Wednesday, December 08, 2004

End of the road

It's already December.Another December..Next month will be another January, another new year. Another year has passed.Means another year wasted.Let see, did I manage to accomplished all my resolutions?

Here are my last year's resolutions:-
# stop consuming whatever is bad for my body-->Halfly fulfill
#less partying..less wasted
#care about my love ones..not my ex love one
#be a good muslim
#take life more seriously
#love my life
#have respect for people

Those captured in bold were things that I manage to keep.

Ok, now it's time to make new one and hope I can manage to keep them[haha]

#Revamp my look so I would look drop dead gorgeous[big joke]
#Be a good muslim
#Control my temper
#Find a new job
#Walk away from people who never stop hurting me!![sigh]
#Have a body to die for, go to gym!

Hmm..That's all for now.Will add the list later..if there's any!

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