Monday, August 30, 2004


I spent my weekend with Nik. She arrived around 11 and she had to listen to my mom's talking. Around 1 a.m we headed to uptown. She eat chicken chop and I only have 1 packet of cigarettes.

Then we went for shopping. Imagine shopping at uptown. What did I get? Seluar cerut2 for RM 38 and a shawl for..10 ringgit!! Bapak the murah ok..And Nik was like..crazy.She bought like..2 seluar..2 t-shirt and a shawl.Met Kak Ezza there..and she 'complimented' that I am getting fatter. Oh she also asked me why do I look like..shit..Not only herla but nana wafa and gerek also asked me the same question.Heshh..kenapa bile aku slekeh2 mestila jumpa orang2 yg aku kenal..ramai plak tu..

Around 4 a.m..I had to drag Nik home coz I'm so sleepy. On our way to her car a motorcycle came along. The driver drove his vehicle near me. Seeing that the machine will probably knock me down I dodged a bit. U know what the bloody hell backseat passenger did ? As soon as they approached me he stretches out his hand and groped me. Well, since I dodged earlier he just managed to grab my arms instead of 'other' thing. It left red marks on my arm..Sakitt tau tak??Busuk punye orang!!

The moral of the story is..If you have any child..make sure you educate them well..So takdelah die besa nanti,pantang jumpa pompuan je nak meraba!!Terasa sungguh ternoda aku..iskh..iskh

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