Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Get Connected

Still no connection.Arghh..I soo missed my Yahoo Messenger chatting.Hehe.I feel so miserable and now, have to use dial up connection and this machine is so out of this century.Bapak lembab. To my mesenger frens yg slalu mengumpat or mengurat online..Sorryla people..Will be back in action ASAP ok?Itu pon, can't be that active pasal my superior's pc just seblah pc aku je..hehe..Dengkila derang ni kan?kan?

Ahh..talking about lembab..No more lembab pc for me coz we got new pc's!! And i am entitle for one.Hihihih..Habisla pc tu aku install macam2. If only I could get the flat screen instead of using the new one.Oh well, asalkan processor laju pun dah kire ok. The new office is ok i guess.Much more better than the old one.The bad thing is ..we have to share toilet with other people and..we dun have any basin in the pantry..Urgh..

Anyway, I like the new office coz it reminds me ..that i have to go shopping for accecories maybe?But really, I have to..U know to boost my semangat kerja.

Today, will be going for berbuka puasa at Hilton with Ciko and his fiance.Ahh..can't wait!!

Selamat berbuka puasa and take care.



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