Monday, January 29, 2007

A wedding and a baby

Sunday was packed with visiting and hugging small, normal and huge teteks.

Tina and Bulat celebrated their love by having second reception on bulat side. I was the pengapit altho I was so keji and tak boleh diharap, as usual but I like making new baju, so it's acceptable.

The only thing is my new baju is ketat at the bustline seperti aku adalah seekor nangka yang dibalut; I couldn't even breath properly seperti ada obstacle menekan dada. And while I was laughing dan melahap untuk kali kedua, "pop" butang itu adalah meletup dan terbuka. Celaka. Ini adalah tempat untuk bersanding dan makan bukan tempat untuk membogel sharina!

And because my hands were full with ayam golek, I had to ask nicky to put it together for me and she did it willingly. Penyumbangleweng.

Tsk. I need to lose weight and majorrrr ok. I mean my tailor was a good tailor and the cutting are still the same so the problem is me. Even my kain felt like it's going to burst anytime. Like hello, baju aku adalah merekah di bahagian dada ok dan jahitannya sudah tetas.

Eh, actually the story is about the wedding. Since I snapped few pictures, here are some of them

The happy couple

Preparing for the big walk. She looks happy doesn't she?:)

Can you spot the single?:P

After staying for a quite long hours we decided to move on to sjmc to visit bena and his new baby boy Qaed [kotla..hehe]. Both the mama and baby were fine axcept the baby had a slight fever. Bena takde muka derita lansung, dah start boleh cakap macam tertelan mikrofon and she can even start to pose altho she told me the pain was excruciating.

Aku adalah cuak walaupon bayangan untuk membaby adalah sangat kelam

The smiling momma with papa and baby[as the background] and of course teteks yang seperti biasa menghogging lime light

Who would guess girls who you know since zaman hingus meleleh till zaman cucuk langit dibawah sinaran lampu kelip-kelip are mommies today .

Demm. But I still wonder, how does it feel to have a baby sucking you?

Pictures are here, as usual.

Have a wonderful mondays bunnies!

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