Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Jenjarum dan epal kecik

Although I did apply sun screen, the skin on my nose area is starting to peel off. Sakit dan keji. Aku berupa jelmaan manusia berhidung ikan sekarang.

But that's not the point.The other day I was walking and saw a flower which I did not see for quite sometimes. It was bunga jenjarum or ixora. So, being me [bak ada kata certain orang,chics mengada lagi bimbo tapi pahal ko baca blog aku lagi,kemak?]I went sexcited sebab dah lama tak nampak.

I don't know about you guys but during my childhood years, me and my cousin would love to go to my grandma's backyard to look for this flower. Not to admire but to suck the madu. Bongok tak bongok tapi layan ok. We would patahkan the bunga and sucked the madu from the stem and it would taste so sweet. At times, the sweet taste is no more there when we arrive than mulalah masing-masin bersungut

"Ala, mesti kumbang dah menghisap madu bunga ni. Kita terlambat!!"

Lantas mencarik bunga lain [lalu kemudian di marah olek nenek hoho]. Cacat tak cacat yew tell me. I was walking with my boss that time and he saw me laughed so he asked why [aku berangan masa buat keje ok?]. That was the time when he make me laughed when he said

"Me too! But I always find the flower with the perfect petal because I believe it was sweeter than those yang tak cukup petals"

Boleh? Cacat..cacat

Ah. There was also another tumbuhan than I love to digest. Dulu, I love to cycle around the neighbourhood. Hey, basikal I ade bakul ok. Kalau haus boleh pegi kedai lepas tu letak dalam bakul. Best ok! Oh anyway, we would cycle around and finally will go to and area yang ada bushes and hedges. Disitu nanti ada sejenis buah yang tumbuh from the hedges that looks like a small apple. Macam very tinylah and it does taste like apple. So I was thinking, I mean that timelah, hebatlah malaysia boleh tanam apple. Haha. I don't really know what does that buah called until now but when I mentioned it now someone told me it is poisonous. Oh no!

Now I know who to blame for my mengadaness + crapness + or semua norma-norma tidak baik dalam diriku ini.

Yew poison-apple-look-alike!Yeww..

Haih. Anyway, it's good to think about old times, when your worry were only circulated around adakah aku akan dapat menghisap madu sebelum kumbang ataupun, masihkah ada epal kecik di hujung jalan itu.

Sungguh indahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

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