn't. Tetap ade sinar kekuningan itu.
Dahla tu, aku kene duduk dengan skirt basah sebab toilet kat sini takde dryer.Habis kecut bontot.
Sakit jiwa aku.
I was feeling extra cute yesterday morning [hohoh] coz I had my hair washed and already planned to wear this white British India dress with some cute pinks flowers embroideries. Woke up kind of late, need to feed my cats and do the laundry, I took my shower and get in that dress hastily.
By the time I reached Damansara toll, the traffic was from bumper to bumper [Priscilla Patrick, pinjam kejap ye]. Kind of furious but hey I'm feeling good,remember?. Hey ho, I'm miss pinky of Tuesday!! Smile .*cough*
Sauntered along the bridge, got pheewit-ed by the construction workers which I hated so much and finally reached the office.
Yeah, I know.. pretty boring.
However ... my sunny days suddenly turned hazy when I realized the skirt part was full of yellow thingy, smudging all over that white linen material. I looked like someone who had just came out from a pool of orange except..that was no orange juice. It was my cats pee.
Am I going to stay in the office with cats pee dress for the whole day? I don't think so. What I did was, got into the ladies and stripped. Sluice that part but..did I said that it was white? Unless I use some bleach it might get whiter but didn't. Tetap ade sinar kekuningan itu.
Dahla tu, aku kene duduk dengan skirt basah sebab toilet kat sini takde dryer.Habis kecut bontot.
Sakit jiwa aku.
After 1 wash..Euwww..
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
What are the things that make you feel unattractive, ugly?
One of my friend in uni claimed that whenever she wear loose-fitting clothes she felt unappealing. It made her look bigger and shoddy. I couldn't agree more. I tried to enlighten my mom, that I hate to be sloppy but she never accept that kind of justifications. She still detest my penchant for tight fitting clothes.
Besides that, we agreed that bad looking hair unquestionably will bring the day down. With frizzy and unruly hair, it's almost impossible to go out. So it's worth waking up early in the morning to get your hair done.
From my point of view, seeing my face from certain angles which reflect my chubby face will beyond doubt make me feel ugly. I don't know why, even when I try to tone down my consumption if fats, my chubby face are still there, poking my eyes. I 'm still with double chins and those ugly fats under my eyes. It's eye bags I know but it consist fats.
But all of these can be cured by extra TLC from your love one. I tell you, even when you wear your cutest outfit but your significant other totally didn't notice it, that will make you feel uglier. And you have to say "dear, my dress look nice on me or not?" just to make your own day. Ye, memang keji tapi itula sebenanye. I dowan to tipu. It sounded pathetic and mengada but hello, it's a rule of thumb. Even worst when he didn't pay that extra TLC to you. No extra warming kisses, no extra warm hugs. Then you will feel like you are having some disease or you are the most ugliest woman in the world.
Apala guna kalau pakai bra emas pon dan terasa sungguh bersinar tetapi orang itu tidak perasan apa-apa.Hoh.
I dunno about you guys, but whenever I feel ugly, I'll be having mood swings and ehe I'll be the best drama queen ever.
Yes.Keji, I know.
One of my friend in uni claimed that whenever she wear loose-fitting clothes she felt unappealing. It made her look bigger and shoddy. I couldn't agree more. I tried to enlighten my mom, that I hate to be sloppy but she never accept that kind of justifications. She still detest my penchant for tight fitting clothes.
Besides that, we agreed that bad looking hair unquestionably will bring the day down. With frizzy and unruly hair, it's almost impossible to go out. So it's worth waking up early in the morning to get your hair done.
From my point of view, seeing my face from certain angles which reflect my chubby face will beyond doubt make me feel ugly. I don't know why, even when I try to tone down my consumption if fats, my chubby face are still there, poking my eyes. I 'm still with double chins and those ugly fats under my eyes. It's eye bags I know but it consist fats.
But all of these can be cured by extra TLC from your love one. I tell you, even when you wear your cutest outfit but your significant other totally didn't notice it, that will make you feel uglier. And you have to say "dear, my dress look nice on me or not?" just to make your own day. Ye, memang keji tapi itula sebenanye. I dowan to tipu. It sounded pathetic and mengada but hello, it's a rule of thumb. Even worst when he didn't pay that extra TLC to you. No extra warming kisses, no extra warm hugs. Then you will feel like you are having some disease or you are the most ugliest woman in the world.
Apala guna kalau pakai bra emas pon dan terasa sungguh bersinar tetapi orang itu tidak perasan apa-apa.Hoh.
I dunno about you guys, but whenever I feel ugly, I'll be having mood swings and ehe I'll be the best drama queen ever.
Yes.Keji, I know.
Monday, August 15, 2005
Catty meowww
Last friday was a boring one. I tried to kill the time by snapping pictures of me and my colleagues.When it comes to Siok Wooi..
Me:Aiyoh, we take one more timelah.I looked like a cat.
Siok Wooi: Hahaha.
Janice: *speak chinese *
Siok Wooi:*speak Chinese back*
Siok Wooi:Actually aa,your face really look like a cat.
Me: hoh?
Janice: You got cats at home meh?
Me: 20 plus
Siok Wooi:No wonder, Chinese believe if you are close to something, you will tend to look like them.
Me: Issit?
Siok Wooi: Ya meh. Especially your eyes.Your eyes looked bigger in photo and always shine like a cat.
Me: So am I supposed to ngiauu from now?
Pulak dah. Now don't tell me my cat looked like me..
Patutlah baju aku slalu hilang.
Happy shiny monday bunnies.
Me:Aiyoh, we take one more timelah.I looked like a cat.
Siok Wooi: Hahaha.
Janice: *speak chinese *
Siok Wooi:*speak Chinese back*
Siok Wooi:Actually aa,your face really look like a cat.
Me: hoh?
Janice: You got cats at home meh?
Me: 20 plus
Siok Wooi:No wonder, Chinese believe if you are close to something, you will tend to look like them.
Me: Issit?
Siok Wooi: Ya meh. Especially your eyes.Your eyes looked bigger in photo and always shine like a cat.
Me: So am I supposed to ngiauu from now?
Pulak dah. Now don't tell me my cat looked like me..
Patutlah baju aku slalu hilang.
The cat and her master....Purrrrrrrr
Happy shiny monday bunnies.
Saturday, August 13, 2005
The art of screwing up
Human were born with ego. The mother to all pride. To lower down you ego is like selling your pride .To say sorry is like to sell your pride.
My mom said that my head was as hard as stone but to certain people I am liquid. Often find myself saying sorry for the things that I dun even know whether it was my fault or not. Ok,maybe partly it was but I just bear the whole blame as if I'm responsible for screwing every single asses in town. Rather say sorry than to make the situation get worst. Even it's against my nature but at least I won't be swamp with guiltiness. For that person to grant forgiveness, its up to them. At least I've done my part. But if I hate you, sorry is my last word. Or perhaps, never.
I guess, saying sorry is not as hard as forgiving. Your ego gets higher then your head when someone say "I'm, sorry" coz you know, yeah, I'm winning, told you.
I haven't grant any forgiveness for my ex. When it comes to family, it's hard for me to bury the hatchet. You can say whatever you want to me but not to my flesh and blood. Perhaps not yet, not now, not today. Perhaps someday, maybe..
But to everyone else, yes. Even when you called me bitchest bitch or whatever, I forgive you but's all about karma baby. But then it depends to individual.
If you think you can delete their name from your memory as easy as deleting their number from your cellphone, why not? It's your life, your choice
Perhaps that person is not so significant to be cherished.
My mom said that my head was as hard as stone but to certain people I am liquid. Often find myself saying sorry for the things that I dun even know whether it was my fault or not. Ok,maybe partly it was but I just bear the whole blame as if I'm responsible for screwing every single asses in town. Rather say sorry than to make the situation get worst. Even it's against my nature but at least I won't be swamp with guiltiness. For that person to grant forgiveness, its up to them. At least I've done my part. But if I hate you, sorry is my last word. Or perhaps, never.
I guess, saying sorry is not as hard as forgiving. Your ego gets higher then your head when someone say "I'm, sorry" coz you know, yeah, I'm winning, told you.
I haven't grant any forgiveness for my ex. When it comes to family, it's hard for me to bury the hatchet. You can say whatever you want to me but not to my flesh and blood. Perhaps not yet, not now, not today. Perhaps someday, maybe..
But to everyone else, yes. Even when you called me bitchest bitch or whatever, I forgive you but's all about karma baby. But then it depends to individual.
If you think you can delete their name from your memory as easy as deleting their number from your cellphone, why not? It's your life, your choice
Perhaps that person is not so significant to be cherished.
Friday, August 12, 2005
Balik kampung
Yesterday I went back to my grandma's house[markas mawi fc daerah batu 14] to send my mom, after 6 months not going back.She along with my aunt and uncle are leaving for Jakarta today.
1. My aunt said that I'm getting fatter. "wah awak dah gemuk".Shite
2.My cousin yana said that my hair look retarded.
3.My grandma was at the surau when we reached there,when she came back the first thing that she told me that "tengoklah nenek ade kasut hijau".I saw it, it was Dior.So eksyenla she.
4.And I later realised that the bag that she brought to surau was exactly the same collection of nine west that I have.The diff was it was green.Kejila, aku bawak gi keje dia bawak gi surau je.
5.Despite the haze, the grass still smell so sweet,making me feel like guling-guling but I was afraid that I might get tungau and the kemuncup are every where.
6.Over dinner with my bro and cousins at nanding, my bro called me si pendek out loud :(.
7.I dun mind, to see him smiling and happy mood again is priceless, but kalau orang lain aku marah.hoh
8.Mawi's fans were not there, they went out for dinner.
9.My brother also confessed he met yazer and the rest at 7 eleven sek 9 the other day and he said Yazer look more handsome outside.Bodohla kau ayie, bukan nak call aku.
10.I am worried coz without my mom's presence i will surely fail to handle everything.
11.I am going to bali in January and so is my bro but we promise we will pretend not to know each other.
12.I woke up today, menggelupur.Got to feed the cats, basuh baju and kejut my bro.
13.I am missing my mom already :(.
Happy weekends bunnies.
Don't let the haze ruin it.
Software Engineer - Graduate Trainee (35 positions needed)
(6 months to 1 year contract and will be absorbed as permanent & bond with a Foreign Bank for 2 years)
-Degree in Computer Science/Information Technology/Software Engineering (Master degree would be an added advantage). CGPA 2.70 and above
-Fresh graduates or/and those who have less than 2 years working experience Passion for programming
-Oversea graduates (physically in overseas, not twinning programme) OR local universities (preferred UM, USM, MMU) –yang lain-lain pon boleh jugak.
-Excellent communication skills
-SPM grade 1 or with at least 4As
-Active in extra co-curriculum
-Have managed few projects during varsity/college time
-Salary Between RM 1.8K to RM 2K
*Applications should be directed to and indicate (i.e. CGPA, SPM result, Projects undertaken, activities involvement etc) in your resume. Please attach these docs for verification as well.
1. My aunt said that I'm getting fatter. "wah awak dah gemuk".Shite
2.My cousin yana said that my hair look retarded.
3.My grandma was at the surau when we reached there,when she came back the first thing that she told me that "tengoklah nenek ade kasut hijau".I saw it, it was Dior.So eksyenla she.
4.And I later realised that the bag that she brought to surau was exactly the same collection of nine west that I have.The diff was it was green.Kejila, aku bawak gi keje dia bawak gi surau je.
5.Despite the haze, the grass still smell so sweet,making me feel like guling-guling but I was afraid that I might get tungau and the kemuncup are every where.
6.Over dinner with my bro and cousins at nanding, my bro called me si pendek out loud :(.
7.I dun mind, to see him smiling and happy mood again is priceless, but kalau orang lain aku marah.hoh
8.Mawi's fans were not there, they went out for dinner.
9.My brother also confessed he met yazer and the rest at 7 eleven sek 9 the other day and he said Yazer look more handsome outside.Bodohla kau ayie, bukan nak call aku.
10.I am worried coz without my mom's presence i will surely fail to handle everything.
11.I am going to bali in January and so is my bro but we promise we will pretend not to know each other.
12.I woke up today, menggelupur.Got to feed the cats, basuh baju and kejut my bro.
13.I am missing my mom already :(.
Happy weekends bunnies.
Don't let the haze ruin it.
Software Engineer - Graduate Trainee (35 positions needed)
(6 months to 1 year contract and will be absorbed as permanent & bond with a Foreign Bank for 2 years)
-Degree in Computer Science/Information Technology/Software Engineering (Master degree would be an added advantage). CGPA 2.70 and above
-Fresh graduates or/and those who have less than 2 years working experience Passion for programming
-Oversea graduates (physically in overseas, not twinning programme) OR local universities (preferred UM, USM, MMU) –yang lain-lain pon boleh jugak.
-Excellent communication skills
-SPM grade 1 or with at least 4As
-Active in extra co-curriculum
-Have managed few projects during varsity/college time
-Salary Between RM 1.8K to RM 2K
*Applications should be directed to and indicate (i.e. CGPA, SPM result, Projects undertaken, activities involvement etc) in your resume. Please attach these docs for verification as well.
Thursday, August 11, 2005
One week earlier.
Me: Hey you, free or not tonight?
Friend: Alamak, I promise my friendlah.
Friend:Adelah, I dowan to tell.
Friend: You..I said..
Me: Oh..ok.
One week later
Me: Yalah, you so busy right now. So the famous, meeting lots of new friends.
Friend : Tolonglah, yang I jumpa tu kawan lama I. Boleh tak jangan nak buat assumption sendiri.You nikan..Lain kali tanyala,clarifyla dulu. Ni tak, main cakap je.
Me: Hoh?I did ask what.You are the one yang tanak kasik tau.
Friend: Yelah macamana nak kasik tau, hari tu pasal..bla..bla..
Me: Abih tu tayahla nak tuduh-tuduh aku pandai-pandai buat assumption.
Ha baguslah.Semua tanak kasik tau lepas tu bila aku malas nak amik tau cakapla aku tak kesah. Tapi bila aku tanak bagi tau hal aku, you said that I dun want to share, that I made you feel not important.
And if you call me with the intention to make my day, please just make my day.Don't call me and then said things yang menaikkan darah aku yang memang selalu naik ni. If you intend to tell me something, make sure you are willing to tell me everything sbb aku ni bengap, banyak tanya or else, don't tell me at all. I dun like when you said "Eh ade orang ni kan,tapi nama dia taleh cakap, dia curik ayam mak cik ni,u kenalla makcik ni tapi I taleh cakap".Baik tayah cakappppppppppppppppp.
Pening tak? Sorryla.I guess my menses is due soon.
Me: Hey you, free or not tonight?
Friend: Alamak, I promise my friendlah.
Friend:Adelah, I dowan to tell.
Friend: You..I said..
Me: Oh..ok.
One week later
Me: Yalah, you so busy right now. So the famous, meeting lots of new friends.
Friend : Tolonglah, yang I jumpa tu kawan lama I. Boleh tak jangan nak buat assumption sendiri.You nikan..Lain kali tanyala,clarifyla dulu. Ni tak, main cakap je.
Me: Hoh?I did ask what.You are the one yang tanak kasik tau.
Friend: Yelah macamana nak kasik tau, hari tu pasal..bla..bla..
Me: Abih tu tayahla nak tuduh-tuduh aku pandai-pandai buat assumption.
Ha baguslah.Semua tanak kasik tau lepas tu bila aku malas nak amik tau cakapla aku tak kesah. Tapi bila aku tanak bagi tau hal aku, you said that I dun want to share, that I made you feel not important.
And if you call me with the intention to make my day, please just make my day.Don't call me and then said things yang menaikkan darah aku yang memang selalu naik ni. If you intend to tell me something, make sure you are willing to tell me everything sbb aku ni bengap, banyak tanya or else, don't tell me at all. I dun like when you said "Eh ade orang ni kan,tapi nama dia taleh cakap, dia curik ayam mak cik ni,u kenalla makcik ni tapi I taleh cakap".Baik tayah cakappppppppppppppppp.
Pening tak? Sorryla.I guess my menses is due soon.
Asian snow
I prayed for winter to come but instead it was haze that said hello.
Sooner or later it will kill me,well.. with a lil help of nicotine.
Anyway, it remind me of kebuk wasap.
Where you run sort of dangerous experiment [alamak ape ke die nama bahan ujikaji tu,ok..let say kalium] and then the reaction will either caused some 'pop' sound or hazy effect.And I love to play berpura-pura takut kalau benda tu meletup padahal aku memang nak test tube tu meletup supaya boleh balik awal.
And, it remind me of ag's car when he and his girlfriend had their share of ermm..sort of experiment.But after that he will spray the air freshner so his car berbau wangi.
To tell you, I'm scared with this bad weather.It's like the freddie kruger movie.Berasap-asap,tau tau je tiba-tiba ade je orang muka hodoh kuar dengan tangan kuku panjang [i have long fingernails but ehe i'm no nightmare to people ;P]

watch out, he might grab you..nooot
See,that's my problem.I have wild imagination.When I was a kid, I used to think that every single aeroplane that passed us by will then go through the serombong kapal and transformed to jaws and will bite you when you swim at the sea.Hah.Until today I'm shitty scared of ships.Be it big or small.
Eleh, don't go and mock me..Come on..spill me your imagination..
I promise I won't laugh..
Sooner or later it will kill me,well.. with a lil help of nicotine.
Anyway, it remind me of kebuk wasap.
Where you run sort of dangerous experiment [alamak ape ke die nama bahan ujikaji tu,ok..let say kalium] and then the reaction will either caused some 'pop' sound or hazy effect.And I love to play berpura-pura takut kalau benda tu meletup padahal aku memang nak test tube tu meletup supaya boleh balik awal.
And, it remind me of ag's car when he and his girlfriend had their share of ermm..sort of experiment.But after that he will spray the air freshner so his car berbau wangi.
To tell you, I'm scared with this bad weather.It's like the freddie kruger movie.Berasap-asap,tau tau je tiba-tiba ade je orang muka hodoh kuar dengan tangan kuku panjang [i have long fingernails but ehe i'm no nightmare to people ;P]
watch out, he might grab you..nooot
See,that's my problem.I have wild imagination.When I was a kid, I used to think that every single aeroplane that passed us by will then go through the serombong kapal and transformed to jaws and will bite you when you swim at the sea.Hah.Until today I'm shitty scared of ships.Be it big or small.
Eleh, don't go and mock me..Come on..spill me your imagination..
I promise I won't laugh..
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Dangdut trivia
Arahan:Terdapat dua spesimen di bawah.Sila perhatikan dengan baik.
Soalan 1(a).Apakah persamaan dua gambar dia atas? [10 markah]
Since high school everybody said that I looked like Amelina. Of course I deny that sekeras-kerasnya.
Lagi celake, bila karaoke, saje pilih lagu dandgdut lepas tu suruh aku nyanyi.Cessssss..
Apa yang sama?I don't see any similarity between her and me.Ke ade?
Kejila korang ni...
Specimen A
Specimen B
Soalan 1(a).Apakah persamaan dua gambar dia atas? [10 markah]
Since high school everybody said that I looked like Amelina. Of course I deny that sekeras-kerasnya.
Lagi celake, bila karaoke, saje pilih lagu dandgdut lepas tu suruh aku nyanyi.Cessssss..
Apa yang sama?I don't see any similarity between her and me.Ke ade?
Kejila korang ni...
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
Maya Karin Keratin
I was doing my job while having a light snack when I realized I had eaten half of the tin can. Shite.That is supposed to be a snack bukannya di makan seperti nasik and it's only what..11.06 a.m? One more hour to go for lunch.
And my looked like penyapu.So the keras.Ala you knowlah the penyapu yang rambut die kaler brown tu.I complained to ag about the keras-ness but he said "Tak sayang, rambut you lembut".Hoh.aku masih juga tersenyum dalam ketertipuan itu. So yesterday, after a mild pressure of seeing all the sleek and shiny hair of my Chinese colleague, I went down to shins to buy some hair treatment product. And some groceries, not actually groceries.Ok fine, groceries. Food and Kleenex. Heaps of kleenex tissues.It's the rainy season and my nose sometimes abide to the whether.I used mom tissues before this and it made my nose look ugly.No kidding.
So, do you think my hair will look like Maya Karin's?
Or perhaps I will look like Maya Karin? Hehe..
And my looked like penyapu.So the keras.Ala you knowlah the penyapu yang rambut die kaler brown tu.I complained to ag about the keras-ness but he said "Tak sayang, rambut you lembut".Hoh.aku masih juga tersenyum dalam ketertipuan itu. So yesterday, after a mild pressure of seeing all the sleek and shiny hair of my Chinese colleague, I went down to shins to buy some hair treatment product. And some groceries, not actually groceries.Ok fine, groceries. Food and Kleenex. Heaps of kleenex tissues.It's the rainy season and my nose sometimes abide to the whether.I used mom tissues before this and it made my nose look ugly.No kidding.
So, do you think my hair will look like Maya Karin's?
Or perhaps I will look like Maya Karin? Hehe..
Bad traffic,I hate you
Bad traffic jam.Baaad driver.I hate youh!!
Sorry today got no mood to update nice-nice story.
Today sharina got pms with stupid-stupid cars.
All she want to do is to sip her swiss miss chocolate sensation
or perhaps have a nice steamy session of love making.
Sheesh.Dream on sharina.
Sorry today got no mood to update nice-nice story.
Today sharina got pms with stupid-stupid cars.
All she want to do is to sip her swiss miss chocolate sensation
or perhaps have a nice steamy session of love making.
Sheesh.Dream on sharina.
Monday, August 08, 2005
Confessions of secrets and non
It's Monday again and I haven't got enough of weekend. Today would probably be a boring day right, so might as well I write something urm.. intriguing? Ha .I wish.
So here goes nothing.
1.I don't think I will ever get married because erm.. entah but perhaps when you guys are old, when you got nothing to do. Maybe you can just spend your time to visit me at old folks home. And bring nice books for me to read but please, no mirror.
2.I wear size three but I still can't stop drooling over designer shoes.
3.When the weather is hot, I love to put my face at the freezer's door.
4.On high altitude, I always have the urge to jump.
5.I want to be an actress but none of the guy that I dated seriously [noted the word seriously] allowed me to become one. So there's goes my chance to mengorat adlin ramli even he already got a girlfriend.
6.Actually I dated an actor before. He starred in drama pendekar. Keji.
7.This is more embarrassing, I even went out with mat rempit. All he talked about is his motorcycle and his favourite stunt. Enough said.
8.I don't actually read newspaper except for obituaries, entertainment and sports section. Because other news make me cry. Shut up and I know I'm mengada-ngada.
9.I drooled for keifli af3. Love to imagine him wearing school uniform.Ohh..yummy. But not going to watch it anymore :(
10.If I see a couple passed me by, I would always notice the girl first..especially her..boobs. Sue me.
11.I am angry every time good looking girl show an interest at my boyfriend. Kenapa pandang ag?Kenapa tak pandang aku?Aku yang suka dekat perempaun tu dulu.Apa kurangnya aku berbanding ag?
12.Today is Monday and just like you I feel like killing myself.
Happy Monday people.
So here goes nothing.
1.I don't think I will ever get married because erm.. entah but perhaps when you guys are old, when you got nothing to do. Maybe you can just spend your time to visit me at old folks home. And bring nice books for me to read but please, no mirror.
2.I wear size three but I still can't stop drooling over designer shoes.
3.When the weather is hot, I love to put my face at the freezer's door.
4.On high altitude, I always have the urge to jump.
5.I want to be an actress but none of the guy that I dated seriously [noted the word seriously] allowed me to become one. So there's goes my chance to mengorat adlin ramli even he already got a girlfriend.
6.Actually I dated an actor before. He starred in drama pendekar. Keji.
7.This is more embarrassing, I even went out with mat rempit. All he talked about is his motorcycle and his favourite stunt. Enough said.
8.I don't actually read newspaper except for obituaries, entertainment and sports section. Because other news make me cry. Shut up and I know I'm mengada-ngada.
9.I drooled for keifli af3. Love to imagine him wearing school uniform.Ohh..yummy. But not going to watch it anymore :(
10.If I see a couple passed me by, I would always notice the girl first..especially her..boobs. Sue me.
11.I am angry every time good looking girl show an interest at my boyfriend. Kenapa pandang ag?Kenapa tak pandang aku?Aku yang suka dekat perempaun tu dulu.Apa kurangnya aku berbanding ag?
12.Today is Monday and just like you I feel like killing myself.
Happy Monday people.
Friday, August 05, 2005
3 Questions
Venue: In the office
Scenario: Around 5 something.Everybody was tired and began to chit chat. Colleague 2 was busy doing her job.
Colleague 1: So what do you usually do during weekends? You want to go for bowling or yam seng?
Me: Humm..No thanks. I usually go and see my boyfriend during weekends
Collegaue 2: *Jumping from her chair* Whoaaa.. You already got boyfriend meh?
Other colleagues :*Quiet and wait for my answer*
Me:: *Snicker*Yeah, sure.
Colleague 2: Ohh..ok *Disbelieve face*
Question 1: Whats with the tak percaya face?Aku ni buruk sangat ke?
Venue: Kedai mamak
Scenario: I was buying ice for my mom while she chit chatted with nenek ngaji [she used to teach me mengaji] inside the car. I then finished my shopping and went into the car.
Mom: You know, there are lots of eligible bachelors in Shah Alam. And they are quite good looking too. Probobly around your age.
Me: So?
Mom: Well, tak payahla carik orang jauh-juah.Kalau orang tak nak awak ke janganlah risau. Kat sini pon banyak mak tengok.
Mak: Pilih aje mana suke.
Question 2: Apakah alasan emakku berkata demikian?
Venue: Bedroom.
Scenario: It was dark. My room is dark since the bulb is not working. As usual, before sleep I need my night ciggie. Took 2 batang.
Me: *cough-cough*
Mj: Meoww
Me: *Couldn't seemed to breath properly. Sesak nafas*
Question 3 : Should I stop smoking? How and why?
Answer these 3 simple questions with a slogan "I miss YM because.." and send to 61497. The first with correct answers will get nothing. Or perhaps spank my HR ass.
Happy weekend people!
Scenario: Around 5 something.Everybody was tired and began to chit chat. Colleague 2 was busy doing her job.
Colleague 1: So what do you usually do during weekends? You want to go for bowling or yam seng?
Me: Humm..No thanks. I usually go and see my boyfriend during weekends
Collegaue 2: *Jumping from her chair* Whoaaa.. You already got boyfriend meh?
Other colleagues :*Quiet and wait for my answer*
Me:: *Snicker*Yeah, sure.
Colleague 2: Ohh..ok *Disbelieve face*
Question 1: Whats with the tak percaya face?Aku ni buruk sangat ke?
Venue: Kedai mamak
Scenario: I was buying ice for my mom while she chit chatted with nenek ngaji [she used to teach me mengaji] inside the car. I then finished my shopping and went into the car.
Mom: You know, there are lots of eligible bachelors in Shah Alam. And they are quite good looking too. Probobly around your age.
Me: So?
Mom: Well, tak payahla carik orang jauh-juah.Kalau orang tak nak awak ke janganlah risau. Kat sini pon banyak mak tengok.
Mak: Pilih aje mana suke.
Question 2: Apakah alasan emakku berkata demikian?
Venue: Bedroom.
Scenario: It was dark. My room is dark since the bulb is not working. As usual, before sleep I need my night ciggie. Took 2 batang.
Me: *cough-cough*
Mj: Meoww
Me: *Couldn't seemed to breath properly. Sesak nafas*
Question 3 : Should I stop smoking? How and why?
Answer these 3 simple questions with a slogan "I miss YM because.." and send to 61497. The first with correct answers will get nothing. Or perhaps spank my HR ass.
Happy weekend people!
Thursday, August 04, 2005
No boundry
I was all by myself last Saturday when someone called me on my phone. It was Dila, actually I was thinking about her few minutes earlier. It's her engagement the next day, perhaps she called me to remind me of the date.
Dila : Kau datang tak tunag aku besok?
Me: Talehla, Aku macam segan,sape pon aku tak kenal.
Dila: Alaaa..Ko ajakla sesape.Yip ke?
Me: Yip manaderla. Kan ke die keje kat Shell Sarawak.
Dila: Yeh?Apsal die tak inform aku pon.Engkau je die kontek.Korang ada apa-apa ke?
Me: Hoh?Takdelah dia memang la slalu call akula.Kitorang selalula gak berkontek-kontek.Bln 8 ni dia ajak aku gi Miri [tapi aku rasa bf aku tak bagi]
Dila : Aku rasa at the end kau kawin jugak dengan dia ni. Korang dah kenal lama.Takkanlah kau takde perasaan dekat dia?Aku tau dia ada.*Di turuti dengan gelak-gelak gatal*
Me:Bodola kau ni.
Dila : Eleh kau pon bodoh sama cam aku gak.Agaknyela kan, kau rasa dia sanggup tak nak kau yang nak convert?
Me: Apa yang kau merepek ni setan?Takde sape nak convert de..
Yip and I knew each other since we were primary three, while dila got to know him during their secondary years. He's a Chinese with no capability to converse, write any Chinese languages. You should listen to his malay speaking. I bet he can even beats you in mencarut. Hohoh. The real situation was, after I left for JB we both lost contacts and he was exactly like me..searching for each other's number hi and lo. At last we managed to keep in touch again, thanks to Dila.
Besides Yip, I have several guys friends. We will call each other and sometimes go out for a drink. To my mom, the idea of being close to the opposite species without having any feeling is absurd. She will always questions me,"Takkanlah takde apa-apa?" Well, I guess she's not the only one.
To melah kan, I do think guys and girls can be close friends. Well, so far everything is fine for me. With guys I can just tell them almost anything without them being judgmental towards you [at least my circle of friends is]. How bout you?
Shite.Suddenly I remember I still owe Yip a lap dance. Hoh. Hope he had forgotten about it..
Dila : Kau datang tak tunag aku besok?
Me: Talehla, Aku macam segan,sape pon aku tak kenal.
Dila: Alaaa..Ko ajakla sesape.Yip ke?
Me: Yip manaderla. Kan ke die keje kat Shell Sarawak.
Dila: Yeh?Apsal die tak inform aku pon.Engkau je die kontek.Korang ada apa-apa ke?
Me: Hoh?Takdelah dia memang la slalu call akula.Kitorang selalula gak berkontek-kontek.Bln 8 ni dia ajak aku gi Miri [tapi aku rasa bf aku tak bagi]
Dila : Aku rasa at the end kau kawin jugak dengan dia ni. Korang dah kenal lama.Takkanlah kau takde perasaan dekat dia?Aku tau dia ada.*Di turuti dengan gelak-gelak gatal*
Me:Bodola kau ni.
Dila : Eleh kau pon bodoh sama cam aku gak.Agaknyela kan, kau rasa dia sanggup tak nak kau yang nak convert?
Me: Apa yang kau merepek ni setan?Takde sape nak convert de..
Yip and I knew each other since we were primary three, while dila got to know him during their secondary years. He's a Chinese with no capability to converse, write any Chinese languages. You should listen to his malay speaking. I bet he can even beats you in mencarut. Hohoh. The real situation was, after I left for JB we both lost contacts and he was exactly like me..searching for each other's number hi and lo. At last we managed to keep in touch again, thanks to Dila.
Besides Yip, I have several guys friends. We will call each other and sometimes go out for a drink. To my mom, the idea of being close to the opposite species without having any feeling is absurd. She will always questions me,"Takkanlah takde apa-apa?" Well, I guess she's not the only one.
To melah kan, I do think guys and girls can be close friends. Well, so far everything is fine for me. With guys I can just tell them almost anything without them being judgmental towards you [at least my circle of friends is]. How bout you?
Shite.Suddenly I remember I still owe Yip a lap dance. Hoh. Hope he had forgotten about it..
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
High above me
I glanced at my reflection on the mirror. Am ready. Clutched my sunglass and made my way to the door.
It was hot. So my choice of wearing aseana kurta and slacks to the wedding was somewhat suitable. I can anticipate mockery from some people like I give a shit anyway. I came there for the sake of ayam masak merah..but ehe..I get more than I could bargain.. He was there, at the entrance, highlited even in the crowd. In his caramel baju melayu and samping, he stood tall along with his brother. I fasten my pace followed by my mother
He smiled at me. A killer smile that nearly made me paralyze.
"Hi" I replied after 13 years of not speaking.
"Where's your brother?"
"Sleeping as usual"
Smile. I took a good look at him under my sunnies.
Tall. Lean. Dashing
One week ago someone knocked my door. When the door was opened by me, I saw her mom with a wedding card on her hand.
Please don't tell me that he's getting married. He's still young
Luckily it was his sister. Phew
The catering was appetizing, The ayam masak merah was simply mouth watering. Even my mom started her old perangai. She asked for the caterer's number in case her only daughter gets married. Sorrylah emak. It's not going to happen. I haven't found the one pon yang want to marry me. Sheesh. I was concentrating on my food [really] when out of the sudden I feel the urge to tilt my head. And I saw him.. Stared at him for few minutes. He's always with that smile..The smile that robbed my heart since I was 10.Not only mine but many many hearts. After that, even I told you the food was yummy, I felt it getting yummier...
Had to be the gadis ayu or else my mom will pinch me when nobody's looking [hoh! She still do that :( ]. So had to salam the makciks and prepared to make my way home. Kejinya, I was hoping that I would see him again at the entrance.I did. I swear he was looking at me with that famous smile when two guys came up with shake hands. One of the guy looked at me and smile but I tak selera to smile back. The other said " Awek kau kat blakang "
Oh. She was stunning if you asked me. With the red kebaya and her velvety, silky black hair, she made her way to his arms. I don't mind she wore kebaya, really but please don't let it be red coz red is my ultimate favourite colour in the world. I smirked to myself and walked until at one point I reached a junction where I know I can't see him anymore after this.. I turned my head.. He was looking at me while his hand holding his girlfriend..He glanced and again..gave me that killer smile..I smiled back..secretly.
If given chance to have him I would say no. Even that is the longest wish I ever hold. He and me don't stand on the same league. Having him might granted my wish but with a nightmare every night. Insecurities.
Life is funny. You wish for something..for many many years..but God never grant your wish. Instead He gave you something else. Something way better. Something priceless.
No. Not something. It's someone.
It was hot. So my choice of wearing aseana kurta and slacks to the wedding was somewhat suitable. I can anticipate mockery from some people like I give a shit anyway. I came there for the sake of ayam masak merah..but ehe..I get more than I could bargain.. He was there, at the entrance, highlited even in the crowd. In his caramel baju melayu and samping, he stood tall along with his brother. I fasten my pace followed by my mother
He smiled at me. A killer smile that nearly made me paralyze.
"Hi" I replied after 13 years of not speaking.
"Where's your brother?"
"Sleeping as usual"
Smile. I took a good look at him under my sunnies.
Tall. Lean. Dashing
One week ago someone knocked my door. When the door was opened by me, I saw her mom with a wedding card on her hand.
Please don't tell me that he's getting married. He's still young
Luckily it was his sister. Phew
The catering was appetizing, The ayam masak merah was simply mouth watering. Even my mom started her old perangai. She asked for the caterer's number in case her only daughter gets married. Sorrylah emak. It's not going to happen. I haven't found the one pon yang want to marry me. Sheesh. I was concentrating on my food [really] when out of the sudden I feel the urge to tilt my head. And I saw him.. Stared at him for few minutes. He's always with that smile..The smile that robbed my heart since I was 10.Not only mine but many many hearts. After that, even I told you the food was yummy, I felt it getting yummier...
Had to be the gadis ayu or else my mom will pinch me when nobody's looking [hoh! She still do that :( ]. So had to salam the makciks and prepared to make my way home. Kejinya, I was hoping that I would see him again at the entrance.I did. I swear he was looking at me with that famous smile when two guys came up with shake hands. One of the guy looked at me and smile but I tak selera to smile back. The other said " Awek kau kat blakang "
Oh. She was stunning if you asked me. With the red kebaya and her velvety, silky black hair, she made her way to his arms. I don't mind she wore kebaya, really but please don't let it be red coz red is my ultimate favourite colour in the world. I smirked to myself and walked until at one point I reached a junction where I know I can't see him anymore after this.. I turned my head.. He was looking at me while his hand holding his girlfriend..He glanced and again..gave me that killer smile..I smiled back..secretly.
If given chance to have him I would say no. Even that is the longest wish I ever hold. He and me don't stand on the same league. Having him might granted my wish but with a nightmare every night. Insecurities.
Life is funny. You wish for something..for many many years..but God never grant your wish. Instead He gave you something else. Something way better. Something priceless.
No. Not something. It's someone.
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
I am fasting again today. Nikkit called for some quick lunch with the girls but since I'm fasting and without a car, I have to pass.
I miss ag. He went back to Perlis because his grandpa passed away. Now that I can't menggedik on ym with him anymore simply paint my day blue. Sad. Hence today I sort of can't call him for..I don't want to disturb himlah..Let him bergather-gather with his sedara-mara even I know he and me are two of a kind. Me..I hate to attend family gathering.Reason being? I erm..sort of hate being asked by murderous questions and murderuos stares. Shoot me but I won't pretend as if I'm some girl who you can look and pinang for your son at a glance. I sound mad or what? Perhaps I am..Am missing my chatting mates who always made my day.I know some of them were missing me too coz I sort of received few "missing you" mails on my guys are sweet. I miss you guys too.Sob..sob.
Enough of being drama queen.Shall stop my yapping and focus on my job. Akan tetap menguatkan semangat untuk bekerja dengan sunguh rajin. Mareyyyyyyyy..Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..Wtf?
I miss ag. He went back to Perlis because his grandpa passed away. Now that I can't menggedik on ym with him anymore simply paint my day blue. Sad. Hence today I sort of can't call him for..I don't want to disturb himlah..Let him bergather-gather with his sedara-mara even I know he and me are two of a kind. Me..I hate to attend family gathering.Reason being? I erm..sort of hate being asked by murderous questions and murderuos stares. Shoot me but I won't pretend as if I'm some girl who you can look and pinang for your son at a glance. I sound mad or what? Perhaps I am..Am missing my chatting mates who always made my day.I know some of them were missing me too coz I sort of received few "missing you" mails on my guys are sweet. I miss you guys too.Sob..sob.
Enough of being drama queen.Shall stop my yapping and focus on my job. Akan tetap menguatkan semangat untuk bekerja dengan sunguh rajin. Mareyyyyyyyy..Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..Wtf?
Monday, August 01, 2005
Ms. Brightside
Ehem. So today I finally succumb to the fact that I will not enjoy the privilege of YM on this office. * sigh* .Anything, just leave any message on this blog [macamlah ade,cehh].
You know, for the past few months I'm turning into someone I don;t know. Don't make that face yet but I too, am afraid of my own transformation. Despite being flexible chica, I'm now finding myself engulfing the fact that I'm now becoming a green-eye monster.Ye aku dah pandai berasa jeles sekarang. Keji.
For those who know me close enough, would definitely agreed that I'm not the jealous type of person. Okla finela, maybe I have the twinge of that feeling but the effect is next to none. But not now..
Lelaki dahulu: Eh, tadi ade pompuan dekat ofis I kirim salam. Siap bagi coklat lagi. *showing me the chocolates*
Me: Sapela?Lawa ke tak? Hihihih* Makan cokelat*
Lelaki dahulu: Bolehla kot.Budak accounts.
Me: Hohohoh..Apa lagi..mintakla no tepon.
Lelaki dahulu: Huh? You tak marah ke?
Me: Tak..Bukannya dia dapat pon..
Ag: I nak keluar makan dengan kawan I.
Me: Siapala.
Ag: Erin.
Me: Erin manala..
Ag: Ala yang I penah dengan die dulu tu kejap.
Me: Okk.Have fun.
And the next week I ended up having tea at Gloria jeans where this Erin supposed to be working.
I know..I know..So the perangai budak baru belasan tahun but I can't help it. Not that I forbid him to but I just can't keep wondering what they did without my presence. .humm.. I don't know what came over me but when I walked with him, every eyes that stared at us surely will deserved a fork poking from me..if it's permitted. Macam celake tak perangai aku? Shit. I really sounded like perempuan yang berlakon cerita RTM.
Ok. This is not healthy. I's his life so he can be friend with anybody he wants. No restriction of gender or races. Perhaps I'm being insecure. Someone told me that his exes were good looking ladies which really doesn't help.Yelah aku dahla pendek, banyak jerawat and berbontot besar.Hoh. There I go again, sounded like budak baru lepas SPM. Sheesh.
Fine. Everytime that feeling invade my mind, I would just divert my mind to something else like..why be jealous when I know both of us lead our own life and yeah.. no string attach.. :)
You know, for the past few months I'm turning into someone I don;t know. Don't make that face yet but I too, am afraid of my own transformation. Despite being flexible chica, I'm now finding myself engulfing the fact that I'm now becoming a green-eye monster.Ye aku dah pandai berasa jeles sekarang. Keji.
For those who know me close enough, would definitely agreed that I'm not the jealous type of person. Okla finela, maybe I have the twinge of that feeling but the effect is next to none. But not now..
Lelaki dahulu: Eh, tadi ade pompuan dekat ofis I kirim salam. Siap bagi coklat lagi. *showing me the chocolates*
Me: Sapela?Lawa ke tak? Hihihih* Makan cokelat*
Lelaki dahulu: Bolehla kot.Budak accounts.
Me: Hohohoh..Apa lagi..mintakla no tepon.
Lelaki dahulu: Huh? You tak marah ke?
Me: Tak..Bukannya dia dapat pon..
Ag: I nak keluar makan dengan kawan I.
Me: Siapala.
Ag: Erin.
Me: Erin manala..
Ag: Ala yang I penah dengan die dulu tu kejap.
Me: Okk.Have fun.
And the next week I ended up having tea at Gloria jeans where this Erin supposed to be working.
I know..I know..So the perangai budak baru belasan tahun but I can't help it. Not that I forbid him to but I just can't keep wondering what they did without my presence. .humm.. I don't know what came over me but when I walked with him, every eyes that stared at us surely will deserved a fork poking from me..if it's permitted. Macam celake tak perangai aku? Shit. I really sounded like perempuan yang berlakon cerita RTM.
Ok. This is not healthy. I's his life so he can be friend with anybody he wants. No restriction of gender or races. Perhaps I'm being insecure. Someone told me that his exes were good looking ladies which really doesn't help.Yelah aku dahla pendek, banyak jerawat and berbontot besar.Hoh. There I go again, sounded like budak baru lepas SPM. Sheesh.
Fine. Everytime that feeling invade my mind, I would just divert my mind to something else like..why be jealous when I know both of us lead our own life and yeah.. no string attach.. :)
Sunny morning
Heh.Morning people. I'm at the new office.The aircond is good,not too cold and not too warm.Everybody speak chinese but that doesn't bother me.Really.I prefer to be left alone rather than forcing myself to join in some boring conversation.
But they are bunch of nice people. I mean short skirts and see through tops. Yes, they are from different race but hell, I'm no racist.So far..I'm loving it.
But...My attempt to install YM fail.Hah!Can you believe that? Am so going to die.
Like really die.
No worries bunnies, I shall try my best using whatever skills I have to have ym on my pc.Hah.
If I fail..don't miss me..kay.
But they are bunch of nice people. I mean short skirts and see through tops. Yes, they are from different race but hell, I'm no racist.So far..I'm loving it.
But...My attempt to install YM fail.Hah!Can you believe that? Am so going to die.
Like really die.
No worries bunnies, I shall try my best using whatever skills I have to have ym on my pc.Hah.
If I fail..don't miss me..kay.
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