Time: Around 8. 15, nak naik lif masuk kelas after makan meehun sup yang sedap
Watak: Fieda , June, Chics
June: Eh, tetek kau memang besala* Staring at Fieda
Fieda: Tulah, berterima kasih kepada ibuku okes kerana menurunkannya.
Chics: * Terdiam lalu berkata. Eh tapi kan mak aku punya besar, apsal aku punya kecik?
June: Hehe, tu kau ikut ayah kau punya kot.
Dan diikuti oleh gelak ketawa satu lif yang aku tidak pasti siapakah penumpang-penumpang yang lain.
Ayah aku punyaaaaa? Cessss. Sampai begitu sekali aku disamakan? Hoh
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Primary memories
Went to Jusco Cheras for lunch [jauh gile la lunchkan] when I saw this box containing few tables that claimed can whiten your shirt. And some other products for under wear and entah hape hape lagi. Apaaa? Whiten your under wear, mungkin lebih senang untuk menggetik di dalam gelap bila underwear sudah putih fluorescent.
Oh, anyway my point is how lucky today kids are. I mean during my time, I only had the privilege of having my baju whitened by nila. Which logically is doesn't make sense. Kau amik baju putih rendam dalam kaler biru baju putih boleh bertambah putih? Hey, as weird as it sound it did work ok except when my mum tercelup baju dengan lama dan baju bertukar menjadi biru. Atau lebih keji bila guna nila serbuk, baju ada tompok biru. Apakah ini?
And I still remember the preparation that emak did for me before I enroll primary 1. She wrapped my brown coloured exercise book with brown kertas minyak. Not tracing paper but the kertas minyak that look yellow brownish. I remembered asking her why and she told me it's to protect my exercise book and not to worry, everyone is doing it as if it was an in thing that time.
So the next day, I had my first day in school and aha, I was the only one that had my exercise book wrapped with kertas minyak. Everyone used plastic or some fancy wrapper. My exercise book was the ugliest.
When I get back I told my mum and she said " Oh, ye ke. Time mak blaja dulu, cikgu mak suruh balut pakai kertas minyak tu. Semua orang suka sebab cantik"
I just nodded that time sebab aku baru 7 tahun kan but now when I think of it, I was like
Apaaaa. Zaman mak blaja duluuuuuuuuuuu? Tsk, patutla aku sorang je yang buat
Hey, but my emak sanga ko-ol ok. She teman me until I finish my class and during recess I don't have to main rebut-rebut with other pelahap kids because she already bought me a mangkuk of mee kari with air sirap 20 sen.
Even she selalu nilakan my baju until biru, I think she is the greatest.
Oh, anyway my point is how lucky today kids are. I mean during my time, I only had the privilege of having my baju whitened by nila. Which logically is doesn't make sense. Kau amik baju putih rendam dalam kaler biru baju putih boleh bertambah putih? Hey, as weird as it sound it did work ok except when my mum tercelup baju dengan lama dan baju bertukar menjadi biru. Atau lebih keji bila guna nila serbuk, baju ada tompok biru. Apakah ini?
And I still remember the preparation that emak did for me before I enroll primary 1. She wrapped my brown coloured exercise book with brown kertas minyak. Not tracing paper but the kertas minyak that look yellow brownish. I remembered asking her why and she told me it's to protect my exercise book and not to worry, everyone is doing it as if it was an in thing that time.
So the next day, I had my first day in school and aha, I was the only one that had my exercise book wrapped with kertas minyak. Everyone used plastic or some fancy wrapper. My exercise book was the ugliest.
When I get back I told my mum and she said " Oh, ye ke. Time mak blaja dulu, cikgu mak suruh balut pakai kertas minyak tu. Semua orang suka sebab cantik"
I just nodded that time sebab aku baru 7 tahun kan but now when I think of it, I was like
Apaaaa. Zaman mak blaja duluuuuuuuuuuu? Tsk, patutla aku sorang je yang buat
Hey, but my emak sanga ko-ol ok. She teman me until I finish my class and during recess I don't have to main rebut-rebut with other pelahap kids because she already bought me a mangkuk of mee kari with air sirap 20 sen.
Even she selalu nilakan my baju until biru, I think she is the greatest.
Monday, March 26, 2007
Love love
I received an sms from a friend saying that she was in a shattered position after having a huge row with her fiancee. I replied her sms and asked what happened but she said she needed to be alone and will only get back to me when her condition gets better.
This is not right. Love is not supposed to treat her that way.
Love is supposed to feel with perasaan terbang melayang dan bunga-bungaan yang kembang mekar.
So someone asked me whether I still believe in love when she try to match me with a girl yang oh sangat kacak. Stylo dan menawan. I told her I do still believe in love but am not sure how the love should be felt.
So one night, after watching a love movie, I started to think. Haih, what does love really means to me? Now?
To me, love is
So. That's love to me although the maybe the word he itu boleh ditukar ke something else.
Btw aku sedih sebab afiq tu kene keluar af 5 sebab I love his bontot yang kelihatan pejal but kalau dafi kluar akan berlaku protes ok. Kiut gile dafi .ohhhhhhhh
Yang konfius
This is not right. Love is not supposed to treat her that way.
Love is supposed to feel with perasaan terbang melayang dan bunga-bungaan yang kembang mekar.
So someone asked me whether I still believe in love when she try to match me with a girl yang oh sangat kacak. Stylo dan menawan. I told her I do still believe in love but am not sure how the love should be felt.
So one night, after watching a love movie, I started to think. Haih, what does love really means to me? Now?
To me, love is
- Only about you and him. Like Rashidi Ishak said in cinta "If you know and she knows, might as well the whole world know". I beg to differ. The world is never kind. When you love someone and tell the whole world about it, the fucking judgmental people begin to think either you deserve better or your partner deserve better or maybe it will be you making the fool out of yourself telling how much you love that person padahal orang tu tak sayang kau or orang lain malas nak layan kau. Baik simpan shaja seorang and when u think about that person, you can smile alone and it will taste even sweeter.Well atleast untul the time come.If you know what I mean, if you don't know, apo ko bonak bona ekau ni?
- Love is when you lie on his arms and he looked at you and ask "are you comfortable?". Kalau lelaki tu nak romen, kau comfortable ke tak ke, mampusla kau.aku dah letih nak tido. Eh tapi yang ni aku tak sure sebab ramai je pengote cakap camni.
- When you told him you got cacing in your tummy or you akan kentut dengan busuk sebab baru makan telur, he will not get annoyed or buat muka keji.
- He protects you but does not protect you poyoly and will still let you stand on your own. Like takdela menggelabah nak campur tangan kalau kau begaduh dengan kawan kau ke apa.
- When you think of him at night and all the things that might happen, you can't sleep because you can't wait to be with him because he means excitement to you.
- When he prove every single thing he said. Itu sexy.
So. That's love to me although the maybe the word he itu boleh ditukar ke something else.
Btw aku sedih sebab afiq tu kene keluar af 5 sebab I love his bontot yang kelihatan pejal but kalau dafi kluar akan berlaku protes ok. Kiut gile dafi .ohhhhhhhh
Yang konfius
Friday, March 23, 2007
Pagi - Turun kebawah nak minum
Muzik - Menuju puncakkk..bla..bla
Aksi - Budak-budak terlompat-lompat
Tengahari - Turun ke bawah nak makan
Muzik - Menujupuncakk..bla..bla
Aksi - Budak-budak keji terlompat-lompat sambil budak-budak keji group lain main sms-sms dekat tv
Petang - Turun nak pegi kelas
Muzik - Suara Aznil
Aksi - Lelaki hampir separuh abad rambut oren cakap-cakap
Tengah malam - Turun nak makan coklat
Muzik - Golllllllllllllllllllllll
Aksi - Pemain-pemain bola berbontot seksi berpelukan sesama sendiri
Malam - Turun nak tengok heroes
Muzik -" Apo cito jopun pon ado ni?" + " Ni apahal la pulak tengok cite india ni?"
Aksi - Memegang remote dengan sungguh ketat dan erat!
Apakah ertinya ini? Hoh!
Muzik - Menuju puncakkk..bla..bla
Aksi - Budak-budak terlompat-lompat
Tengahari - Turun ke bawah nak makan
Muzik - Menujupuncakk..bla..bla
Aksi - Budak-budak keji terlompat-lompat sambil budak-budak keji group lain main sms-sms dekat tv
Petang - Turun nak pegi kelas
Muzik - Suara Aznil
Aksi - Lelaki hampir separuh abad rambut oren cakap-cakap
Tengah malam - Turun nak makan coklat
Muzik - Golllllllllllllllllllllll
Aksi - Pemain-pemain bola berbontot seksi berpelukan sesama sendiri
Malam - Turun nak tengok heroes
Muzik -" Apo cito jopun pon ado ni?" + " Ni apahal la pulak tengok cite india ni?"
Aksi - Memegang remote dengan sungguh ketat dan erat!
Apakah ertinya ini? Hoh!
Thursday, March 22, 2007
I was walking in the cafeteria when I realised everyone was watching me. Tak kira lelaki atau perempuan
Wah, tidak sia-sia aku memakai mekap dan mendandan . Aku menjadi pujaan pria dan juga err..priya[na?]
Setelah itu, masuk ke tandas untuk mengencing apabila seorang perempuan memegang bahu dengan lembut dan berwajah concern.
"Sis, zip you terbukak"
Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Terbukak dengan sangat besar. Pndek kata paling maksima. Patutlah semua memandang, memandang ke rainbow underwear ku rupanya!
Hoh. Penat saja bermekap!
Wah, tidak sia-sia aku memakai mekap dan mendandan . Aku menjadi pujaan pria dan juga err..priya[na?]
Setelah itu, masuk ke tandas untuk mengencing apabila seorang perempuan memegang bahu dengan lembut dan berwajah concern.
"Sis, zip you terbukak"
Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Terbukak dengan sangat besar. Pndek kata paling maksima. Patutlah semua memandang, memandang ke rainbow underwear ku rupanya!
Hoh. Penat saja bermekap!
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
I'm a slave for you
I love MJ and everybody know that. But lately I sensed that she is no more exists as a pet and the master-role has been diverse.
You see, MJ is what I call a puppy-cat because she follows me everywhere I go. I mean everywhere. I want to berak, she pretend to go and stay in the toilet, I got to the kitchen she will follow and when I am on my table doing my work on the pc, she will sibuk-sibuk jatuhkan barang and squeeze in between my things or worst, just lie down on the keyboard.
But lately, she is getting weirder. Tiap-tiap kali nak makan or minum, she will insist me to teman her. Teman je tak pe lagi, nak kene urut-urut dulu, layan die ngiau ngiau dulu barula nak makan. Getik ok kucing gua.
Ah, one of my pantang larang is, never ever interrupt my beauty sleep. Janganlah lu gatal-gatal nak cakap telefon kuat-kuat bila tido seblah gua or gatal-gatal kejut gua tetibe. Komfem kene maki. I don't know why but that's me lah. But this super duper mengada MJ have the nerve untuk kejut gua sambil menggeseal mengiau manja. Amazingly, I was not angry instead I petted her or see whether she wants to get out of the room to eat or anything.
Ini sudah macam succumb kepada semua kehendak dia. Sampai tidurku juga terganggu okies. Dahla bila tido dengan gua,dia nak konker katil. Terpaksala gua tidur secara mengecut dan sempit sebab tamo terlanggar dia. Ceh.
Tapi, pagi semalam adalah yang paling hangin. I went to bed around 4 and it was raining. Best gile tido ok but around seven, she started her ngiau ngiau and began rubbing her wet nose to my face. Fine, gua urut – urut sambil cakap "ngiau ngiau sayang dia". Tamo gak and she jumped from the bed, so I assumed die nak kench. I let her out and with a huge grin, wa sambung tido.
I guessed my mum let her in after die memekak dekat luar pintu, yet bila dah masuk sekali lagi menggesel and ngiau ngiau so I layan her a bit and let her out sebab die pegi kearah pintu. Dan kejadian ini berulang selama 3 kali.
Masuk kali ketiga, memang hangin tak hengat. Dia mengiau, gua telah mengetuk kepalanya and aha, dia terus diam. Menjilat bulu sambil membaring dengan manja nearby dan terus tido.
Getik tak getik. Dah kene tiaw baru nak tido.
Walaupun rasa bersalah, gua terus sambung tido. Haha.
"Sayang anak tangan-tangankan, sayang isteri tinggal-tinggalkan, sayang kucing ketuk-ketukkan"
Tapi rasa dia merajukla, sebab satu hari tak nampak.
Ala sorilaa
:( .
You see, MJ is what I call a puppy-cat because she follows me everywhere I go. I mean everywhere. I want to berak, she pretend to go and stay in the toilet, I got to the kitchen she will follow and when I am on my table doing my work on the pc, she will sibuk-sibuk jatuhkan barang and squeeze in between my things or worst, just lie down on the keyboard.
But lately, she is getting weirder. Tiap-tiap kali nak makan or minum, she will insist me to teman her. Teman je tak pe lagi, nak kene urut-urut dulu, layan die ngiau ngiau dulu barula nak makan. Getik ok kucing gua.
Ah, one of my pantang larang is, never ever interrupt my beauty sleep. Janganlah lu gatal-gatal nak cakap telefon kuat-kuat bila tido seblah gua or gatal-gatal kejut gua tetibe. Komfem kene maki. I don't know why but that's me lah. But this super duper mengada MJ have the nerve untuk kejut gua sambil menggeseal mengiau manja. Amazingly, I was not angry instead I petted her or see whether she wants to get out of the room to eat or anything.
Ini sudah macam succumb kepada semua kehendak dia. Sampai tidurku juga terganggu okies. Dahla bila tido dengan gua,dia nak konker katil. Terpaksala gua tidur secara mengecut dan sempit sebab tamo terlanggar dia. Ceh.
Tapi, pagi semalam adalah yang paling hangin. I went to bed around 4 and it was raining. Best gile tido ok but around seven, she started her ngiau ngiau and began rubbing her wet nose to my face. Fine, gua urut – urut sambil cakap "ngiau ngiau sayang dia". Tamo gak and she jumped from the bed, so I assumed die nak kench. I let her out and with a huge grin, wa sambung tido.
I guessed my mum let her in after die memekak dekat luar pintu, yet bila dah masuk sekali lagi menggesel and ngiau ngiau so I layan her a bit and let her out sebab die pegi kearah pintu. Dan kejadian ini berulang selama 3 kali.
Masuk kali ketiga, memang hangin tak hengat. Dia mengiau, gua telah mengetuk kepalanya and aha, dia terus diam. Menjilat bulu sambil membaring dengan manja nearby dan terus tido.
Getik tak getik. Dah kene tiaw baru nak tido.
Walaupun rasa bersalah, gua terus sambung tido. Haha.
"Sayang anak tangan-tangankan, sayang isteri tinggal-tinggalkan, sayang kucing ketuk-ketukkan"
Tapi rasa dia merajukla, sebab satu hari tak nampak.
Ala sorilaa
:( .
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Ok bunnies. I need your helplah.
My mum and aunties plus my grandma will be going to Bandung to buy my cousins wedding punye barang coz I telah mengatakan french lace di sana dalah chantek dan murah
Masalahnya sekarang ialah mereka telah semangat untuk pergi dan menyuruh aku memberi maklumat tentang Bandung which I have no idea.
The only info I got is kain lace murah dekat Pasar Baru and kad kawen juga adalah murah.
Ya, jika yew bunnies tahu infonye, silalah menajdi comel dan share with me. Tengkiu and muahs
My mum and aunties plus my grandma will be going to Bandung to buy my cousins wedding punye barang coz I telah mengatakan french lace di sana dalah chantek dan murah
Masalahnya sekarang ialah mereka telah semangat untuk pergi dan menyuruh aku memberi maklumat tentang Bandung which I have no idea.
The only info I got is kain lace murah dekat Pasar Baru and kad kawen juga adalah murah.
- Di manakah letaknya pasar baru itu?
- Apakah ada hotel ynag berdekatan sebab nenek aku adalah tidak larat jalan jauh tapi gatal nak ikut.And tanak hotel mahal sebab bukan nak pegi makan angin.
- Kad kawen yang murah itu terletak di jalan pagarsih, dimanakah ia and jauh ke from that pasar baru.
- Adakah tempat untuk membeli cenderahati for the wedding yang dibuat dari kaca or yang chantek2?
Ya, jika yew bunnies tahu infonye, silalah menajdi comel dan share with me. Tengkiu and muahs
Monday, March 19, 2007
Sengal panas
Oh God. I wish I am an Eskimo chica. So I can make abc and letak lots of susu cair and campur coklat cair. And I can have rosy pink cheeks and..and play hug hug with polar bear.
The weather is so damn hot. 10 minutes ago I was fully dressed and now I in my birthday sut, sweating like a pig [although I never witness or imagine how do pigs sweat].
Should I cut my hair? I want to but hmm..hmm..Nevermind.
I actually have lots of thing to blog about but gua takde mood ok. Panas gile.Nantilah ok
Have a marvelous monday people.
The weather is so damn hot. 10 minutes ago I was fully dressed and now I in my birthday sut, sweating like a pig [although I never witness or imagine how do pigs sweat].
Should I cut my hair? I want to but hmm..hmm..Nevermind.
I actually have lots of thing to blog about but gua takde mood ok. Panas gile.Nantilah ok
Have a marvelous monday people.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Plagiat itu keji
I had no intention to blog today since I was out the whole day but as I surf through the internet for my assignment material, I found this website.

Sila baca catatan ini dengan teliti.
Sigh. Apasal macam pernah aku baca je benda ni hah?
Sebab ianya adalah sama dengan entry aku dated 7 March 07. Apakahhhhhhhhhhhh?
Keji ok. Sangat keji.
Sila baca catatan ini dengan teliti.
Sigh. Apasal macam pernah aku baca je benda ni hah?
Sebab ianya adalah sama dengan entry aku dated 7 March 07. Apakahhhhhhhhhhhh?
Keji ok. Sangat keji.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
I gemuk ke?
If you are woman, you will always wonder why you are fat and if you have a boyfriend, he would be the punching bag.
"I gemuk ke _ _ _ _ [you/yang/baby/honey/sweetheart/abang [koff koff] ]"
Now, this is actually a trick question.
If the boyfriend answered
a) Taklah. You tak gemuk. - Boyfriend itu akan dituduh bias [you cakap macam tu sebab you sayangkan I] or she would accused you of lying or worst being ignorant.
b) Ya atau sedikit berisi atau kurus-kurus tak bestlah, kurus ke gemuk ke, you still cantik. Harap maklum, walaupun jawapannya samar-samar but to woman, kesemuanya bermaksud ya.- Haha. Bersedialah untuk berpeluh memujuk and not getting laid for few days or maybe weeks.
But to those yang tiada boyfriend dan hidup kesepian tanpa chenta, marilah chics bagi tips ini untuk mengetahui bahawa yew bunnies sudah gemuk ataupun tidak.
Shit. Tiba-tiba aku terasa sendiri okkkkkkkkkk. Maka, haruslah mengstop disini.
But before I go, I want to show you a living proof a stupid dickhead who think he is cool.

"I gemuk ke _ _ _ _ [you/yang/baby/honey/sweetheart/abang [koff koff] ]"
Now, this is actually a trick question.
If the boyfriend answered
a) Taklah. You tak gemuk. - Boyfriend itu akan dituduh bias [you cakap macam tu sebab you sayangkan I] or she would accused you of lying or worst being ignorant.
b) Ya atau sedikit berisi atau kurus-kurus tak bestlah, kurus ke gemuk ke, you still cantik. Harap maklum, walaupun jawapannya samar-samar but to woman, kesemuanya bermaksud ya.- Haha. Bersedialah untuk berpeluh memujuk and not getting laid for few days or maybe weeks.
But to those yang tiada boyfriend dan hidup kesepian tanpa chenta, marilah chics bagi tips ini untuk mengetahui bahawa yew bunnies sudah gemuk ataupun tidak.
- While only wearing wearing panty and bra, focus on your hips. Do you see any flesh bulging? Kalau ya, jawapannya yew gemuk. Tapi ingat, memakai seluar dalam yang longgar dikira foul dan tidak boleh dimabil kira.
- If you wear G string, try to sit for few hours [contohnye pergi ke kelas], did you feel like your g string masuk di celah bontot dimana sebelum ini tidak? If yes, then you might gained some weight.
- On wearing tight jeans yang sebelum ini sangat mengancam dan melekap di bontot,have a heartful dinner and wait for a while after finishing eating. Terasa sakit perut sebab perut tidak dapat membebaskan diri dengan sempurna, akibat, jeans yang ketat.
- If you have difficulty to get into the jeans mentioned above.
- Tiba-tiba tetek anda besar. Halusinasi dan karut sahaja bila tetek je besa tapi tak gemuk. Melainkan yew buat impanla [kalau tetek kau dah semulajadi besa lainla]
- While applying facial cream, you realized you have a double chin.
Shit. Tiba-tiba aku terasa sendiri okkkkkkkkkk. Maka, haruslah mengstop disini.
But before I go, I want to show you a living proof a stupid dickhead who think he is cool.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Exuberance. That's me, today. Despite the hot whether that drove my patience to the edge. Nearly slash my tresses and felt cheerless seeing MJ chose to lie on the bathroom tile rather than cuddle with me on the bed.
One thought in between, I think hair dressers are magic elves in disguise sebab they could make your hair so shiny and lembut even your hair look like berus sabut before the washing up. And the backrub, ohh!

"Come to us and we'll put some magic to your hair"- The magic elves
By the way, I had a crush on my hairdresser. She's gebu and has nice streaks of caramel on her head. I think she's hot. This is a new salon we are talking about, not T&G.
On the main topic, bukan senang to see me in my high spirits, especially this few weeks. Can't really find time to go makan-makan with Naz or Saiful or Epy or even my hot neighbour Ikhwan. Bilalah nak melepak ni hah?
Still. I am happy today.
1. Frank Sinatra- The way you look tonight
2. Nona magazine - Mar 07
3. Chocolates in boxes
Maybe it doesn't make sense to you but it me, it does .
Oh. This is a jumble up entry, if you know what I mean.
Tell me, what made your day today?
Like, really?
One thought in between, I think hair dressers are magic elves in disguise sebab they could make your hair so shiny and lembut even your hair look like berus sabut before the washing up. And the backrub, ohh!
"Come to us and we'll put some magic to your hair"- The magic elves
By the way, I had a crush on my hairdresser. She's gebu and has nice streaks of caramel on her head. I think she's hot. This is a new salon we are talking about, not T&G.
On the main topic, bukan senang to see me in my high spirits, especially this few weeks. Can't really find time to go makan-makan with Naz or Saiful or Epy or even my hot neighbour Ikhwan. Bilalah nak melepak ni hah?
Still. I am happy today.
1. Frank Sinatra- The way you look tonight
2. Nona magazine - Mar 07
3. Chocolates in boxes
Maybe it doesn't make sense to you but it me, it does .
Oh. This is a jumble up entry, if you know what I mean.
Tell me, what made your day today?
Like, really?
Monday, March 12, 2007
First love.aww
Being a Yasmin Ahmad's fan I went to watch Mukhsin during the weekend. Although lots of people criticise her work but I adore them because her movies are all about simplicity and honesty. Tiada adegan datuk atau tan sri memakai kot di dalam rumah tengahari buta atau adegan perempuan kecewa sambil membawa motor laju-laju atau watak perempuan baik yang di benci masyarakat dan beratus nasib malang menimpa tapi dia masih tabah. Hoh.

Well, you could see Yasmin's signature in this story even some of them doesn't really look as it fits there but being bias, I still allow them to be the feast for my eyes.
Am not going to be a spoiler and tell you much about the movie yet will only tell you some bits that I noticed.
What makes me smiles is the way she portray society in this movie. Like the rest of her production, she did not only focus on the main title which in this case, a boy called Mukhsin but there are stories in a story.
As usual, I would promote people to watch Yasmin's movie. Give it a shot, don't worry tiada dialog "Cukup Fendi, Cukup!!" or "Apa punya turr".
Well, you could see Yasmin's signature in this story even some of them doesn't really look as it fits there but being bias, I still allow them to be the feast for my eyes.
Am not going to be a spoiler and tell you much about the movie yet will only tell you some bits that I noticed.
What makes me smiles is the way she portray society in this movie. Like the rest of her production, she did not only focus on the main title which in this case, a boy called Mukhsin but there are stories in a story.
- I love some few scenes of perlawanan bola kampong in this movie [Team rengit lawan team apatah]. Remind me of perlawanan kampong in my err kampong. Cayalah!
- I can't help myself from snickering on seeing the neighbour acted by Rosie Rashid you always like to menyebok and mendengki with her jiran. Cakap orang bukan-bukan padahal dia sendiri teringin. Sour grapes I would say. And I feel like laughing coz I know someone who is like that. Paku dulang, paku serpih. Mengata orang dia yang lebih. Aku malas nak cakap, tengokla sendiri. Hehe
- Don't really know what Orked parents did although in the sequence it explains. Or maybe it's not important.
- I totally dig it the scene when Noorkhiriah bruised a Malay guy ego after she choose a Chinese guy instead of her own race despite being questioned "Dah tak cukup jantan melayu ke lagi dalam dunia ni?". Oh I tell yew, I was itching to answer it. Haha
- One of the soundtrack by Nina Simone , Ne Me Quitte Pas (Don't Leave Me) was superb. Heartrending.
- Don't think the movie is about teaching small children to he hansap. There's nothing hansap going on, just normal perasaan. And encrypted beautifully.
- I saw Jason [Ng Choo Seong] from Sepet in one of the scene. I was like.. Jasonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn. I soooo love yewlah!! Tak tipu, my heart really melt like chocolate under the sun. Eceh.
- Love the fact that no pan asian or lelaki chun was selected as the hero. The boy who play Mukhsin part, Mohd Syafie is the typical boy who could find at the playground nearby or while you were playing galah panjang at your grandma's house. Aryana as Orked was just ok.
- I love the father character. Abang ko-ol lah! And orked's playmate [Rozie's Rashid daughter in the movielah] buat aku tergelak ok. Kepochi kecik!
- Laughed again when I saw familiar-but-dah-lama-tak-dengar-phrases-such as "kau ni dah lama aku peratikan, dah banyak lemak!" as the mother memiat telinge anaknya, the picture of Mukhsin's kunci basikal yang berbentuk oval [pink faded] and the scene adibah noor making ais krim Malaysia, old school.
- To me, this movie makes me see how Yasmin is proud to be a Malay but berasa keji to witness the behaviour of the Malay.
As usual, I would promote people to watch Yasmin's movie. Give it a shot, don't worry tiada dialog "Cukup Fendi, Cukup!!" or "Apa punya turr".
Friday, March 09, 2007
Benci tapi chenta
Bunny-bunny yang manis,
I'm hungry,plus someone is cooking tempe goreng and I can smell it from my room. Imgine sambal tempe dengan paru. Demmitla, I can't eat coz I am on diet. Yeah, I know but be supportive ok. tsk
Yesterday I understood the meaning of benci tapi chenta. Got nothing to do [actually I have but i ignored it] and switched to the tv, practically running into every channel when I settled for Astro Aruna. I hate Aruna because I just hate Arunalah. Ha! Make sense or not?:P
So anyway, that time there was this show called bidadari. If you asked it's a typical indonesian show which the main cast of course anak tiri yang ditirikan tetapi cantik dan baik hati, and pelakon tambahan saudara tiri yang jahat beserta ibu tiri yang jahat [tell me something newlah wey] and ohh, our new trend, the pari-pari yang baik dan pari-pari jahat.
I tell yewla, it's more than annoying menyaksikan the heroin sangat bersabar dan pasrah walaupon pelbagai kejahatan dilakukan keatasnya. I am confused between baik hati and stupid. But the weirdest thing is, I waited until it finished although I loathe it and told myself that I will want to see the continual of that annoying series.
Like back in school, people used to said I had the resemblance of a dangdut singer which I refused to divulge the name and I hate it. I mean I hate dangdut and I hate to be compared to her because every time she came out on the telly, manusia manusia keji akan meleret-leret matanya padaku while giving me the nudge, my cue to dangdut.Apaaaaaaaaaaaa? Even until now, during karaoke I am still victimised :P. Yet, task..this is embarrassing to admit but I sort of know her song by heart. Like taikkkkkkkkkk ok.Don't ask me why I hate dangdut, I just don't, when I hear a dangdut song, aku blushing sebab aku malu dengan wordings dan bunyik tambahan yang getik [even the fact i am getik myself]. If you like dangdut, well good for you.
And when I think harder, it's like when I have my daily dosage of blog reading of blogs that are purely annoying but yew know, I keep coming back for more.Tsk.
Don't give me that look, I know you did the same thing too. Ha!
Since it's friday,make sure you enjoys the two days after today!
I'm hungry,plus someone is cooking tempe goreng and I can smell it from my room. Imgine sambal tempe dengan paru. Demmitla, I can't eat coz I am on diet. Yeah, I know but be supportive ok. tsk
Yesterday I understood the meaning of benci tapi chenta. Got nothing to do [actually I have but i ignored it] and switched to the tv, practically running into every channel when I settled for Astro Aruna. I hate Aruna because I just hate Arunalah. Ha! Make sense or not?:P
So anyway, that time there was this show called bidadari. If you asked it's a typical indonesian show which the main cast of course anak tiri yang ditirikan tetapi cantik dan baik hati, and pelakon tambahan saudara tiri yang jahat beserta ibu tiri yang jahat [tell me something newlah wey] and ohh, our new trend, the pari-pari yang baik dan pari-pari jahat.
I tell yewla, it's more than annoying menyaksikan the heroin sangat bersabar dan pasrah walaupon pelbagai kejahatan dilakukan keatasnya. I am confused between baik hati and stupid. But the weirdest thing is, I waited until it finished although I loathe it and told myself that I will want to see the continual of that annoying series.
Like back in school, people used to said I had the resemblance of a dangdut singer which I refused to divulge the name and I hate it. I mean I hate dangdut and I hate to be compared to her because every time she came out on the telly, manusia manusia keji akan meleret-leret matanya padaku while giving me the nudge, my cue to dangdut.Apaaaaaaaaaaaa? Even until now, during karaoke I am still victimised :P. Yet, task..this is embarrassing to admit but I sort of know her song by heart. Like taikkkkkkkkkk ok.Don't ask me why I hate dangdut, I just don't, when I hear a dangdut song, aku blushing sebab aku malu dengan wordings dan bunyik tambahan yang getik [even the fact i am getik myself]. If you like dangdut, well good for you.
And when I think harder, it's like when I have my daily dosage of blog reading of blogs that are purely annoying but yew know, I keep coming back for more.Tsk.
Don't give me that look, I know you did the same thing too. Ha!
Since it's friday,make sure you enjoys the two days after today!
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Jenjarum dan epal kecik
Although I did apply sun screen, the skin on my nose area is starting to peel off. Sakit dan keji. Aku berupa jelmaan manusia berhidung ikan sekarang.
But that's not the point.The other day I was walking and saw a flower which I did not see for quite sometimes. It was bunga jenjarum or ixora. So, being me [bak ada kata certain orang,chics mengada lagi bimbo tapi pahal ko baca blog aku lagi,kemak?]I went sexcited sebab dah lama tak nampak.
I don't know about you guys but during my childhood years, me and my cousin would love to go to my grandma's backyard to look for this flower. Not to admire but to suck the madu. Bongok tak bongok tapi layan ok. We would patahkan the bunga and sucked the madu from the stem and it would taste so sweet. At times, the sweet taste is no more there when we arrive than mulalah masing-masin bersungut
"Ala, mesti kumbang dah menghisap madu bunga ni. Kita terlambat!!"
Lantas mencarik bunga lain [lalu kemudian di marah olek nenek hoho]. Cacat tak cacat yew tell me. I was walking with my boss that time and he saw me laughed so he asked why [aku berangan masa buat keje ok?]. That was the time when he make me laughed when he said
"Me too! But I always find the flower with the perfect petal because I believe it was sweeter than those yang tak cukup petals"
Boleh? Cacat..cacat
Ah. There was also another tumbuhan than I love to digest. Dulu, I love to cycle around the neighbourhood. Hey, basikal I ade bakul ok. Kalau haus boleh pegi kedai lepas tu letak dalam bakul. Best ok! Oh anyway, we would cycle around and finally will go to and area yang ada bushes and hedges. Disitu nanti ada sejenis buah yang tumbuh from the hedges that looks like a small apple. Macam very tinylah and it does taste like apple. So I was thinking, I mean that timelah, hebatlah malaysia boleh tanam apple. Haha. I don't really know what does that buah called until now but when I mentioned it now someone told me it is poisonous. Oh no!
Now I know who to blame for my mengadaness + crapness + or semua norma-norma tidak baik dalam diriku ini.
Yew poison-apple-look-alike!Yeww..
Haih. Anyway, it's good to think about old times, when your worry were only circulated around adakah aku akan dapat menghisap madu sebelum kumbang ataupun, masihkah ada epal kecik di hujung jalan itu.
Sungguh indahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
But that's not the point.The other day I was walking and saw a flower which I did not see for quite sometimes. It was bunga jenjarum or ixora. So, being me [bak ada kata certain orang,chics mengada lagi bimbo tapi pahal ko baca blog aku lagi,kemak?]I went sexcited sebab dah lama tak nampak.
I don't know about you guys but during my childhood years, me and my cousin would love to go to my grandma's backyard to look for this flower. Not to admire but to suck the madu. Bongok tak bongok tapi layan ok. We would patahkan the bunga and sucked the madu from the stem and it would taste so sweet. At times, the sweet taste is no more there when we arrive than mulalah masing-masin bersungut
"Ala, mesti kumbang dah menghisap madu bunga ni. Kita terlambat!!"
Lantas mencarik bunga lain [lalu kemudian di marah olek nenek hoho]. Cacat tak cacat yew tell me. I was walking with my boss that time and he saw me laughed so he asked why [aku berangan masa buat keje ok?]. That was the time when he make me laughed when he said
"Me too! But I always find the flower with the perfect petal because I believe it was sweeter than those yang tak cukup petals"
Boleh? Cacat..cacat
Ah. There was also another tumbuhan than I love to digest. Dulu, I love to cycle around the neighbourhood. Hey, basikal I ade bakul ok. Kalau haus boleh pegi kedai lepas tu letak dalam bakul. Best ok! Oh anyway, we would cycle around and finally will go to and area yang ada bushes and hedges. Disitu nanti ada sejenis buah yang tumbuh from the hedges that looks like a small apple. Macam very tinylah and it does taste like apple. So I was thinking, I mean that timelah, hebatlah malaysia boleh tanam apple. Haha. I don't really know what does that buah called until now but when I mentioned it now someone told me it is poisonous. Oh no!
Now I know who to blame for my mengadaness + crapness + or semua norma-norma tidak baik dalam diriku ini.
Yew poison-apple-look-alike!Yeww..
Haih. Anyway, it's good to think about old times, when your worry were only circulated around adakah aku akan dapat menghisap madu sebelum kumbang ataupun, masihkah ada epal kecik di hujung jalan itu.
Sungguh indahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
Monday, March 05, 2007
Vacation updates
Yes bunnies I am back [much to some people disappointment haha]. Had a blast trip to Bali and really enjoyed my time there sampai tanak balik okeh.
Because I am so sick of essay [and the fact aku ade berlambak lagi nak siapkan] so here are some of the bits in other than essay.
5 things I love about Bali
- The culture and architecture are beautiful
- Balinese are extremely nice
- Clothing is very cheapla wey. I got a nice top for 8 ringgit.
- My hotel rocks ok. The layanan is so the best and it is very quiet. I love.
- Balinese spa is superb. Sangat orgasma.
5 things I don't like about Bali
- The food. I miss Malaysian food.
- The sampah sarap at tourist place. So tak menjaga kebersihan
- The beach at my place was full of dead coral. Nak mandi sakit ok.
- Imported goods are expensice. Lay's cost RM 20 per packet!
- The long flight. 3 jam tu lama ok.
5 things from my eyes about Bali
- After the bombing, Balinese really face difficulty. You can see by the number of people eating at a place at a time.
- A kid with a self made toy from bottle and bottle cap. It makes me sad realising how poor he is.
- Balinese are very religious. There would be religion ceremony every where with small place to pray in every houses. Semayangnya harus pakai kebaya ya mbak, 3 kali sehari!
- People there are multilingual. Pamphlets for shows were written in various languages according to country. Danish, Korean, Japanese, English, you name it.
- Kuta hawkers were very persistence but not for other places. I don't really like Kuta, because of its busyness and you could not really enjoy your beach because it was packed with people.
5 things that happen while I was in Bali
- I missed MJ
- I miss my mom's birthday
- Went snorkeling and saw big beautiful fishes. Will get a scuba license after toning up and be fit [haha]
- Did not manage to go for paragliding. The place is too far away :(
- Ate shitty buffet that cost RM 40 per person but rasa macam celake dengan choice yang celake juga.
5 things I expected in Bali but did not happen
- To see babi everywhere
- To get annoyed with the Indonesian like I felt in Jakarta
- To be able to skinny dip. Jangan kata nak skinny dipping, nak mandi laut biasa pon tak lepas ok.
- Expecting throngs of people in Kuta tapi hoh, Heritage Row lagi happening.
- To miss home.
But overall, I had such a good time walaupon sudah hitam ok. Tsk. But yeah, nothing could bring me down. I mean absolutely nothing termasuk kehitaman kulit. Ini adalah kerana hey, I am having a good life!
So, as promised [eceh] pictures are here.
Have a good life bunnies.
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