Monday, October 25, 2004


Still no internet in the new office.I'm now in the old office,juggling betweenn taking calls and surfing the net.Haa..It's better than pretending to be bz at the new office eventhough we know there's nothing can be done.So i chose to become a receptionist here.

Mom went to Jakarta yesterday. She must be feeling so happy now to rejoin dad there.I bet she's happily preparing dishes for berbuka puasa. I kinda missed her though. There's nobody to laught at my jokes at night..No body to main cubit-cubit with..No body to mengumpat2 some more..and nobody to fuss around berbuka puasa time..Yeah, I am sad.I nearly cried when the house went so empty and I was so lonely last more "Na, awak buat apa tu?Jom teman mak tengok tv"..*sigh*..

Uhuk..Uhuk..I want my mommy!

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