Tuesday, August 12, 2003

i sort of wake up the wrong side of the bed.i dun dress well to class today coz the mood is ain't there. woke up early compared to my actual time to complete my damn assigment.My rashes are still here.Go away!!*sigh*..

my housemate is holding makan2 session tonight and we're gonna cook but the problem is i want yam yam to come but due to some major issues.. i have to forget about it..although it's killing me

azam arrived last night but i didn';t got the chance to see him and he sort of don't bother to do the same..he said he'd be spending time with me today but i dun think that gonna happen coz he's so damn bz..as usual..

hmmm...boring day ahead..i wonder if something would spice it up?

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