Monday, May 14, 2007

My heart

Despite having huge liking for endon song, I despise the song 'my heart'. I think it is a corny song yang entah hape-hape. And it's over playedla macam lagu lemon tree. I don't even like the singers especially the woman coz her name is weird. Not like my name, so not weirds but indah lagi. Haha.Oh. Anyway, I don't find that song romantic at all. Not at all tapi bingit ade ok. hearrttt. cacat.

Until it was sang by ebi and mila. Honestly, I don't like ebi, i mean biasa-biasa ajela coz I don't like rambut kembang guys. No offense tapi kalau aku nak manja-manja nanti rambut masuk hidung, aku seseme. And nanti tak boleh bezakan mana satu rambut gatal [ i love to tarik rambut gatal ok. itu tandanya chenta.haha]. Yet, when he sang that song aku tiba-tiba hatiku berombak-rombak melihat ebi apatah lagi disaat dia mengusap rambut mila. Oh no.ebii ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... Gersang.

I love mila to begin with. If I am a guy I would have mengurat her but to think about it again, I would still go for her now.She, despite being kecik tapi power jugak okeh and I think she's pretty also.

Anyway, my point is, they make me love that song dan sekaranggggggggggggg aku nak carik lagu tu versi ebi n mila. Oh yes, I am happy that syawal was voted out. I don't know why I don't like him, there's something about him yang menjengkelkan. Maybe the way he carry himself. Sungguh tidak confident dan menggelupur okkkkkkkkkkkk.

I hope mila will win tapi aku hope jela, undinye..hado!

On random thought. I think eminem and gary barlow are just brilliant. Excuse me I don't like rap but eminem is simply brilliant. Love his song, tidak hanya bercerita pasal tetek gebu wanita dan buntut yang menggoda.Gary Barlow? Adakah boy band yg berjaya melawan take that? Aha!

Ok. The bimbo will sign off. Will think of more intellectual thing to write tomorrow.

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