Wednesday, March 14, 2007

I gemuk ke?

If you are woman, you will always wonder why you are fat and if you have a boyfriend, he would be the punching bag.

"I gemuk ke _ _ _ _ [you/yang/baby/honey/sweetheart/abang [koff koff] ]"

Now, this is actually a trick question.

If the boyfriend answered

a) Taklah. You tak gemuk. - Boyfriend itu akan dituduh bias [you cakap macam tu sebab you sayangkan I] or she would accused you of lying or worst being ignorant.

b) Ya atau sedikit berisi atau kurus-kurus tak bestlah, kurus ke gemuk ke, you still cantik. Harap maklum, walaupun jawapannya samar-samar but to woman, kesemuanya bermaksud ya.- Haha. Bersedialah untuk berpeluh memujuk and not getting laid for few days or maybe weeks.

But to those yang tiada boyfriend dan hidup kesepian tanpa chenta, marilah chics bagi tips ini untuk mengetahui bahawa yew bunnies sudah gemuk ataupun tidak.

  1. While only wearing wearing panty and bra, focus on your hips. Do you see any flesh bulging? Kalau ya, jawapannya yew gemuk. Tapi ingat, memakai seluar dalam yang longgar dikira foul dan tidak boleh dimabil kira.

  2. If you wear G string, try to sit for few hours [contohnye pergi ke kelas], did you feel like your g string masuk di celah bontot dimana sebelum ini tidak? If yes, then you might gained some weight.

  3. On wearing tight jeans yang sebelum ini sangat mengancam dan melekap di bontot,have a heartful dinner and wait for a while after finishing eating. Terasa sakit perut sebab perut tidak dapat membebaskan diri dengan sempurna, akibat, jeans yang ketat.

  4. If you have difficulty to get into the jeans mentioned above.

  5. Tiba-tiba tetek anda besar. Halusinasi dan karut sahaja bila tetek je besa tapi tak gemuk. Melainkan yew buat impanla [kalau tetek kau dah semulajadi besa lainla]

  6. While applying facial cream, you realized you have a double chin.

Shit. Tiba-tiba aku terasa sendiri okkkkkkkkkk. Maka, haruslah mengstop disini.

But before I go, I want to show you a living proof a stupid dickhead who think he is cool.


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