Monday, November 22, 2004

Open house

The season is on again.. To hold open houses. Well, I simply love open houses coz I love to eat!!Makan stok tak ingat, ok..This year, I have to tell my self to control it sbb seme org cakap aku dah gemuk!!Sampai hati..Sob..sob..

Was thinking earlier that I won't be holding any coz it will be damn tiring. The procedure after always kill me and my mom. But then, to think again..Why not?Setahun sekali and I sort of miss my friends too. Dah lama tak get together..This invitation is especially for Mr.Fahimi who is now reciding in Sudan.Oii..Datangla rumah aku!!Haha

Will be notifying u guys about the date, but tell me personalyla sbb aku tanak post alamat aku dekat sini. Email me or sms me or whatever..

Ok..Got to get back to work..Melambak-lambak gile.
Take care y'all

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