Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Raya mood on

Was supposed to do my packing last night but after eating a plate of nasi tomato and 10 pieces of roti jala I accidently dozed off to sleep. Actually, I only wanted to baring-baring , ended up i fall asleep and woke up around 4 a.m coz i felt so thirsty.Tula dia, tak sempat nak packing.

On my way to the office, the DJ played a song. A hari raya song by Ahmad Jais which for the first time, enlighten my Raya mood..And I'm so in the mood now.You know what i am gonna do when i get home?I will switched to local tv to catch all the Raya advertisement. Only this morning I realized I haven't do that this year. Just hope for the 'ombak' advert won't be aired.I hate that iklan..It will always make me cry.The one and only thing that spoiled the mood is..I haven't got any Hari Raya card yet which is so tak best. I mean, I used to received lots and lots of them but this year. None.Sad isn;t it?Tsk..tsk..

This maybe my last post for this week coz I'm off to mom and dad tomorrow. Unless if I manage to kidnap dad's laptoplah kan.So people..


Have fun guys!!

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