Thursday, December 23, 2004


Lat night I was so boring and lonely, practically got nothing to do.Was exhausted playing games or even to read books. So I flipped through my album and reminisce and for all the sudden i felt..rindu..

5 Bersih class of 97

Okay, this is my classmates.Kitorang adalah budak kelas tercorot skali but I must say that we are the most happening class. Still remember, bila part ponteng kelas, everybody would take turns to ponteng but there was this time when everybody went missing from class except for 3 students who happened to be prefects. Tu pon diorang dying inside to ponteng jugak..hehehe

After basketball session

This was taken after a basketball session. Even I was short but I can play basketball[haha..I wish].We tried to gather everyone no matter how bz there were just to play this freaking game on the evening. The reason??Otak yang cerdas datang dari badan yang cergas..muahahahaha..which is true ok..

My hangout friends:Fadzi, Zaireen,Nikkit, Nik, Shaza,me,Tini and Lina

These were[still are] girls that I used to hang out with. Despite our crazy and scary behavior we are bunch of civilized people now. Fadzi is an auditor, Zaireen an engineer, Nikkit is pursuing her MBA, Nik a lawyer, Shaza the KFC Asst Manager, errr..and that's me, Tini a mother to be and a Sales Exec and finally Lina the Add Math teacher[ajar set 1 lagi ok..]. Me and Nik see each other quite often. We used to hang out with Nikkit and Fadzi but since Nikkit went to Aust and Fadzi is super duper bz pursuing her MICPA it's just me and Nik.

Anyway, my point is..Aku rindu masa-masa berlari ke dining hall and round compound. I don't know for you guys but for me, my school sistas are uncomparable.Definetely the best'est' friends I ever known.

Luv you guys.Mwah!

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