Saturday, May 19, 2007


I was reading a blog belong to a senior of mine when I came across a sad entry of hers. About the deceased of her ferrets.

Oh, how I cried!

I know exactly how it feels like. When I think of honey star and his motobot purr it make my vision blur coz I missed him so much.

And when I think of how cute MJ looked when she sleep terkangkang on my bed, it makes my heart soften and also blurred my vision to think that one day, she won't be able to do that.

I think I will .. I will..go blind due to excessive crying when the times come. You know like kassim selamat.

No. I don't want to go there yet.

All I know that.. MJ is sleeping terkangkang on my bed now.

And leaving her bulu all over my bed .hoh

Yeah, and shall not think of what will happen in the future.

Somehow I always cried when I read about the deceased of pets rather than the deceased of people, like the day before I went to one of Malaysia's celebrity blog and read an entry about his girlfriend who lost a dog, that made me cry too. But shush, please don't tell anyone I read celebrities' blog for that is not my cup of tea, not that I don't like what they write, some of them write brilliantly yet aku rasa macam poyo je baca blog celebrity sebab ramai sangat nak tulis komen amik hati and bodek but somehow I ended reading this guy blog. And maybe because he is kind of cute.Haha

Yeah, typical I know.

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